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I have spent hours trying to get my RD 700 working properly with Real Band. The instrument definition works fine in BB as well as Sonar. I have read most of the posts here and have attempted re-installing the definion several times. It compiles without error messages and GM works fine. It is recognized by RB but no information is present in the patch selection dialogue. I have discovered that the RD700 works pretty well by selecting patches manually on a track at a time but this is tedious. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Sounds like it could be a bad or corrupted patchmap file.

Check the file for errors using a text editor like notepad. See for sure that the upper banks are listed properly in that patchmap file.

For the proper order, see the Powertracks FAQ (Same as RealBand in that department).

Have you selected the correct patch list in the options dropdown?

I don't have it on this machine, but I believe you have to select the correct list to display..
then the other patch banks pop up in the patch select area.
Try Options > Patch Names. This will open a panel listing all the Patch Lists available - select the one that you wish to use and the Patch Names will appear in the Track Window Displays.
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