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Posted By: Music2go4 MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/20/10 03:12 AM
I generated a MIDI file from MacBIAB 2010 to be read by Sibelius 6 (Mac) but I am getting a message that the MIDI file is corrupt when I open the file on Sibelius 6. On the other hand, the MIDI file generated from PC BIAB 2008 can be read by Sibelius 6 (Mac). What kind of MIDI file generated by MacBIAB that cannot be read by Sibelius 6?

I am using MacBIAB 2010 crossed over from PC BIAB 2008, using IMac 3.06GHz just a couple of days ago.
Posted By: Music2go4 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/20/10 09:23 PM
I just found out while generating some MIDI files that some other MIDI files generated by MacBIAB 2010 can be read by Sibelius 6. I am clueless?

Anyway, I contacted Sibelius Support Team and sent them two samples of MIDI files that are corrupt. They e-mailed me back and said that they suspect that there's a bug in BIAB that's causing some corruption in certain MIDI files that Sibelius can't work around, and said that, "I'll ask our developers to take a look at these files and we'll get back to you when we can."

Does anyone having this issue?

Flash back: After I finish with a tune or music, I usually generate a midi file to export to Sibelius 6 for more fine tuning of notes and to generate music scores and I have no issue with that with BIAB PC. In PC BIAB, there is an option on what MIDI file to generate, i.e., MIDI file type I or type 0. In MacBIAB 2010, there is no option and it just generates the MIDI file. When I open the MIDI file using a player, it does play but when I open it on Sibelius 6, it gives me a message that the file is corrupt. According to PGTeam, MacBIAB generates type 1 MIDI file which is a standard, multitrack file.
Posted By: Music2go4 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/21/10 03:46 PM
Update: RE: Corrupt MIDI files

I just got a reply from Avid (Sibelius) lead developer and Senior Product Manager that say, "It definitely looks like a bug in Band In A Box's MIDI export functionality, which you should report to PG Music. Furthermore that, these files are in a corrupt format. I've run them through Midifix (the
GNMidi program should also fix them up -- ). I would suggest to the user that
they report this as a bug to Band In A Box. The diagnostic output of
the midifix program is:

this.mid: invalid control value used at 0001459C
this.mid: Warning - format 1 track contains different channel commands
this.mid: removing invalid note command at 000145AA
this.mid: Warning - 1254 bytes lost.
this.mid: Missing end of track added.
this.mid contains errors. Fixed output written to midifix.mid

mozart.mid: removing invalid note command at 00006CFB
mozart.mid: Warning - 5 bytes lost.
mozart.mid: Missing end of track added.
mozart.mid contains errors. Fixed output written to midifix.mid

I've attached the fixed up midi files, though given the errors it's
likely that there will be missing data.........."

Those statements according to Avid (Sibelius) lead developer. I hope the PGMusic team will address this issue. I will also e-mail this to PG Music support and hopefully this will be resolved soon.
Posted By: manning1 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/21/10 09:57 PM
why dont you post the problematic midi file at mate.
so people can look at it n give it a try.
i'm curious to load the midi into midi software i have and have a look at it.
by any chance was this a midi you got from somewhere that you then modified ??
Posted By: Music2go4 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/21/10 10:55 PM
I got an e-mail from Kent of requesting the MIDI files. I am sending two corrupt MIDI MacBIAB generated files that I sent to Sibelius. One is an original tune with MacBIAB chords entered by me to go with the original tune and the other one is a classical music by Mozart that came with the MacBIAB Everything pack that MacBIAB generated the MIDI file .

Kent, let me know when you get the MIDI files. Thanks.
Posted By: Music2go4 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/22/10 03:32 PM

Kent e-mailed me back and says, "I can definitely confirm that if these are indeed MIDI files, there's definitely something very wrong with them (of course)."

I am sending the MGU files where the corrupt MIDI files originated to Kent of


Posted By: Music2go4 Re: MIDI generated file corrupt? - 04/26/10 08:53 AM
I am stuck! Peter, can you please update or say something about this issue. I cannot do much with the Mac version of BIAB 2010. I use BIAB a lot especially the MIDI part because with the MIDI files, I can export that to Sibelius for note editing and scores.

So far while waiting for the fixed bug, I went back and use my older PC version of BIAB 2008 on Window XP. It is still pretty good when it comes to MIDI except the latency, which is another issue for me with PC. Anyway, I was able to generate the desired MIDI file of the tune. One of the primary reason I use BIAB is to lay out the chords of a melody or tune and that is where BIAB is good at it. The other features like RealTrack and RealDrums, I am not into those at this time.

I crossovered to Mac version of BIAB 2010 because of the latency response issue. It has, I think, zero latency compared to my PC version when entering notes on my keyboard.

Anyway, here’s the final score and MP3 of that tune. To be able to see the score on Sibelius, you will need to download Scorch at Sibelius.

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