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I dusted off BiaB yesterday after a year's idleness.

I created a song length of 100 bars/measures and input the chords to a new song I'd written. The structure is: Intro, Verse I, Verse II, Chorus I, Verse III, Chorus II, Chorus III, Tag, Finish.

On playback, the song got to the end of Chorus I and then (Measure 53)continued to play just the 1 chord (Nashville numbering). I hadn't cut-and-pasted, but input each measure exactly as I wanted.

Nothing I could think of would persuade BiaB to play the whole progression. I'm using Biab Mac 2013 on an iMac and I've never had this problem before.

Any ideas, please?
Posted By: AdrianDelso Re: I'm back with another dumb question! - 05/25/14 06:09 PM
I'm not really answering my own thread, but I think it was just a bug, unless someone knows better.

I just reconfigured the song using Song Form, got all the measures following the progression, hooray, but a lot of anomalies popped up - measures appearing that I hadn't specified, etc.
And the latest one is: inserting lyrics. The manual says:Edit>Enter Lyrics, but on my edit dropdown, I don't have that option. I'm using BIAB for Mac 2013 (upgrade.)

UPDATE: Just done what I should have in the first place and checked this Forum. This is the most helpful:, but what a palaver!

I just wanted to enter my lyrics from a WP on the main page/chordsheet, put the chords in, so I could check pacing, etc. and hit 'Play'. Dream on. cry

This really is a triumph of willpower over intelligence. I love the RealTracks for their quality, but BiaB as a 'compositional tool'? Too much like hard work.
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