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Posted By: keyboard Import Midi - 08/21/14 12:16 AM
Is it possible to play back a midi file without accompanying style.....same importing it into "Quicktime "

Posted By: babarton Re: Import Midi - 08/21/14 12:23 PM

I'm not really sure if I'm understanding your question, but you can turn off any or all of the accompaniment tracks either in the mixer or by right clicking the track radio buttons. I hope that helps some, if not, maybe you could give us a little more specific info as to what you're trying to do...

Posted By: keyboard Re: Import Midi - 08/22/14 12:42 AM
thanks for the reply.... i would like to import a midi file and listen to it using biab....( import chords from midi file )
Posted By: babarton Re: Import Midi - 08/22/14 03:13 AM
Okay, that makes a little more sense to me. Selecting "File" menu, then the item "Import Chords From MIDI File" brings up a pretty busy, confusing box for the Chord Wizard. If you use the "Open (change)" button, you should be able to navigate to the midi file you want to use. Then use the "interpret chords now" button, and this will "extract" the chords from the midi file and place them into a BIAB type file, where you can manipulate them further if needed.

In BIAB for Mac, there is no way to listen to the original midi file that I am aware of. You would only be able to play the BIAB accompaniment generated from the "extracted" chords.

If you want to listen to the original midi file, you'll have to do that in some other program.

Posted By: keyboard Re: Import Midi - 08/24/14 11:20 PM
Thanks Bruce...I was afraid of that..
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