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I have an old 2009 MacBook Pro running latest BIAB. My song-regenerate time for the demo song below was around 9 seconds.

I'm curious as to how much faster song-regenerate is on the latest MacBooks and macs compared to my near 10 year old Macbook.

Here's the instructions to benchmark your BIAB system:

1) In the style picker dialog find the style: "All In Alto Sax Jazz Solo"
2) at the bottom of the dialog click on the LOAD SONG DEMO button.
3) Click OK to return to the main BIAB window with the song demo "ALL IN DEMO" loaded.
3) prepare to time the render with a stopwatch or suitable timer app etc
4) click the REGENERATE AND PLAY button and at the same time set the timer going.

please report back the results and mac system you tested the render on.
I’d love to help but in my StylePicker list I have 4,833 items but no
“All In Alto Sax Jazz Solo”
How are you locating it?

I can tell you that on my 2010 white MacBook with HDD a song loads in 6.07 sec.
With a 2013 MacbookAir with SSD loading time is 4.90 sec.

In both cases, “Pause Play until MIDI” was unchecked so the file started on
its own after loading.
The stopwatch was started immediately after a double click on the file.
The stopwatch was stopped on the first click on the count-in.

With the Windows version of BIAB, there's a style called...

_ALL_IN.STY that has the long file name of "All in Shout Alto Jazz Sax Solo"

This style was new to BIAB 2018.

Hope this information helps.

Originally Posted By: nonchai
I have an old 2009 MacBook Pro running latest BIAB. My song-regenerate time for the demo song below was around 9 seconds.

I'm curious as to how much faster song-regenerate is on the latest MacBooks and macs compared to my near 10 year old Macbook.

Here's the instructions to benchmark your BIAB system:

1) In the style picker dialog find the style: "All In Alto Sax Jazz Solo"
2) at the bottom of the dialog click on the LOAD SONG DEMO button.
3) Click OK to return to the main BIAB window with the song demo "ALL IN DEMO" loaded.
3) prepare to time the render with a stopwatch or suitable timer app etc
4) click the REGENERATE AND PLAY button and at the same time set the timer going.

please report back the results and mac system you tested the render on.

Please HELP Mister Magoo find/select that style "All in Alto Sax Jazz Solo" because he can't see which one he should load .

Mac BIAB 2018 ( audiophile USB )

Interesting challenge/survey .

Thanks .

Attached picture Sshot 2019-01-09 at 8.15.38 PM.png
I got about 6.5 seconds on a brand new 2018 15" MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4. I'd say your 10 year old MacBook Pro is doing pretty good!

WOW ! i was expecting a bigger difference than that babarton!

Could my unexpectedly high performance be due to me having upgraded my macbook to using a 1TB SSD and you're using a conventional hard disk?

Originally Posted By: nonchai
WOW ! i was expecting a bigger difference than that babarton!

Could my unexpectedly high performance be due to me having upgraded my macbook to using a 1TB SSD and you're using a conventional hard disk?



I'm not bothering running this on my iMac. However, RW speed on an internal SATA III SSD is 5-6x that of a HDD—an NVMe SSD is another 3–6x faster depending if it's a 2015 (NVMe 2) or 2017 (NVMe 3x4) Mac. An i7 will be faster than an i5 with a similar clock speed in any given year.
No, this MacBook has a 500G SSD hard drive, 16 G 2400 MHZ DDR4, and 2.6 GHZ i7. It's a pretty decked out, modern machine. I was surprised by so little difference, as well!
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