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For years I’ve been converting my songs to m4a’s. I run BIAB on the external drive. Suddenly this is not working. Here’s my tried and true work flow.
Choose wave “box” then:
Bit-16 or 24 tried both
1 file per track
Normalize individual tracks - I’ve tried checked on and off
2 bar lead in checked
Rendering quality tempo stretching- I’ve tried checked and unchecked

Then select “render”
Then choose my usual file to save to

At the conclusion of rendering yellow box appears bottom right screen. Sometimes the word successful shows up in the box and sometimes there are no words in the yellow box.

Then I go to my file with all my m4a songs and my newly rendered song is nowhere to be found. And I mean nowhere!

Looking for help,
Thanks, Bud
Does it happen to work if you try saving the render to your desktop?

As well, in Band-in-a-Box, go to the Help menu, and click About Band-in-a-Box. Near the top of that window, it will have Version 20xx and a number in brackets - what is that number?
Simon, Thanks

The number after 2021 is 509.

Saving the audio file to my desktop failed. Saving back to the file the BIAB song came from did not work. Saving back to my main gig file failed.

What does work is clicking the "Save As" box then save as m4a. Of course this is only a single combined track.
A bug was recently reported specifically when using One File Per Track in combination with M4A or other compressed formats. Try setting the format to WAV or AIF.
Your suggestion worked.
Any idea when the glitch will be resolved.
We don't have a timeline for a resolution, but the developers are aware of it and will be working on it shortly.
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