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Posted By: WaoBand Sound Quality on YouTube & SoundCloud - 10/09/23 06:44 PM
When I first started posting on SoundCloud I assumed the limit on posts was file sizes so I initially only uploaded MP3s. I also used MP3s for YouTube as they process faster. But I noticed that as YT processes to HD that my posts there always sounded better than on SC. Since I started uploading WAVs to SC I found the quality better, though I still just prefer the YT; then when I uploaded a WAV to YT I found it wasn't as sharp as the SC WAV and sounded a little fuzzy. I'd be interested to know what others find re their uploads.
I can think of no reason to ever upload a mp3 to a streaming platform.

Given that their compression algorithms can alter the quality of your file it is always best to upload the highest quality file.
This has been the general consensus since the advent of streaming.

No doubt some will disagree.


Posted By: WaoBand Re: Sound Quality on YouTube & SoundCloud - 10/09/23 09:06 PM
I agree re WAVs obviously being better quality then MP3s - on my PC Waves do sound better - but I've still found that my MP3 uploads to YT just sound better to me than my WAVs on SC. I'm just wondering if anyone else has found the same.
Originally Posted by Janice & Bud
I can think of no reason to ever upload a mp3 to a streaming platform.

Given that their compression algorithms can alter the quality of your file it is always best to upload the highest quality file.
This has been the general consensus since the advent of streaming.

No doubt some will disagree.


I don’t disagree. However in 2006 when I uploaded my CD to various services, the only format they would accept was MP3.
Sorry I misread your post. SC is oft discussed regarding the noticeable effects of their compression. YT and other platforms apparently use less or none; however they do raise or lower the gain of your upload which SC does not do. I find it hard to compare uploads unless I carefully match the volumes. But I’m old and my hearing is highly likely much less acute than your’s. I would not find it surprising that SC could alter a wav to the extent that an unaltered mp3 would sound better.

On a peripheral note and you may be familiar with it … (with no signup) will instantly analyze your tune and tell you how much the platforms will raise or lower the gain of your tune. You don’t even have to upload the song.
This is always a fascinating subject. When we talked about this a few years ago, we weren’t sure how loudnesspenalty knows exactly how the various algorithms work on each of the streaming platforms, or how accurate their readings really are. Further, we don’t know if the platforms change those algorithms to combat people trying to beat the system. Still, it’s a useful tool to know more than just guessing.
This is the reason, among several other reasons, I started using BOX. You can upload waves and they stream as Waves with no compression by the platform. I've always understood that most or all of the platforms compress the audio in one form or another, down to 128kbs in some cases, regardless of what bitrate you used for the upload. That's why when you upload the file and it hits 100% uploaded, you see the message Please be patient.... processing the file. One of the platforms has a 10mb file size limit.... and then still processes your file if I recall.

And they also have loudness guidelines that their platform will impose on your music if you exceed the limits they set.

Unless you have your own website and host your tunes there, or use something like BOX, your music is at the mercy of whatever platform you use.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Sound Quality on YouTube & SoundCloud - 10/10/23 11:45 AM
Interesting Herb,

Is there a link to 'BOX' that you can share?
Yes. Box dot com. It's a file storage and sharing platform.

Once you upload the file you can get a share link to post where others can access just the one file.

Anything else in the folder is accessible so I simply create a new folder for each song.

It's also a great tool for collaboration. You can invite individuals to the folder and they can upload, download and delete files as needed ....

And it's free, up to 10gb of storage.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Sound Quality on YouTube & SoundCloud - 10/10/23 12:13 PM
Many thanks Herb,
That's one I certainly wasn't aware of.
That’s new to me as well. Is box dot com just for music? Otherwise, is it any different from Dropbox for this purpose?
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Sound Quality on YouTube & SoundCloud - 10/11/23 03:19 PM
Thanks to all who have commented. It's been most informative, particuarly re
Originally Posted by Matt Finley
That’s new to me as well. Is box dot com just for music? Otherwise, is it any different from Dropbox for this purpose?

They're both very similar. I've used both and yes, you can use them to store any kind of digital file.

I like that they can be easily used to collaborate with other songwriters. Lyric files, music files and tracks and even the SGU/MGU files can be shared through the folders.
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