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Posted By: Planobilly Fishey Business - 03/26/24 09:42 PM
The only music I have been playing lately is the stereo. Most likely get back to the music in Augest. I have enjoyed the satalite radio when I have the time. I have been a hundred miles offshore by my self a time or two. That requires constent attetion to what is going on.

For now.....
[Linked Image from]
Scamp Grouper 20 to 28 lbs, Mutton Snapper, Yellow Eye Snapper, And one small Sand Tile Fish

Hope this findes all you people doing well.


Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Fishey Business - 03/26/24 10:29 PM
Your fish keyboard is arranged wrong...
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Fishey Business - 03/26/24 10:31 PM
it has the black keys on the top , what is the
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Fishey Business - 03/26/24 11:35 PM
grin grin grin
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 01:40 AM
The subdominant and dominant fish are wrong!!
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 02:06 AM
It is good to hear from you Eddie. It also looks like you have made some decisions about stuff you own in the music world.
Getting older and less capable on many levels is not the most plesent thing that we go through.
I just spent six days in the horsepistil wondering if I would die. Serious infection. Well, I guess I am to ugly to die and I am slowely recovering.
I made a decision some time ago to "live every day" until I die. If I get to the point I can not walk I will build a 327 Chevy V Eight wheel If I go blind I will learn to play the piano better.

Man, I got a lot of music stuff. I don't "need" any of it. I still want to keep a few things because I still like to play my guitar no matter how stupid it sounds. I am done doing anything musical that has any importance to anyone including me.

Not to long ago I built a really great sounding Supro style tube amp. I have played it for a sum total of perhaps ten minuits. I would love to sell all this stuff but I don't even know where to start. Reverb?
What is more valueable to me at the moment is time. Everyone wants money no matter how much you have. I will take the proceeds from the sales but I am not jumping through a hoop to get them.

I have no kids, I did not get here with anything and I will not take anything with me when I die.
It has been fun, it has been real, it just has not been real fun at times. I am not in a hurry to go but I can assure you I will not miss this planet. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death as the song goes.
It has been fun knowing you Eddie. Perhaps we will both be around for a good little bit.
Best wishes,

BTW, My spelling and grammer may suck.
Posted By: mrgeeze Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 02:42 AM
Pretty work
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 02:57 AM
Not intending to diminish the fish humor, but I do like the way that the smaller fish have augmented the size of the total catch, even though they are more minor in size compared to those major ones.

BTW: Were there many scales to clean? cry
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 03:00 AM
Scales? Yes but they were all not to dificult to clean.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 03:58 AM
Welcome back aboard, Billy.

Posted By: Planobilly Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 04:08 AM
Thanks Trev

I am confined to quarters it seems. Very serious infection. But, I survived and getting better. So I have time to fool around on the internet. I do miss this forum when I am not here. It is almost like a family.

Some of us are getting a bit long in the tooth. I often wonder how long we will last.

You see so many musicians pass away, yet we seem to keep going. How many years have we known people like Matt?

Best wishes,

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 12:32 PM
Songwriters never die. They just decompose.

I have had this period of self awareness lately inspired by accepting the fact that nobody gets out alive. I want to clear out as much of this gear as I can. The proceeds from the fire sale will go to paying my mortgage off, all centered around my dog. You never heard these details and I will bore the rest of the people who have with the condensed version. My best female friend is my executor. She is a lawyer who by choice does not practice, but she didn't have to give the knowledge back when she resigned her license. She will handle execution of many things. I decided to make that job easier by removing "things". Thus my house (and furnishings) is cited in my will to be sold to by best male friend for mortgage balance rather than market value. He is also designated to take ownership of my dog, who just loves him. That thought process there is that my dog will not have to leave his home. That same guy also gets my car, so the dog does not lose the familiarity of how he gets to the park. He also has all the rules about tending to the dog, his feeding schedule, where he goes to the park, who his dog friends are, all of that. The other stuff, primarily instruments and accessories, are to be sold and any proceeds donated in equal amounts to 3 animal shelters. All in the will, executed by people I trust to do what is directed. As you said, I also came in naked, broke, owning nothing and I will leave the same way. I never had any desire to be the richest corpse in the graveyard. I grew up very poor so I don't know what having big money is, and while I am not struggling financially, I am in the best financial shape I have ever been. And it only took just short of 73 years to get here! Hopefully none of this planning will be relevant until about 2030, but nobody knows. It could be important later today. Maybe just after I hit post reply.

As far as your fish piano, always remember you can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish.
Posted By: Notes Norton Re: Fishey Business - 03/27/24 12:52 PM
What kind of infection? Sepsis? Something similar?

I'm glad you survived.

Looking at those snappers is making me hungry! I remember when reds, mutton, and mangrove snappers were plentiful and easy to catch.

Getting older does diminish things you can do. Someone told me to focus on the things you can do, and quit thinking about the cants. Sometimes that's easier to do than others. laugh

And, I agree. Life is too short, try to get as much joy as you can out of every day.

Notes ♫
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Fishey Business - 03/30/24 12:35 AM
Good to see you on the forum again Billy. You've been missed.
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