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Posted By: mglinert If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/14/10 01:47 PM
Well, at least I'm keeping them short!

Big track this one for me as it is destined to be the title track of my second album.

Work started on 12 March 2010 – finished version (subject to any changes) posted 14 May 2010.

Ill be very grateful, as ever, for comments on any and all aspects of the track.

Hope you like it and thanks for listening…
Posted By: jim111 Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/14/10 06:44 PM
Hi Marc,

I just finished listening to this on my "big" system, cranked up quite a bit, and I need to report some sibilance that gets way out of hand at these higher levels. It's xtra bad on the word 'thoughts', but also present a little in other places. So, naturally, I'm going to suggest fixing that.

Now, having reported that, let me also say that, according to my ears, you may well have "another gold record" on your hands here. Very enjoyable as is, and a smash hit once you doctor it up a little.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/14/10 09:31 PM
Hey marc,

Gosh, you've really raised the bar with this one! I first listened to it using headphones and I'm really glad that I did. Your use of stereo and panning was incredible (the headphones made this very easy to identify). The song has a great vibe, very upbeat and feel-good, and the melody is very memorable. I found myself singing along with the last chorus. I didn't have a problem with sibilance but I could hear that, for some people, it might be noticeable. I also found myself thinking that, if this was my song, I'd try lifting the vocal by 0.5 dB across the entire mix and compare that with this version.

Overall, though, this is a terrific song. The composition, the arranging, the production blaze with talent. Hmmmmm.... "WOW!!!" just sprang into my mind. I don't know where that came from, but I totally agree with it

All the best,
Posted By: Sundance Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/16/10 05:42 PM
Hi Marc,
I like your song. I like the lyrics and love your vox arrangement. Unfortunately, and I hate to disagree with Noel. But I must tell you that the mix doesn't sound right on my headphones. I'm listening through ATH-M40fs. The panning is cool but on the phones it's so out front that it distracts instead of enhances the song. Also the part of the vox stack beginning with the low note comes across much louder and out front - while the rest of the arrangement and lead vox is sitting far back. Again distracting instead of enhancing. I think the hardest part of mixing is get it to sound good and well balanced on both phones and speakers. So I hope that helps you as I am not in any way criticizing. Good song, great feel. I think it needs a little more tweaking in the mix.
Posted By: Kemmrich Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/16/10 11:01 PM
The chorus really gives this song a chance to be something special. However, the production just isn't very good.

Sundance is my new favorite critiquer -- listen to her, she is giving the straight scoop.

Very midi sounding at the start and the vocal mix as well as the those panning effects (starting at ~0:32) are not working at all. The heavy reverb on the lead vox is not modern sounding. You need to find an unbiased producer to help you out.

Posted By: enjfb Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/17/10 11:35 AM
Hi Marc,
A really good upbeat song which I enjoyed listening to but I have the same thoughts about the mix as "sundance" above. I listened through headphones and found the panning a little annoying because it was distracting. Good lyrics for this type of song. I think with a better overall mix this will be a real hit - really good groove.

Mark. Good on ya with this one. Liked the song. A little too much on hi's there mate. Some of the harmony parts seem to pop into the track a little too strong. Might want to go for balance. The lead vocal seems a bit in the background. Maybe a tad too much reverb? Other than that nitpickin' stuff it's a killer tune. A good piece of work Mate. Just a little tuning up needed.
Posted By: Superbron Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/17/10 07:26 PM
Hi Marc,

I liked your song. As said by others: I would also bring the lead vox more up front. Great song, well done!


Posted By: MarioD Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/17/10 11:28 PM
Marc, this is one super song. As already mentioned a remix would take it over the top.
Posted By: mglinert Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/18/10 08:58 AM
Many, many thanks to all for taking the time to listen and suggest.

When I get the chance I will continue working on this.
As for the much derided lead vox fx, I place the blame squarely with PG Music, as I simply used the PTPA 11 'male vocal' preset!!
Oh yes- now I come to think of it, I did give the lead vox tracks some mid-range/hi boost (another pre-set) to make my voice less dead-sounding!!

Another suggestion I will try to act on is to add some ac. gtr trax to make the piece sound slightly more authentically 'audio'.

With a family, a FT job, an active band, and other leisure pursuits, I do not have as much time as some of you to tinker around with tracks once I have recorded them.
To get anything done at all, I need to devote more of my time to composing and less to tweaking. I figure if the song is strong enough, then you will get the idea even if some of the production choices are less than optimal.

That said, I will try to act on the above.

Of course if there are any volunteers out there with time on their hands who want to help out with the final mix then your PM will be very welcome!!
Posted By: retake Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/18/10 08:37 PM
Marc, I really enjoyed it. It kept my interest. Kind of sounds like a Beach Boy style tune. I liked the way you did the descant and then stacked the harmony one note at a time. Very good!

Posted By: George Nelson Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/19/10 08:23 AM
Hi Marc,

My type of 60's song (well it has that feel )

Good job on the production.

Keep 'em coming

Best regards
Posted By: Ryszard Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/20/10 12:18 PM

It took me until now to give it a listen. So far, only on the little PC speakers in the back. I'll check it out on the big speaks later today.

Brother, this is the most happening thing you've done yet. I love the harmonies and the contrapuntal vocals during the later choruses. Very imaginative and well executed. This is light years away from when you and I were consulting privately on vocals.

As nearly everyone stated, I'd bring the vox up a hair. I would also bring the drums up to parity with the bass. Pay attention to the comment on the sibilance. Again, I haven't heard it on the reference monitors yet, but may add a comment later if warranted.

Us experienced listeners can quibble about the 'MIDIness' of the instruments. The average listener won't know or care as long as the mix is right. This one is the closest yet.

Posted By: mglinert Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/20/10 02:08 PM
Thanks Steve, Michee and a word of public thanks in particular to Ryszard, who nagged me about multi-tracking vocals so much that the only way I could get him to stop was by actually listening to him! Thanks, mate!
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 05/20/10 02:21 PM
Hi Marc,

It's all been said by others, but all in all I enjoyed this upbeat song.

Don S.
Like the composition. Agreed -- a Beach Boys feel. A little too MIDI-sounding as a 'finished' cut but I'm picky.

Consider: 1. Flip-flop the key changes (start low & move up). 2. Spice up your drum licks a bit. 3. Needs a walking bass (and louder) 4. Ending -- Fade-out.

Ask and thou shalt receive my 2-cents -- Given freely and honestly, but usually worth much, much less so don't hang on it.
I am with ikeinblackriver. Drums make song it to go so much in the MIDI side. However I like and enjoyed the song. Just try to with another mix criteria.
Posted By: mglinert Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 06/06/10 12:14 PM
Many thanks to all reviewers above.

Have now completed revised mix, which includes most of the suggestions you made.

Hope it comes across as an improvement !

Posted By: Noel96 Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 06/06/10 12:38 PM
Wow! marc. I can't believe how much better this version sounds. Very impressive
Posted By: George Nelson Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 06/06/10 12:55 PM
Hi Marc,

I agree with Noel. Very much improved.

Best regards
Posted By: Danny C. Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 06/06/10 03:09 PM

1st of all another very solid effort on your part, as for the my "nit picks" they have already been mentioned i.e. IMHO the stereo panning back and forth was a bit distracting and the lead vocal could come up front a bit more. However my biggest nit pick is the midi drums, I would love to hear this tune/mix with some real drums. However it has to be a good thing when the only way your peers can something wrong is to self admit a "nit pick".

Marc with this said, this is another solid effort from your pen and performance.

Edited portion: Just heard the revised post, vocal is right out front, much better,

Posted By: Superbron Re: If you have 3 mins 15 to spare... - 06/06/10 06:08 PM
Hi Marc,

Very impressive song. I like it. My "nit pick" is the sharpness of the "ess" in the vocals. I know this can be hard to avoid. I'm always struggling with de-essing myself.

As Danny said: I am curious how the song would sound with real drums.

Nevertheless: great song!


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