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Posted By: Pat Marr the black keys of the piano - 10/02/10 01:50 PM
You may have seen this before, but if you haven't, it's
an interesting musical / historical tidbit
Posted By: DrDan Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/02/10 04:31 PM

You may have seen this before, but if you haven't, it's
an interesting musical / historical tidbit

Seems to be a minor pentatonic scale - Not sure this can be attributed to any one race, heck it is every where! But I guess it had to start somewhere.
Posted By: Charlie McG Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/02/10 06:07 PM
The guy is a great performer. And singer. He can really move an audience. I have that in me but can't seem to persuade that part of me to come out of hiding.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/02/10 08:10 PM

The guy is a great performer. And singer. He can really move an audience. I have that in me but can't seem to persuade that part of me to come out of hiding.

I can see that in your videos... I'd love to be in the audience when you perform. A charismatic lead man who knows how to move the audience is a sight to behold.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/03/10 12:37 AM
Hi Pat,

That's a very interesting clip. Thank you.

All the best,
Posted By: Flatfoot Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/03/10 10:56 PM

I have been researching sing-along type songs of many cultures. It seems that the human voice falls naturally into the pentatonic pattern, and often Db or Gb. So it's not just "almost any Black negro spiritual". Spontaneous forms of vocal music from every culture seem to fall into the Db pentatonic pattern.

Here is an example:
Posted By: brdon Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/05/10 02:04 AM
Amazing Grace can also be played on Just white keys!!

Posted By: DrDan Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/05/10 02:55 AM

Amazing Grace can also be played on Just white keys!!


That part would kind of ruin the story though...
Posted By: psylocke24 Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/22/10 09:46 AM
That amaze me, I wonder when will I do that since I am only starting to know how to play piano music.
Posted By: the_blooze Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/22/10 11:28 AM
Pentatonic scales are not only found in all cultures around our planet, but also are likely to occur within cultures beyond earth. They're very much based on the physics of sound in general and have a deep resounding Primal quality to them. I remember when the movie "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" came out, and I realized the tones used to communicate with the aliens, were also found within the pentatonic scale. What a brilliant insight from John Williams that was.

Close Encounter Tones

Close EncountersTheme

Posted By: RayThigpen Re: the black keys of the piano - 10/22/10 07:48 PM
Wintley did a great job of DRAMATIZING the song Amazing Grace. However, a little research has proven that he did "stretch the truth" quite a bit in his presentation. I think even MAC would agree with me. It is totally unknown who created or where the melody to Amazing Grace came from. There was no such slave that hummed it on the slave ships. Wintley should report the truth and not dramatize it. Bill Gaither has been criticized for allowing Wintley to STRETCH THE TRUTH so far out of shape.

Sorrry........ didn't mean to throw a wet blanket on those of you who enjoyed it. Nice story that it is, it simply is full of untruths.

Like my grandma once said: "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see."

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