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Posted By: mglinert Gerry Rafferty tributes - 01/04/11 10:17 PM
only a few days into the year and sad news already. Rest in peace Gerry. For those of you who may think that the story begins and ends with Baker street and Stuck in the middle with you, now would be a good time to start discovering a varied and top quality catalogue of pop, rock and folk songs.
Posted By: dcuny Re: Gerry Rafferty tributes - 01/05/11 12:13 AM
I see that his Wikipedia page is already updated with the sad news.

Clicking a few links brought me to this bit of Rafferty-related trivia:

[Raphael Ravenscroft] is best known for his work with Gerry Rafferty, performing the iconic saxophone solo on "Baker Street." Ravenscroft was paid £27 for the session, with a cheque that bounced.

Posted By: marvjonesi Re: Gerry Rafferty tributes - 01/05/11 01:35 AM
Back in the 80s I had a Rafferty album (on cassette). Played the hell out of it. Great writing, singing, and production. A really talented guy.
Posted By: DennisD Re: Gerry Rafferty tributes - 01/05/11 02:48 AM
I must say these passings sure stir the memory pot. Our keyboardist/accordianist from our "old" combo days passed away on New Years Day from cancer. He was the integral part of our sound for the Rafferty style of music. Now I read that Gerry's gone. I have the City to City album of which we did "Baker Street" and "Right Down The Line". Our sax man had a tenor and soprano sax, and he did a credible job of the sax lick in Baker Street using the soprano. It was much brasher and bolder sound. I've dug into my lps and I am listening to it and reminiscing as I type this. DennisD
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