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Posted By: Muzic Trax MIA people - 01/09/11 02:22 AM
Maybe its just me, but where has Russ, Gary & Ray been? Has anyone heard from them? I haven't seen any posts recently from any of them and thought I'd check and see if anyone has had any contact with any of them.


Posted By: Pat Marr Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 02:38 AM
I thought that Gary and Ray had both chimed in a while ago saying they were involved with other hobbies at the moment. Russell's last post didn't offer any clues about why he's been so quiet. This is just gleaned from posts. Others may have insider information.
Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 03:06 AM
They might be hanging out at the people who are P'd off at the people here forum. Lots of those.
Posted By: rharv Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 12:51 PM
Russ was here for beta, and says he been enjoying his RC flying as of late, gets him outside.

Far as I know he's fine.
Posted By: DrDan Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 03:20 PM

They might be hanging out at the people who are P'd off at the people here forum. Lots of those.

Interesting observation.

Funny how when you are a long time forum contributor things seem to get more personnal. An errant forum comment can be percieved as a personal attach. Happened to me recently - what to do, lash out and start a flame war or simply lay back for a while. I took a deep breath and simply deleted the auto home page to the forum for a bit to gain some perspective. Lasted about a week, then I began to lurk again and now I'm feeling better about contributing. Sometimes we just need some distance. I come here for the discussion about BIAB and RB - applications very close to my interest. I believe many of the long time folks have the same interest. So I believe they will be back and it will be nice to see them pop in when they do.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 04:04 PM


They might be hanging out at the people who are P'd off at the people here forum. Lots of those.

Interesting observation.

Funny how when you are a long time forum contributor things seem to get more personnal. An errant forum comment can be percieved as a personal attach. Happened to me recently - what to do, lash out and start a flame war or simply lay back for a while. I took a deep breath and simply deleted the auto home page to the forum for a bit to gain some perspective. Lasted about a week, then I began to lurk again and now I'm feeling better about contributing. Sometimes we just need some distance. I come here for the discussion about BIAB and RB - applications very close to my interest. I believe many of the long time folks have the same interest. So I believe they will be back and it will be nice to see them pop in when they do.

Speaking for myself, I hope you never stop contributing. Your thoughts are not only interesting in a technical sense, you are also a philosopher.
Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 04:16 PM
Many people here remind me of those you ride on the elevator with. Nothing shared. Staring.

Others remind me of specialist doctors. You get an opinion, but who is that guy? You'll never really know.

And then others make me wonder why anybody would want to take up proctology.

My main complaints are two. People who are never wrong in their own minds, and people with such a narrow point of view it seems they've been locked in a cabin in the woods. Even in all the years I spent 60 miles from a village, living in lumber camps, I'd go to town and buy 30 magazines and a dozen books.

And I don't mean those magazines, yet in the day, there was always a gun rack in the back window. I was the one responsible to dispatch the problem bears, and some years it was a lot of work. 2.5 million acres at 300 trees to the acre average. 2x4's and bounty paper towels.

I'm not overly fond of those who you never see help anyone, but jump in and post whacko stuff in the OFF-topic forum. You wonder if they just log on to pick fights or light matches in the dark.

Heaven knows I'd like to force feed the complete unbridged Volume 10 of the Norton Scores to a few people.
Posted By: silvertones Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 05:06 PM
I personally would like the Forums to abide STRICTLY by the rules.Tech talk about BIAB, RB & other music related discussions. And I don't mean using a lawyers loop hole either to talk about non tech issues related to religion, politics or other similar things.
Posted By: DrDan Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 05:22 PM

...Tech talk about BIAB, RB & other music related discussions.

Posted By: Muzic Trax Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 07:43 PM
So, no you haven't seen any of them lately?


Posted By: Pierre Julien Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 07:50 PM
Hi you all

Being new to the forum,I hesitated before registering, as my use of BIAB is very basic, but it suits my needs. I doubt if I could help anybody concerning BIAB. But if help is needed on my part, at least, I'll be able to thank the person that helps me.

I too agree with jazzmandan and silvertones, talks should be centered around BIAB and music related subjects. I guess with time it's inevitable when you start knowing people on a forum to get a bit more personal. But as it was said, subjects like politics & religion are personal and this is not the place to talk about it. Going through different threads, personally, I don't think I have to share my opinion on everything.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 08:48 PM
I assume this thread has taken the current turn because of the biblical reference I made in the VIDEO GAMES post. It is common among well-read people to make literary references that back up a point being made in the current discussion. After all, if a story is so well known that you just need to mention a part of the story to make the listener understand a long detailed point, why would you refrain from doing that?

If I had referred to a Grimm's fairy tale, I doubt that any intelligent person would accuse me of trying to make them believe in witches or gnomes. But just make a similar reference to a well-known biblical account, and some people immediately begin to "cry wolf". <--(see how much information you can deliver by a short reference to a well known story?)

Add my name to the MIA list
(ding dong the witch is dead.) <-(literary reference AND music related)
Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 09:32 PM


Add my name to the MIA list

I hope you reconsider because you're one of the most level headed and interesting users on here. I understand if you need to take a break from here because I've done it before too.

I actually left and had no plans of coming back, but after 2 months I decided to rejoin the group because I missed it.

If you'll notice, it's always the same folks who get their panties in a wad over a stray religious comment. It's not like you started a thread to discuss religion. You simply used a well known story to make a point. Anyone who gets upset over that is looking for a reason to bitch, and they'll always find one.

Have you considered using the "ignore user" button? John Conley and I have selected that option for each other and I'm sure we'll both enjoy the forum more because of it. That option is there for a reason.

If you do choose to take a break, you should know that you'll be missed, not only by me, but many others. The forum will be "lacking" without you around. You shouldn't let the words of a few keep you from participating in something I know you enjoy.
Posted By: rharv Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 10:40 PM

So, no you haven't seen any of them lately?



Gary has been posting recently. He's still around.
Russ was here every day for beta, but is spending more time flying his RC planes and 'copters.. and enjoying himself.
Ray has been battling some health issues. Miss him, but understand. Wishing him well (and prayers for him, actually)

Posted By: silvertones Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 10:55 PM
I never saw the post about Video Games but see this is what I mean. Keep it technical and no one gets hurt.
Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 11:18 PM


Keep it technical and no one gets hurt.

One of the things that distinguishes this forum from a lot of others is that a lot of people on here actually become friends outside the forum. I think that's because folks here share more about themselves than whatever "technical" issue they're having.

Do we really want this to be a place where folks have to "walk on eggshells" because they're afraid of violating "strict forum rules"?

Trust me on this one. If this forum ever becomes what you're proposing, their will be a whole lot of MIA added to the list.

Pat didn't say he was leaving because he didn't like the folks on here. It was because folks were "harping" on "strict forum rules" and he felt targeted.

IMHO, some folks should lighten up and understand that PG Music will step in if they think someone's overstepping the forum boundaries. They do, after all, have moderators. No individual user should elect themselves as the "thought police".

P.S. The post wasn't about video games. It was about kids who excelled at music because they weren't wasting all their time on video games.
Posted By: Glenn Kolot Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 11:28 PM
Gary has been on this forum for so long that it might be a case of "been there, done that".

As pointed out above, Russ is into RC flying. We have exchanged e-mails in the recent past.

The posts of Ray's that I recall indicated that that too many years smoking has left him with health problems.

I haven' been around much either the past four years - photography was re-invented for me with the advent of digital cameras that actually work - much like electronically created music. I've also been quite involved with Pianoteq (beta testing the past few years).

Time moves on and so do we.

Posted By: WienSam Re: MIA people - 01/09/11 11:44 PM


That's a placard! Yes, it is Political AND Religious (and there is NO reference to music in it)
Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 12:02 AM




That's a placard! Yes, it is Political AND Religious (and there is NO reference to music in it)

Amen Sam!

It really frustrates me when people try to change the forum into what they want it to be instead of accepting it for what it is! People talking, ...... and trying to help each other when they can.

And PG Music is the first, but not necessarily the only thing they have in common.

And to all,

To see someone like Pat Marr driven away by the "thought police", or "strict forum rules" advocates, or by suggesting "technical issues only", is a bad thing for all of us!

It makes this a much less appealing place to be. No one is forcing you to read a particular thread. If you don't like it, ignore it. But don't try to drive away others who may be interested! If PG doesn't like it, they either pull it or post a warning.

And if you want to propose "strict forum rules", this whole thread is in violation of that! A little common sense goes a long way towards figuring out what's right and wrong for the forum. Advocating "strict forum rules" is kind of like charging a little girl with having a weapon because she brought a plastic butter knife to school to spread her tuna salad on her bread.
Posted By: DStumm Re: MIA people *DELETED* - 01/10/11 01:35 AM
Posted By: Muzic Trax Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 03:06 AM
All I wanted to know was if people had heard from those 3 people. I haven't seen them post in a while and wanted to check on them.

This is NOT the 1st time someone has asked about someone in the forum.

Thanks for hijacking my inquiry and turning this into some BS. I appreciate it.

Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 03:18 AM

For my part in "hijacking" your thread, I apologize.

But I'd still like to know who posted this under the name of DStumm:


Maybe it's time for another "suicide mission." It worked last year for a couple of months.


FWIW, I started a new thread with this question. This is the second time I've had suicide come up as responses to posts I've made, so I'd really like to know who's posting them.

Sorry if that's an inconvenience to you, but I hope PG can trace "suicide" comments. If you were the target of these comments, I bet you'd like to know who made them too.
Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 04:25 AM
I'm one of the few, a stage 4 cancer survivor. 2 months short of a year. I did get within a few feet of death in late May, but somehow pulled through. The docs said a life time of weight lifting and an extra 30 pounds helped when I couldn't swallow or breathe.

I think the ability to share technical knowledge with personal non religious and political beliefs is important. We are, after all, humans not machines.

That said there are vast differences in our lives. Our educations, our outlooks, and our beliefs.

I would not want to be some cookie cutter person from elsewhere.

I'm me. And friken' proud of it.

Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

And I still want 6/8, 12/8 and more old celtic Realtracks.

And I still read 300 pages a day, and darned if I'm quitting now. I don't care if it's Greek, French, German, or English. I'll even do Spanish if I can get it. And I start at Gregorian Chant and end about circa 1910. Almost no good music since then, but I put up with Jazz as the best alternative, except for a bit of Lightfoot and Stan Rogers. With deference to a few 60's acts.
Posted By: lkmuller Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 06:54 AM
Is there an optometrist in the house? Somebody's having a serious "I" problem. And it's chronic, been going on for a long time.
Posted By: Pierre Julien Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 11:06 AM

All I wanted to know was if people had heard from those 3 people. I haven't seen them post in a while and wanted to check on them.

This is NOT the 1st time someone has asked about someone in the forum.

Thanks for hijacking my inquiry and turning this into some BS. I appreciate it.


Don't know where this is going...

Sorry Trax, I was also part of the hijackers. Will try to be more alert to post subjects related to the first entry.
Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 11:49 AM
The question was answered. The only person in the group I could have comment on was Russ, but I knew precisely what had been reported, no more, no less.

I guess it should be added to the wish list that the orginator of a thread can kill any comment in it. Censorship at it's finest.
Posted By: silvertones Re: MIA people - 01/10/11 01:58 PM
I am sorry I also continued the Hijack and responded to JC comment.
I have had a couple of recent,Christmas time,exchanges with Gary about buying a new computer & also some issues he was having with some AD/DA convertors he was working on. I think he's very involved with his job at this point.
Russ was at BETA each day and as stated has a new hobby.
I've seen Ray around some.
I also want to say that keeping the Forum more technical or at least less volatile by not discussing certain very controversial subjects is my OPINION no more no less. My opinion doesn't really matter. It's Peter's opinion that counts & it appears that it's OK with him.These subjects just don't interest me in this venue but if some of you like it have at it. I'll just stay out of it. Argue all you want that's OK. What's not OK is this suicide issue. That's crossing the line no matter were you are or who you are.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 12:43 AM

All I wanted to know was if people had heard from those 3 people. I haven't seen them post in a while and wanted to check on them.

This is NOT the 1st time someone has asked about someone in the forum.

Thanks for hijacking my inquiry and turning this into some BS. I appreciate it.



I heard from Russ today, he is having fun (as someone stated earlier) doing the RC Airplane thing but also playing in a 3 piece country group.

Posted By: Muzic Trax Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 12:49 AM
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. No worries guys, things happen

Posted By: Russell DeMussel Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 05:50 AM
Ok. 2 things:
    1. I'm alive, I'm well, I'm happy.

    2. Quit belly aching about posts.
Life's too short to be arguing about trivial stuff Mates. Stick to things that make you happy. Me? I'm into RC Airplanes. I'm in a 3Pc country/rock band and having a good time. I'm in good health. What more could a guy want? I'm happy that I've got so many friends on Pgmusic. I also have the Alferd E. Newman approach when someone tries to tick me off. "What, me worry"?

My hello to all and also my 2ยข worth.
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 05:53 AM
Hi Russ,

It's always good to hear from you. Drop around a little more often, eh?

Don S.
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 11:08 AM
Glad to hear that all is good Russ.
Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/11/11 12:44 PM
RC's eh? The wife's one of those. I'm just a back slid Baptist on account I drank beer. Now it's one a weak. Waste of money, almost as cheap as milk though.
Posted By: Russell DeMussel Re: MIA people - 01/18/11 06:11 AM

RC's eh? The wife's one of those. I'm just a back slid Baptist on account I drank beer. Now it's one a weak. Waste of money, almost as cheap as milk though.

Your wife's ... what??? You sure you're not whackin' down more than one a week?
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: MIA people - 01/19/11 06:17 PM
Didn't read the whole thread. I am here on occasion, but I've been spending too much time on Rimfire Central helping people over there, and getting help myself, much as I've done here.

So, Russ is flying R/C airplanes, huh? That ought to be good for him. I've been thinking about getting my plane upgraded to electric, but when you go out and buy a brick of ammo, and it's $90, and you shoot it up in two weeks, you don't have money for batteries or electric motors or such. By the way, for those that don't know, a 'brick of ammo' is 10 boxes of 50 rounds, so 500 rounds. Compared to what you'll pay in Walmart, it's about 4 times as expensive, but it waaaaaaaay more accurate.

My shooting mentor is a bass player, and I'm going to be introducing her to BIAB here shortly.

Posted By: Gary Curran Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 06:24 PM


RC's eh? The wife's one of those. I'm just a back slid Baptist on account I drank beer. Now it's one a weak. Waste of money, almost as cheap as milk though.

Your wife's ... what??? You sure you're not whackin' down more than one a week?

Russ, RC is Roman Catholic. R/C is Radio Controlled. So, no, she isn't what you think she was. At least *I* don't think she is what you thunk she was.

Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 06:56 PM
Um, ok. Now a Radio Controlled wife, that would be more than interesting. I don't know what I would get her to do. As she is the snow shoveler (Doctor told her not to letme do it), and she takes 2 bags of garbage to the curb once a week, I don't know how much use that would be for me. I enjoy the cleaning and cooking, and as she goes to work still it gives me something to do.

Now I've got the theme from the Jetson's in my head.

Hey Gary, how's the 'ruggedness' of Korg stuff. I looked at a ps 60, which has all the features I want, at a local music shop. It was $699.00. I used to think I had to have one with 88 keys, but I lost the top octive hearing wise, and my current keyboard, a Roland Rogers W50 is starting to have issues with sticking buttons for changing instruments. (I really only use piano/organs/strings.)

And the volume slider is wonky, I might try to clean it.

I have...................GAS.
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 07:51 PM
Do you mean the PA60? Should be a great keyboard, provided it wasn't abused by the previous owner.

It'll have all the features of the PA80, except the digital drawbars. As to optional features, it won't have the hard drive, but for the most part that isn't an issue.

Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 08:53 PM
No Gary..this one.

And it's new.
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 09:50 PM
I haven't seen that one yet, but my Korg keyboards have stood up over time. I've had three of them now, I leave my current one on all the time, the cats lays on it, pushes the buttons, tries to sharpen her claws on the speaker grill, and the thing just keeps on going.

Sounds like a good deal, though.

Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 10:05 PM
See I can't get a used one because I'm so allergic to cats that about 3 minutes in (some) houses with them I am gasping for air. The only thing I'm allergic to. (Well as a kid honey bee stings but hasn't bothered me after I turned 18.)

And it has nothing to do with clean or dirty houses. It's just some cats are lethal. We always ask when invited somewhere, and if they have cats they can come here.

I played that synth at the store and it sounded nice. I tend to have gigs where I play classical stuff and hymns so layering sounds is great. And the wife and I do a lot of celtic stuff, and I can't seem to get my head around using 3/4 for 6/8 or 12/8 timing, so we do without backing tracks.

Sigh, my dream had been on the wishlist since day one, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8....

I don't need to cover John Pickard or Cowell, or Stavinsky (Rite of Spring) or any of the other crazy meter guys, just compound duple is about 1/2 of our repetoire, I think the wife gets a crank turn outta that stuff....she accuses me of being able to 4/4 a 3/4 faster than an Hungarian Dance can go and I think Brahms should just slow down and to do that slow fast slow fast thing. Ah vell.

I have the cash, but...well I don't know.
Posted By: cchallum Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 10:12 PM
Incidentally, I'll go ahead and apologize for an "off-the-path" glance, but since RC stuff surfaced, check out the MikroKopter. We're getting a couple on a forthcoming grant, hopefully, to do some miniaturized remote sensing things.

The Web address is:

It's worth a look!!

Posted By: John Conley Re: MIA people - 01/21/11 10:28 PM
I don't know about MIA but get one of those chopper gizmo's with led lights and fly her in the dark up at the psch hospital about 2 a.m. from your van and watch as they run outta meds. All those 3 letter agencies would be involved. Actually I know a few whacked politicians who's houses I'd like to buzz in the dark with flashing coloured lights. They'd never get elected again after going public about UFO's.

Some woman used to run for mayor every 3 years on a 'platform' to build a platform for UFO's on the premise if you build it they will come. When asked what size she said all the UFO's she saw were about 100 feet across so you'd build it 150 feet across for comfort, and put it in the middle of the city. It would be a tourist attraction, especially after they came. With 150,000 votes she got like 12.

(Now ducking ((quacking u up)) maybe she got lead poisoning from her guitar.) john run people don't get funny...lead guitar ha ha.
Posted By: Cornet Nev Re: MIA people - 01/22/11 04:42 PM
Funny how some words can have different meanings depending on the context they are used in, you could say a runner is not likely to take the lead if he has lead in his boots.
That goes on to, first it is great to know that some once regular posters but recently absent, are still around and haven't yet finished up on a heavenly cloud playing some angelic lute or harp.
As for threads going off topic, I run round quite a few different forums and behaviour here is quite angelic in comparison to some. However although a musician in a small way I am more of a computer geek and spend time helping others with general computer problems, so don't post in here very often, but if someone's got a question, and I know an answer I will post it.
Now to get back on something resembling topic, good to see you Russ and remember reading quite a lot of your posts in my earlier days as a member here. Now where are the other two who were mentioned at the start of this thread?
Posted By: D. Tuna Re: MIA people - 01/22/11 07:22 PM

Incidentally, I'll go ahead and apologize for an "off-the-path" glance, but since RC stuff surfaced, check out the MikroKopter. We're getting a couple on a forthcoming grant, hopefully, to do some miniaturized remote sensing things.

The Web address is:

It's worth a look!!


Probably the most interesting concept to date. Applications of this are mind numbing. Thanks for the link.
Posted By: DrDan Re: MIA people - 01/24/11 01:19 PM
Funny how this thread, which was the "poster child" for bad hyjackings - and yet here it is still alive and well. It is actully nice to see that from the ashes a small flower has bloomed.
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