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Posted By: raymb1 One more about our anthem - 02/19/11 03:01 AM
I do not know who wrote this editorial, however, I would like to shake his
or her hand. Thanks for sending this.

"So, with all the kindness I can muster, I give this one piece of advice to
the next pop star who is asked to sing the national anthem at a sporting
event: save the vocal gymnastics and the physical gyrations for your
concerts. Just sing this song the way you were taught to sing it in
kindergarten - straight up, no styling. Sing it with the constant awareness
that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines watching you from bases
and outposts all over the world. Don't make them cringe with your
self-centered ego gratification. Sing it as if you are standing before a row
of 86-year-old WWII vets wearing their Purple Hearts, Silver Stars and flag
pins on their cardigans and you want them to be proud of you for honoring
them and the country they love - not because you want them to think you are
a superstar musician. They could see that from the costumes, the makeup and
the entourages. Sing "The Star Spangled Banner" with the courtesy and
humility that tells the audience that it is about America , not you."
Posted By: Danny C. Re: One more about our anthem - 02/19/11 01:39 PM
Very well said, indeed.
Posted By: Mick Emery Re: One more about our anthem - 02/19/11 01:50 PM
Posted By: KeithS Re: One more about our anthem - 02/19/11 05:16 PM



The national anthem has proven to be a song that expresses the individualism that makes the USA what it is. If the attitude expressed in this editorial were embraced by everyone we would not have such memorable performances of the national anthem as those done by Destiny's Child, Whitney Houston, Patti Labelle, Faith Hill, Marvin Gaye, or a version done by an obscure artist named Jimi Hendrix.

Thank you very much guys, but I grow weary of my fellow citzens of the land of the free telling me what constitutes a "real" American, a "true" southerner, or an acceptable performance of the national anthem. I'll take both my national anthem and my country with a healthy dose of spice, individualism and free thinking, not some conformist, in-lock-step, cookie cutter society that makes us a monolith of religion, politics, and music.
Posted By: Mick Emery Re: One more about our anthem - 02/19/11 05:22 PM

I'll take both my national anthem and my country with a healthy dose of spice, individualism and free thinking,

And I'll take mine black. No cream, no sugar.
Posted By: raymb1 Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 01:37 AM
Josh Groban sings our anthem the way it should be sung at the All Star Basketball Game...............
Posted By: marvjonesi Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 05:48 PM




The national anthem has proven to be a song that expresses the individualism that makes the USA what it is. If the attitude expressed in this editorial were embraced by everyone we would not have such memorable performances of the national anthem as those done by Destiny's Child, Whitney Houston, Patti Labelle, Faith Hill, Marvin Gaye, or a version done by an obscure artist named Jimi Hendrix.

Thank you very much guys, but I grow weary of my fellow citzens of the land of the free telling me what constitutes a "real" American, a "true" southerner, or an acceptable performance of the national anthem. I'll take both my national anthem and my country with a healthy dose of spice, individualism and free thinking, not some conformist, in-lock-step, cookie cutter society that makes us a monolith of religion, politics, and music.

Sorry. The national anthem is NOT an audition for American Idol. A singer who is so desperate for adulation that they have to re-write the melody of the Star Spangled Banner in order to impress their audience with their vocal chops should avoid these kinds of gigs and stick to their own tours and adoring fans.
Posted By: Kemmrich Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 07:21 PM
It is interesting. I 100% agreed with the original post by raymb1 - and then I 100% agreed with the post by Keith (ha, ha). You know what, both are correct viewpoints.

By the way, the Star Spangled Banner's melody was lifted (before copyrights in the USA) from a popular British drinking song!

Posted By: Danny C. Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 07:43 PM

By the way, the Star Spangled Banner's melody was lifted (before copyrights in the USA) from a popular British drinking song!


I would think that debt has been paid by now, if not send the bill to Washington DC.

Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 08:09 PM
This could all be solved easily by having a contract with the singer stating the wishes of the "contactor".

If you want it sung in the straight melody, state that in the contract with the stipulation that if the singer deviates from that, they return the full payment + 50%. A recording could be made of each performance and used to show if the singer took too many liberties.

If a contractor is willing to allow a few liberties with the melody, they could state that also and request an MP3 of how the singer plans to do it, subject to approval.

This may open up a mini minefield, but it would also make singers take the whole thing more seriously.

For me, I'd rather hear it sung "straight" from the original melody.
Posted By: rubberball103 Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 08:22 PM
I find it strange and curious that it's sung at sporting events at all. I don't mind, but it see no point in it.
Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 08:59 PM
It’s because of a little thing called “tradition”. Now I’m not one that thinks all traditions should be adhered to, but if you’re part of a “traditional” gathering, and especially if you’re asked to provide entertainment for said “traditional” gathering, then you shouldn’t be an ass and try to use that venue to “show off your chops”.

The audience, (or most of it), wants to sing along, and they can’t if you try to treat the song as some improvisational jazz or gospel song.

Shucks, if you can pull off this song in the “straight” melody, you’ve accomplished quite a bit.
Posted By: D. Tuna Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 09:48 PM
Here's a straight version done in an official capacity.
Posted By: D. Tuna Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 09:50 PM
Here's a non-straight version.
Posted By: D. Tuna Re: One more about our anthem - 02/21/11 09:51 PM
...and the best version.
Posted By: DrDan Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 12:47 AM

Here's a straight version done in an official capacity.

How did those listening keep a straight face.
Posted By: DrDan Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 12:48 AM

Here's a non-straight version.

Gave me chills.
Posted By: DrDan Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 12:49 AM

...and the best version.

Brought a tear to my eye
Posted By: Danny C. Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 12:50 AM

I find it strange and curious that it's sung at sporting events at all. I don't mind, but it see no point in it.

Just curious I can't remember ever hearing the "Fubaristan" Anthem.

Posted By: DrDan Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 12:51 AM
Celebrate the variety and God Bless America
Posted By: DennisD Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 07:32 AM
I still rest on my earlier post. Displays on excess vocal gymnastics suggests to me that the singer can't hit the notes dead on. I am not interested how many gold records they have sold or how hot they look, generally leaping, bounding, and sliding into the note is a cover up!.DennisD
Posted By: toucher Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 01:55 PM
For my part, I think the anthem was written with an attitude of respect for God and Country. And since we as a society have developed a tradition of singing the national anthem at most large gatherings especially sporting events, (although I don't see the relevance), I think it should be sung with the solemnity and respect which was intended when it was written.

That does not necessarily mean that it must be "sung straight". A beautiful and respectful version will be recognized by the majority of listeners. An egotistical, look at me version will also be recognized and should not be for public performance. In my opinion it is a song that is meant to remind us of what has been accomplished and at what price. It reminds us of the sacrifices made to ensure our freedom to butcher the song if we so desire.

I sometimes think that celebraties are so self centered and thoughtless that anything that involves attention to something other than themselves is inconceivable, and they may butcher the song not out of willful volition, but simply because in their mind,
"Hey it really is all about me isn't it, otherwise why would they have asked me to perform our sacred national anthem at a huge nationaly televised event, if they didn't want ME to glorify Myself? After all it is such a staid old song that ya gotta do something to liven it up a bit don't ya?"

Posted By: rubberball103 Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 02:42 PM

It’s because of a little thing called “tradition”. Now I’m not one that thinks all traditions should be adhered to, but if you’re part of a “traditional” gathering, and especially if you’re asked to provide entertainment for said “traditional” gathering, then you shouldn’t be an ass and try to use that venue to “show off your chops”.

The audience, (or most of it), wants to sing along, and they can’t if you try to treat the song as some improvisational jazz or gospel song.

Shucks, if you can pull off this song in the “straight” melody, you’ve accomplished quite a bit.

Absolutely - if you're gonna do it, do it right.
Posted By: John Conley Re: One more about our anthem - 02/22/11 06:37 PM
Here's a good way to do the American National Anthem.

In case you wonder there is no need to put the lyrics up on the screen.

And if you get through the US anthem the next on is the Canadian anthem.

Here our arena holds 10,000 and often they just start the first verse and the 'singer' quits. Can't hear them anyway.
Posted By: rubberball103 Re: One more about our anthem - 02/23/11 12:32 PM
Just don't let US Marines hold your flag:

Of course, the Blue Jays won so maybe an upside-down maple leaf is good luck.
Posted By: KeithS Re: One more about our anthem - 02/26/11 10:16 AM
The traditional national anthem of the US was "Hail Columbia" before Herbert Hoover and the great depression congress adopted the current anthem in 1931.
Posted By: Glenn Kolot Re: One more about our anthem - 02/27/11 12:26 AM
Well I just heard a whole new take on anthems:

At the opening of the Pittsburgh at Toronto NHL game a few minutes ago, the US anthem was played on a harmonica - actually didn't sound too bad.

The Canadian anthem was played on solo double necked distortion guitar - I'm not so sure about that one.

Every one in the crowd (and some of the players) had that look on their faces that said: "I thought I'd heard everything until now - and it's finally over".

Posted By: John Conley Re: One more about our anthem - 02/27/11 12:42 AM
I didn't turn it on until after that. Maybe I'm not sorry I missed it.
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