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In the course of completing a medical transcription course I chose to sell a much-loved Yamaha Clavinova digital grand piano, leaving me with a decent, but hardly comparable, M-Audio 49-key controller. I'd like to replace the Yammie with a weighted-action 88-key controller.

What I really want is the Studiologic SL-990, which I have recommended to others many times. However, I can't justify the price even for an A or B grade used unit. I have, however, found its predecessor, the SL-880, available used for around $200 USD.

Reviews are mixed. Everyone likes the action. Apparently there is some squirreliness on startup (it doesn't always initialize properly, which I can live with in the studio), and there is no display, again not much of an issue because I will probably always use it on MIDI channel 1 to drive my Roland JV-1010 external module and Reason.

I am wondering who among you has had experience with this unit and would be willing to share your thoughts.

Thanks in advance,

Dude!!! Fatar is still alive??? The keyboard in my Ensoniq TS-10 is defective to where the whole last octave on the left hand does not play with the keyboard but does play via MIDI, and the ribbon cable has been replaced. I had it in the shop about 10 years ago and they said it would have to be replaced but it was made by Fatar who was out of business. Did they go away and come back? That was in 2000 I was told that.
They still have a website, Their current offerings are sold under the Studiologic brand. The Fatar link takes you to a history and philosophy of the company. Following the Studiologic link takes you to where you can see a list of current offerings. Manuals of their older devices are available as .pdf files.

The 49-key MIDI controller previous to my present M-Audio was nominally a private-label no-name device, but was ultimately manufactured by Fatar. I got it in the mid-1990s. Between one use and the next it quit generating MIDI output, although it powered up fine. I gave it to a repairman.
Fatar is one of the providers of keybed actions for *many* OEM keyboard manufacturers.

Last I checked, they were still in bidness. But the ESQ series may just use an older keybed design IIRC and they may have stopped production on that design, Eddie. These things can still be repaired, though, if you need it done, find a MITA tech in your area, first thing I'd do is lurk the MITA tech forums to see how others are solving this problem. When things such as keybeds become unobtanium, technicians typically hang onto the older stuff that might cough up useful parts.

Ryszard -

I'm still digging on my M-Audio Keystation Pro 88, you might want to take a looka at that one, got mine at the local Guitar Sinner store at a very good deal on a demonstration floor model several years ago.

Mac, that looks like it'd be a killer unit for Reason. All those knobs and sliders, and hammer action besides! GC has it for $400. If I had the budget I'd definitely go for that. Actually, I don't have any budget, I'm just trying to see how much bang I can get for around $200--the last of the discretionary money from an inheritance. I still need that motherboard I wrote about earlier, too. *sigh*
Try to find a used one or a store that has one on the floor for demo that they'd like to get shed of.

Don't be afraid to make an offer. Nothing is etched in stone. I like to find out who the manager of the dept. is because they are more likely to have the power to wheel and deal.

*Don't overlook *ANY* 88 key instrument, most of 'em that contain their own sounds or soundbank can also be used as a controller as well. This is actually a better situation as if you ever go out to play live, all you need is that MIDI piano and an amp. There is a sleeper out there, now available only as used, the Kurzweil SP88. Great set of sounds inside (sampling was done by none other than Jennifer Hruska and won awards at the time), but no full GM bank, works excellently as a controller as well. Light weight with aluminum chassis and housing, nearly indestructible. I still have and use mine all the time. Have spotted these used in both 88 and 76 versions for around the 200 dollar mark. When the seller is asking 200, I offer 150. Of course.


If I had the budget I'd definitely go for that. Actually, I don't have any budget, I'm just trying to see how much bang I can get for around $200-

my approach to buying gear without a budget is to look around the house for something I haven't used lately, then sell it on Craig's list. Craig's list people seem eager to buy anything if the price is right. I haven't tried selling navel lint yet, but I bet somebody out there collects it.

So far I haven't had much trouble hacking up an extra $200 or so to buy whatever it is I can't live without. However, it often means selling 5 items for far less than they're worth... but if I wasn't using them anyway, and I end up with something I WILL use, I figure it's worth it.

(I usually start with the pile of special occasion gifts I've received from people who don't know what I like. )

I once traded a car that wouldn't start for an American-made Strat! Then I traded the Strat for a Godin, which is what I really wanted. You never know.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/05/11 05:07 PM
Same deal here, Pat. I looked around and the guitar farm had somehow grown to 14, and I play exactly 4 of them. A 5th is a sentimental item I won't sell and could not get money out of anyway, and a 5th is a bass that I use on occasion. So far 2 of them have gone and I have buyers for 2 more. Another is a Bullet knockoff Strat that I leave at the rehearsal hall. The Epiphone Dot Special and the Hamer Slammer, both of which I liked but did not play, brought me more than I paid for them, so.... These last 2 are paying for the used sampler I just bought. I also scrounge around for computer side jobs when I want a new toy.

On topic, there is one of what you want on Craigslist in Atlanta for $200 right now.

Several more at $400.
Posted By: Ryszard Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/05/11 06:24 PM
I've sold everything I have to sell. Long story which I will only bore you with a little of. I was destituted in a divorce 10 years ago. I have moved at least eight times since then, each time shedding books and gear and memorabilia. More than I meant to, really. I'm 58 and I have nothing set aside for 'retirement'--which I don't foresee for a long time. My dream is to be stable enough to put some music together, market it on the internet, keep my sanity and make something extra on the side.

I sold my Clavinova to make living expenses while I finished medical transcription school. Turns out that transcription, at least where I'm working, pays only a fraction of what it did 10 years ago. I'm just making expenses and very little more. That will change a little when my fiancee and I are married later this year, but the dough that is freed up is already spoken for. (It's a Dave Ramsey thing.) Even my fiancee is haranguing me (in a totally sweet way) to get rid of stuff. I'm having trouble conveying to her that what I have left is to set up a household and resume something like a normal life when we sell her tiny condo and get a house.

(Well--I do have a pair of RCA BK5-A mics I'd like to sell. I'm afraid to flog 'em on craigslist, though. Too valuable. Any takers?) Don't tell me about ebay. You have to have a track record before you can move something like this and I don't have one.

Eddie, there are two SL-880s available in Atlanta. (Search on studiologic OR fatar.) I was just hoping to find someone with a knowledgeable opinion about the axe before plunking down the last of my limited resources.

I love all the other answers I'm getting, though. Mac, my landlord has an old Kurzweil 88-key jobbie. No GM, lovely sounds. I don't think he'll let go of it, though. I wouldn't mind having his Ibanez five-string bass, either. Mind you, he doesn't actually play the things; he just thinks they look cool . . .

Thanks for everything. Keep those cards and letters coming!
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/05/11 06:53 PM

but the dough that is freed up is already spoken for. (It's a Dave Ramsey thing.)

Ah, I know the Dave Ramsey deal. My hats off to you! your priorities are right!


I've sold everything I have to sell. <snip> Even my fiancee is haranguing me (in a totally sweet way) to get rid of stuff.

ohhhh, OOOkayyy... then the next step is clear: Sell HER stuff!
(you wouldn't want to start a new life together with too much STUFF now, would ya?)

just kidding. You already said you've been through ONE divorce, you sure don't want the set the stage for the next one before the knot is tied)
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/05/11 06:57 PM
on a related note:

there's a guy around here who has a business cleaning out peoples' garages, attics, sheds, rental properties etc. He gets paid to do it. But then instead of taking the junk to the dump, he sells it on Craig's list. Must be doing all right, his truck is not a piece-O-junk
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/05/11 06:59 PM

You already said you've been through ONE divorce, you sure don't want the set the stage for the next one before the knot is tied)

He's a lightweight. I have been through three.....
Posted By: Gary Curran Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/10/11 03:52 AM
I wish you were in the Seattle area. I have a Yamaha P-80 that I'm looking to get rid of. I'd like $400 or so for it, and another $1,000 for the Korg PA-80 that sits on top of it, but I haven't found any takers yet. I'm not looking real hard, though. Would always try to help out someone in this forum with better costs, though.

Wish I could help.

Posted By: Ryszard Re: Opinions regarding Fatar/ - 09/10/11 02:45 PM
Gary, it seems like we haven't heard from you in a while. If true, welcome back! If not, sorry I've missed you. This is just a brief note as I'm working right now.

The P-80 would be a perfect replacement for the Clavinova I sold. The only thing it doesn't have that the Studiologic does is mod wheels. Truth is I plan to use the thing mainly for composition, so I don't know how much I would miss those. I've got my M-audio keystation to do that.

It's about half the weight of the Studiologic, though, which is good, even though I don't plan to travel with the thing. Let me think about it. I may send a PM later on.


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