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That's what I am being called here now - the Karaoke King. 'Nah und?' (as they say in German and it sure don't mean 'wonderful', in fact it means the exact opposite)

Ok. So I gave not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 free gigs for the people in rehab. My gift to the institute. The only way I could offer something in return for them helping me. The 'patients' loved it. I was more than amazed, not only at the attendance but also at the number of people who genuinely wanted to be involved (and I am talking about my karaoke show). Really!

It started as a 2 hour show and built and built...

The first time that it became apparent that I would not run this show, in less than 24 hours there was a petition with over 180 signatures DEMANDING I run my karaoke show.

Oh MFG, I offer. Who gives a *****?! They are still censoring personal expression, even now

Around here, to mention that word 'karaoke' is the kiss of death amongst my pro music friends. They mock me. They tease me. BUT... Something GOOD is going on here (apart from me sitting at home getting drunk all on my own)

People WANT to sing. Singing IS therapy. Singing makes one feel a part of the community and even, sometimes, a bit special. Karaoke gives you that with a backing band and background harmonies.

Still, there is the possibility that I might actually run a weekly karaoke show in a rehab centre. I mean, this is serious BIG TIME and should be reported worldwide. The people there absolutely love it! Karaoke IS music therapy. Challenge me if you think otherwise

Sad. Isn't it?

Well, here we go. Its my own damn fault...

Wasting away again in Margaritaville
Posted By: PRearden Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 12:42 AM
If you are enjoying it and they are enjoying it, who gives a rip what it is called. Have fun.
Who cares what your so called "pro" friends think, Sam? Pro what? Working in a coffee house for tips or making fifty bucks or even two hundred on a Friday night in some bar or club? That's a career? No, it's not. Most of us here have full time jobs or are full time retired. If we gig, it's part time for fun. When you're only playing for fun and a bit of extra spending cash, you can afford to be picky and make statements like karaoke is crap but if you're actually trying to make a living, trying to keep yourself out of the gutter playing music then it's called whatever works, baby.

My sister is a killer karaoke singer. She competed first in local clubs and won quite a few hundred dollar first places and then competed in a big regional karaoke contest a few years ago. She made it to eighth place out of about a hundred or so. We all went to see the show and it was a real show in a hotel ballroom. About 5-600 people I think. Full stage with lights and a big sound system with a sound engineer. Each act had their own set decorations on the stage. Nothing amateurish about it. The top three winners were really good performers, they could front a lot of bands. Good singers and dancers, everybody had full costumes and some even had backup dancers doing routines.

I've sat in a few bars and watched karaoke singers, most are bad, a few are pretty good. The bad ones are so bad it's funny and some of those know they're bad and don't care if everyone laughs at them so that makes it even funnier. The good ones are ok to listen to so it's not a bad thing imo. All that matters is there's an audience who's having a good time and in spite of my wishing for more live band venues, that's a good thing.

You need this my friend, I think it's great for you.

Posted By: Keebo Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 03:42 AM
I totally agree with PRearden and Bob. So what if you get teased as long as it makes you and the recipients happy who cares? Keep on making them/you happy.

I am a terrible singer but was lucky enough to have our local bar-in-the-woods KJ play my original Karaoke tunes as I tried to sing along. I know many laughed but a few quite enjoyed them especially when the KJ announced that the songs were MY originals.

Thanks to BIAB for making that possible.
Posted By: WienSam Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 12:48 PM

a few quite enjoyed them especially when the KJ announced that the songs were MY originals.

Thanks to BIAB for making that possible.

Hear, hear.

Thanks guys. I can't find a band to front even though I'm a damned great singer (although I say it myself). If it weren't for that fact, I would never have found BIAB. I love it! Thank you, Peter Gannon
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 01:53 PM
regarding the title of your thread:

I strongly disagree that everyone hates karaoke. Many MUSICIANS aren't crazy about it, but the population in general seems to love the fact that it gives ordinary people a moment in the spotlight.

This desire is so prominent in human nature that I believe a person could make a good living with a travelling karaoke show, charging people a few bucks to perform, and awarding a prize to the winner at the and of the evening. People would stay to see who won, the club owner would appreciate the business, and the award would serve as positive reinforcement... so people will keep coming back ("behavior that is rewarded tends to be repeated")

It should be easy to arrange venues for this because all businesses are constantly looking for new ways to draw customers. They don't have to do anything or pay anything. All you have to do is provide the PA, a player and maybe some spotlights. The contestants would be responsible for providing their own backing tracks... or you could maintain a library of favorites.

It's foolish to dismiss a good idea simply because 100% of other people don't agree that it's a good idea. McDonald's is one of the most successful franchises in recent history, yet lots of people hate it. Nevertheless, they continue raking in the bucks.
Posted By: WienSam Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 03:33 PM
I have to agree with you, Pat. Try explaining that to the people around Vienna though. The bars won't pay. The people won't pay. I'm not a charity and all my equipment (PA, mics, stands, monitors, etc) plus the literally thousands of professional CDG tracks in my collection didn't fall out of the sky. Add to that my experience, my ears, my sound engineering skills and my 'old school' thousands of DJ tracks (normal music in other words - I don't scratch or mix on-the-fly). And just how do I get people to pay up?

I have tried getting the bar to pay me because it attracts custom - they won't
I have tried 'sing your song for €1' - the people won't pay it

I have even had people arrogantly turn to me and tell me that I should pay them to sing, not the other way round!

Mind you, it was different before the eco-crisis. At least then I managed to get the odd occasional wedding, private party or corporate function. Now? Nothing
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 04:27 PM

I strongly disagree that everyone hates karaoke. Many MUSICIANS aren't crazy about it, but the population in general seems to love the fact that it gives ordinary people a moment in the spotlight.

And I strongly disagree with your strong disagreement.

In my experience, most people who like karaoke alsi like hockey for the fights and NASCAR for the crashes. They go to laugh at the terrible singers that comprise 99% of a karaoke night. When you need to fill up on liquid courage to go up and sing, usually after your equally drunken friends goad you into it, just stay off the stage.

That being said, isn't a solo or duo using canned tracks pretty much just a closed session karaoke night?
Posted By: 90 dB Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 04:46 PM
"That being said, isn't a solo or duo using canned tracks pretty much just a closed session karaoke night?"

Why don't you try doing it, then revisit your opinion.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 05:33 PM


I strongly disagree that everyone hates karaoke. Many MUSICIANS aren't crazy about it, but the population in general seems to love the fact that it gives ordinary people a moment in the spotlight.

And I strongly disagree with your strong disagreement.

In my experience, most people who like karaoke alsi like hockey for the fights and NASCAR for the crashes. They go to laugh at the terrible singers that comprise 99% of a karaoke night. When you need to fill up on liquid courage to go up and sing, usually after your equally drunken friends goad you into it, just stay off the stage.

That being said, isn't a solo or duo using canned tracks pretty much just a closed session karaoke night?

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie...
the key word in my statement is EVERYONE. Except for death and taxes there's very little that applies to everyone. To disagree with my statement is to postulate that EVERYBODY (the whole human race) hates karaoke. That is clearly not true, or there wouldn't be so many karaoke CDs for sale everywhere.

as you can see on the WHOLE WORLD-O-METER, there is a high number of haters, but the meter ain't pegged

W H O L E W O R L D -O- M E T E R
loves karaoke-----------hates karaoke


(meters help us understand life)
I just composed a long neutral reply, hit the wrong key, and it went off to the ozone layer. I'll hafta rest a bit before typing my verbosity again.
I have often compared BIAB-generated music to karaoke. 'Splain the difference. Rather than singing to a canned band we play or sing.

I was going to jump in on "Music Therapy." Her doctor told me, personally, that my playing music for a 93 year-old near catatonic patent (she could still move one foot in time to the music in perfect time, BTW) may be keeping her alive. Perhaps not Rap or Acid Rock but most soothing piano music lowers the BP, heart rate, and anxiety level to a provable degree. I am known as "The Music Ma

I have a new catatonic friend whom I have just started playing music for today. She can only blink her eyes voluntarily so my first goal is to teach her eye-blink communication.

Who said old, flatulent Irishmen don't enjoy stuff?
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 06:24 PM
Pat, the key phrase in my reply is "In my experience, most people who like karaoke also like hockey for the fights and NASCAR for the crashes."

I know people like karaoke, but my point is that having been to a number of them, a large part of the crowd is there to laugh at the juke box and shower stall heros who stink the place out. If people want to hear good singing and be entertained, do you think karaoke is their first choice or would they be more inclined to go see a band with singers who have been there before?

Hey, people can like what they like. It makes me sad to see people make fun of something I hold as dearly as I hold music. Music is a craft and it's hard work, and when I see people making fun of it I get sad and just leave.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 06:28 PM

Pat, the key phrase in my reply is "In my experience, most people who like karaoke also like hockey for the fights and NASCAR for the crashes."

I know people like karaoke, but my point is that having been to a number of them, a large part of the crowd is there to laugh at the juke box and shower stall heros who stink the place out. If people want to hear good singing and be entertained, do you think karaoke is their first choice or would they be more inclined to go see a band with singers who have been there before?

Hey, people can like what they like. It makes me sad to see people make fun of something I hold as dearly as I hold music. Music is a craft and it's hard work, and when I see people making fun of it I get sad and just leave.

so.. who's making fun of music?
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 06:41 PM
Am I typing too fast?

Karaoke audience member who go there to see people make fools of themselves by abusing music are making fun of music. My craft. And yours. And they are making fun of it. Music is sacred and deserves respect.

I'm out of this one.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 07:11 PM

Am I typing too fast?

Karaoke audience member who go there to see people make fools of themselves by abusing music are making fun of music. My craft. And yours. And they are making fun of it. Music is sacred and deserves respect.

I'm out of this one.

OK I have to jump in here

There are some extremely talented singers around here who sing to Karaoke. Why? Because there are no longer any bands around here because the bars do not hire bands anymore. Many of vocalists around here are musicians, mostly guitarist, but again no band to play with ‘cause no place to play for pay.

Having said that I will add that finding a gem vocalist at a Karaoke bar is like finding one on youtube. You must listen to 1000s of them to find the one gem, at least that has been my experience.

One last point, you might be surprised how many musicians around here scorn at me because I use BiaB. “That’s not music” I’ve been told. I’ve even played them songs with RTs and they loved it, until I tell them its BiaB. Then they pick it apart.

So what is the difference between singing to Karaoke and tracks made in BiaB?

Duck and running for cover
just do what you like and you`ll be happy for the rest of your life. There will always be people mocking you. Just like they mock me when I say that I like Eros Ramazzotti or ABBA. - you know as ajazz musician you are not "allowed" to like pop bands. Who gives a damn...

Enjoy your music, enjoy your life
And congrats on the successful rehab!

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 07:55 PM
How is everybody missing my point?

It's the CROWDS at karaoke I hate, thus by extension, I hate karaoke events in general.

I played hockey. Hockey is about skating, balance, finesse, handling a round puck on the end of a curved stick while skating 20-23 miles per hour, dodging large men trying to knock you down. Yet 19,500 fans out of 19,800 fans attend games to see fights.

NASCAR is about endurance, driving skills, reacting to quick changes at 200 miles per hour. Yet most of the fans go to see crashes.

There is an occasional decent singer at karaoke. Most of the people attending are there to laugh at the bad ones who think they CAN sing. That is cruel to the bad singer, and an insult to music.

Music, which as I said, is sacred and must be respected, not ridiculed.

Am I typing too fast?

Maybe people are reading to fast and missing the point. To start with, the name of this thread is, "I know YOU hate karaoke (everybody does)" I think that says it all.

I love the NASCAR thing. Only with Karaoke, there seems to be a wreck every lap. In my opinion, Karaoke is a night of torture, 3 or 4 minutes at a time.

It's just my opinion. It's not the gospel and no one has to agree with me.

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 10:23 PM

How is everybody missing my point?

you're communicating just fine. You know this crowd... we like to stir the kettle to see what floats to the top.


Yet 19,500 fans out of 19,800 fans attend games to see fights. <snip>

NASCAR is about endurance, driving skills, reacting to quick changes at 200 miles per hour. Yet most of the fans go to see crashes.

are you arguing a point... with fabricated statistics??? You presume those things to be true, and that affects your reaction. Your outrage appears to be real, but it's not so clear whether or not the focus of your outrage is even accurate. Here in the south it seems that everybody is a Nascar fan. They know the drivers by name, often the names of their families too. They are genuinely upset when their heroes crash.


There is an occasional decent singer at karaoke. Most of the people attending are there to laugh at the bad ones who think they CAN sing.

this has not been my observation at all. What I've seen over and over again at Karaoke and open mic places where multiple people are putting their egos on the line is an uncommonly supportive group, often because the vast majority of people in attendance at such events are either participants or friends of participants. Its a lot like the user showcase here. The vast majority of comments are encouraging, and the occasional blooper is more inclined to make people cringe rather than laugh.

I believe you have seen the scenario play out differently, but I'll bet you were with a bunch of musicians, and they were the ones who laughed when somebody crashed and burned... because musicians generally don't like karaoke and therefore want it to fail. But birds of a feather flock together. As a general rule, people who hate something stay away, and people who don't stay away probably like it.


That is cruel to the bad singer...

anyone who willingly gets up in front of a crowd has implicitly accepted the crowds response. Its the essence of liberty. I'm at liberty to make a fool of myself, and you're at liberty to laugh at me. It's not quite the same as the poor kid in elementary school who gets laughed at for reasons that are out of his control. That *IS* cruel.


... and an insult to Music, which as I said, is sacred and must be respected, not ridiculed.

Eddie... that's your OCD rule. The world at large does not see music as sacred, any more than they see the product of any other profession as sacred. You don't have to like it, but you can't really control the rules by which the rest of the world "must" live and think.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 10:25 PM
Eddie... for the record, I'm just being a pest. My arguments neither deserve nor require an honest rebuttal. If you choose to respond, tongue in cheek works just fine

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 10:31 PM

You don't have to like it, but you can't really control the rules by which the rest of the world "must" live and think.

Since when?

I wonder if I still have the t-shirt I had made that said "Will you all please leave my earth?"


The world at large does not see music as sacred, any more than they see the product of any other profession as sacred.

Amen to that one. Karaoke is just a musical game people that people play. It's not for me but if other folks enjoy it, then more power to them.

Music isn't sacred, it's just entertainment. Nothing more.
I may be missing the point somehow but I'll offer two cents worth.
I would not be interested in doing a Karaoke thing for a bunch of drunks in a bar. It would be pure hell BUT you are doing for folks in rehab.I had the very strong point jammed down my throat last Sept. that the ONLY thing that matters in life is personal relationships with your fellow beings. You are doing a GREAT service for these folks and the feeling of connectedness must be wonderful!
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/22/12 10:46 PM


You don't have to like it, but you can't really control the rules by which the rest of the world "must" live and think.

Since when?

I wonder if I still have the t-shirt I had made that said "Will you all please leave my earth?"

hahahah... now THAT is the Eddie I was talkin' to!
Posted By: Keebo Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 03:18 AM
IMHO, everyone that has a chance to sing at a Karaoke bar thoroughly enjoys it. Whether or not those attending and not singing enjoy it is another matter altogether.
Posted By: WienSam Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 04:25 AM
Interesting input (thank you, Sandra, specifically).

I have done the odd karaoke gig for corporate events, weddings and in bars. To be honest, I cringe and hate it most of the time because those who grab the mic are on the whole drunk and couldn't sing their way out of a paper bag. They are pissed out of their heads and are just running an ego trip...

Then again, there are some damned fine, wonderful singers out there who appear out of nowhere, often alone, because they just want to sing for people and they have wonderful talent that they want to share. I have experienced this time and time again.

In a rehab centre, I might point out, they are ALL 100% SOBER!

It is not only the wonderful singers who have championed my offer. It is not only the wonderful singers who have organised the petition (with over 180 signatures in less than 24 hours). It is not only the wonderful singers who have grabbed the management by the neck and forced them to take notice (although the special 'chief' of these people has a truly wonderful voice). It was every single person there. Even those who wouldn't / couldn't sing. I salute them all.

At the end of every gig I would close with a group song open to everybody (I would invite them up to the mics and lead it myself) and dedicated to all who wanted to sing, We Are The World. EVERYBODY would run up and sing! I mean EVERYBODY!! The words in that song are SO therapeutic and SO motivating and SO true in REHAB. We all hold hands and BELT it out. If that ain't therapy, what is? Take a read of the lyrics...

There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And its time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone, somehow will soon make a change
We are all a part of Gods great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
Its true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand


When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
Let us realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one

[Chorus: x2]

If that ain't a song for people in rehab, I don't know one better. It brought tears to my eyes every time and it brings tears to my eyes even now just to think about the experience. Even if the Institute won't run this, it is a memory I will take to my grave.

No Elvis / Johnny Cash / Stones / U2 (and so on and so on) impersonators. That was sung from the heart!

Somehow, I feel I am up against the same kind of resistance from the beaurocrats and the management that was faced in 'Dirty Dancing'. I also feel it is an experience not unlike 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'.

IF I can pull this off and I find a new flat (I have to leave my current one before 14th August), I think there is a definite story in this, maybe even a film. Man! My dream was always for everybody in the world to be happy. Maybe I can't pull that off but maybe, just maybe, I can make everybody feel happy, at least for just a moment, with what I have to offer - karaoke

On the last night I ran the show, one of the guys grabbed both mics while I was out of the room and set up a show for me with his acoustic guitar (one mic to his soundhole and one to his voice) and with six backing singers sang a tribute song to me to say 'Thank You'. Man, that made the tears roll!

Yeah. If it makes the people happy, I am happy to be the Karaoke King

I can't be Elvis, King of Rock & Roll (my biggest influence) and I wouldn't want to be Michael Jackson (self proclaimed King of Pop) and it sure ain't what I dreamed of for myself as a singer and musician but...

I do hope it is a better choice than singing Rehab under their breaths and resenting every moment of being there. People in rehab have guts.

Another point - the people who sing karaoke in rehab have to face each other the following morning and every single day. In a karaoke bar they can get drunk, sing(?) and disappear, never to be seen again by anybody until the next drunken time

Isn't that what musicianship is about? To entertain people and make them happy through music?
Posted By: WienSam Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 04:52 AM
Hey folks, I would absolutely love to offer this service to rehabs around the world. So, please spread the word!

Thank you

(Note the change in my signature at the bottom! )
Posted By: ROG Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 08:33 AM
It occurs to me that you don't have to go to a Karaoke night to hear people who can't play and sing - there are lots of gigging bands that I wouldn't want to see twice.

I once sat through a YMCA pantomime that was nearly four hours long. Jumpers were leaping from the balcony to escape the boredom. The important thing was that the kids who were performing loved every minute of it.

Can we really go down the route of having Music Police who set the standards to be achieved before people are allowed to perform? I think not.

Then again, where did you get the t-shirt, Eddie, and do they post to the UK?

Posted By: CeeBee Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 11:00 AM

Then again, where did you get the t-shirt, Eddie, and do they post to the UK?

Get your own custom made at

or for the Karaoke King at

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 12:23 PM
Had it made for me.

Along with the one I had made to wear to a private "theme" party that read:

And as the bible said, "F*@#eth thou!"

And the ever popular, "Why, yes, you CAN kiss my a**"

This kind of thing is where the wry, cynical, sardonic, sarcastic Eddie emerges...

As opposed to real life where I'm just mean in general.. LOL!!
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Karaoke King - I know YOU hate karaoke - 05/23/12 01:10 PM
for good looking custom T shirts you can make yourself, most office supply stores sell iron-on printer media.

1) You create a graphic of whatever you want...
2) if there is text, you have to flip it into a mirror image
3) put iron-on media in printer and print your graphic
4) iron it onto the T shirt

Its not quite as durable as a commercially sold product that uses rubbery ink that stretches with the fabric. But for special use (parties etc) it's a fairly inexpensive way to make custom "shirts with a message", and you have total control of the content.
Some people are so sensitive you just want to grab a canoe paddle and fix them up.

Now you'd have to know years of history but that idiot swede was a cheap shot artist, cry baby. He's watch the ref and then give you the stick when he looked away.

Chirped the wrong guy. LOL.

Last night their kids faced off in the Memorial Cup. 17 year olds, for the National Junior Championship. Domi was a goon. His kid is all finesse, and baby faced, he looks 14 and plays like a 23 year old.

Buck up.

Sing Stouthearted Men.

Get the whole freaking bar to sing. Drunks are in rehab too. Maybe the helped shovel a body into black bag at work and need a shot or two.

Now just finding the one beer I opened is an adventure. Forget about the second, unless I feel the need. Then the next morning I find 2 almost full beers. Moron. (Self directed).
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