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If you haven't jumped into the virtual analog synth VSTi pool - tomorrow June 21 (actually about 9 hours from this posting) is the time to do it.

Arturia are celebrating world music day with a free download of their Minimoog V emulation. Details here:

I like the Minimogue VA synth that is freeware, but it will be nice to also have the 'official' emulation as well.


Scott - many thanks for the link.

I think that site's going to be a bit busy! Let's hope it doesn't go down.


Thank you for sharing
I think the site is down already.... Can no longer get in.
I was able to get as far as registration with name and email.
They sent me download links with activations key.

Not able to get the download yet, its timing out.

I think the site is down already.... Can no longer get in.

I have tried for the last 4 hours with no luck.

Great idea giving away a free one like this but very poor execution by only having it available for one day!
Just downloaded, installed and activated.
Now what ?
Installed standalone, VSTi, and also RTAS(dont know what that means).

Will try the VSTi out bit later. BTW, its about a 65 meg file.

Thank you again.

BTW, heres link for the pdf manual for same

I am simply blown away by the quality of the sounds coming from the minimoog!
Well, I can get to the site, but it's still loading and the captcha characters aren't showing up!!!!

Well, I hope you all that were able to get to the site enjoy - I've got to get to bed and the site is still slammed from what I can tell.
Site is still down...

Over the past hour I could get on the page 3 times to enter my name and email, but each time it would simply drop the page. So I am either going to get 3 emails with download info or I am just contributing to the overloading problem.
All I get is a 273 byte 32 bit program that won't start under win 7 64 bit. Bummer!!


I think the site is down already.... Can no longer get in.

I have tried for the last 4 hours with no luck.

Great idea giving away a free one like this but very poor execution by only having it available for one day!

whether or not it was poor execution depends on what they really hoped to accomplish. If what they really wanted was to stir up interest in their product and get people to circulate links to their site, then "mission accomplished"

A certain percentage of people who decided they wanted the freebie will still want it after the giveaway is over. Marketing is all about getting the attention of large numbers of potential customers
Pat - you old cynic! LOL

Except that I think you probably hit it spot on.

I installed, tinkered bout 2 hours, shut down PC Vista.
Pc would not start. Ran recovery, worked fine Moog
Was gone, source file was erased.
Download nother copy with my email link supplied by
Installed again, tinkered a bit. Did restart on Pc,
Would not start. Am currently running recovery.

Thought Ya otta no.

Good luck!
Seeker RTAS is Mac stuff!
Murfle. I did manage to download it, but now, after reading all this, I'm afraid to install it.

Seeker RTAS is Mac stuff!

Not exactly, RTAS refers to: Real Time AudioSuite, an audio plug-in format developed by Digidesign and used in ProTools in the PC world.

Perhaps we are both correct??

I installed, tinkered bout 2 hours, shut down PC Vista.
Pc would not start. Ran recovery, worked fine Moog
Was gone, source file was erased.
Download nother copy with my email link supplied by
Installed again, tinkered a bit. Did restart on Pc,
Would not start. Am currently running recovery.

Thought Ya otta no.

Beware of FREE software!

While there are exceptions like Audacity and MS Essentials, a good rule of thumb is "if it's free, ... don't take it".

Come to think of it, Audacity and MS Essentials are the only two "freebie software" products I've ever gotten that were worth having and that didn't screw up my computer.
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