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Posted By: ROG EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/02/13 11:59 PM
Just a week ago my good friend Eddie was involved in a serious car crash when he was hit by another vehicle. His own car was written off and he suffered severe concussion and extensive bruising. Having seen a picture of the car I think he's lucky to be alive.

Eddie's become well respected by our little team of session musicians here in the UK and we've all passed on our best wishes for a quick and full recovery. I'm sure Eddie still has some friends here on the forum who might want to do the same.

I'm still hoping I can persuade him to bring his unique contribution back to the forum in the near future. Things seem somehow a little dull without him!

Posted By: Mac Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 12:05 AM
He's in the prayer basket here (well, he's been in there for some time, but the prayers will reflect the situation better now).

Posted By: Rob Helms Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 12:19 AM
Are we talking about our friend EDDIE from the Eastside? If so I did not know he was going through this, and i certainly hope for his full and complete recovery. He certainly is miised and appreciated around here.

And if it is another EDDIE, well i hope the same for that one as well.

Actually i hope everyone is alright. I hope kittens don't get caught in trees, dogs never cross the road in traffic. Frog never get in blenders, ..... etc.

Today i happened accross a grasshopper with one rear leg. AS i walked past him he jumped, and just sort of sprang up in the air not really going i am sure where he intended. Some cat of bird had their way with him. I know none of this is relevant, but hey i wanted to share.

What good is a good day if it does not include some bizarre lesson to help us see the bigger picture in life. Moral of this story is, no matter how difficult life seems at time, and no matter how we struggle and strive to cope with life's curve balls, at least none of us are one legged grasshoppers!

Back to your original scheduled programs. Make music all of you.

Eddie, which ever eddie you are ( and hopefully you know which) best regards and speedy recovery.

Grasshopper, when you can snatch this pebble from my hand ..... booooiiiiiing! dag nab it!
Posted By: ROG Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 12:29 AM
Yes, that's our very own EDDIE-1262 AKA eastside-eddie.

Nice bit of home-spun philosophy there Rob.

Posted By: MountainSide Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 01:05 AM
Oh crap! I sent him an email....hope he's OK and comes back someday.

Posted By: silvertones Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 01:33 AM
I hope he has someone to care for his puppy.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 02:10 AM

He's in the prayer basket here (well, he's been in there for some time, but the prayers will reflect the situation better now).


Well said Mac.

Posted By: Brallan Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 04:38 AM
Thanks for the news, Rog, sad as it is. Hope for full recovery, and we would certainly welcome Eddie back and hope you pass these wishes on to him. You guys have more music to make.
Posted By: Sundance Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:07 AM
That's awful. So glad he wasn't hurt any worse. Thanks for letting us know ROG.

Is he home now? A little concerned for the puppy too since he lived alone.

Eddie, you're in my prayers. Miss you around here.
Posted By: gibson Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:47 AM
I hope he recovers well with no long lasting effects.
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 08:09 AM
My best wishes

Posted By: yjoh Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 11:09 AM
Glad you are OK Eddie, get well soon!

Thanks for letting us know ROG
Posted By: 90 dB Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 12:07 PM
Get well Eddie- and get back on the forum!


Posted By: Kemmrich Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 12:51 PM
I am sorry to hear that -- I hope he recovers super quickly. ... and comes back to the forum, enough water has flowed under that bridge, I think.
Posted By: MarioD Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 02:05 PM
You're in our prayers Eddie.
Posted By: seeker Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 03:48 PM
We lit candles for you Eddie, get well soon.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 06:24 PM
My deepest heartfelt thanks to all of you who reached out and sent me your get well wishes. The accident was now 9 days ago and most of the concussion symptoms have cleared up. I still have to be aware of not standing up too fast after being prone for long periods, like sleeping overnight. I also have a couple of broken ribs, and those are the main problem, but nothing Aleve won't "aleve-iate".

I was driving home from work on Friday, Jan 25th. It was snowing. Traffic was at a steady pace of about 60 mph (100k to you Canuckians!). I was in the far right hand lane and had 4 car lengths in front of me. The car to my left in the center lane was positioned that from his back bumper to my front bumper was one free car length.

From my left, at an angle as steep as about 10 o'clock, I saw snow spray but could not tell immediately if it was a car or a maverick microburst of wind. Before I had any chance to react, I realized it was a car that had entered the north lanes after spinning out on the south lanes, crossing a median, and then crossing the left and middle lane without impact. He hit me right where the passenger door meets the front fender. Fortunately that is a fairly strong point on the car. Had he hit me 3 feet further back the impact would have been directly against the door and into my body and I would not be here typing this post.

That impact spun me about 165 degrees to where I was almost perfectly backward in the lane, at which point another car hit me from behind. All airbags did deploy.

I don't know which impact caused what because they were just about 2 seconds apart. I was knocked out of my shoes. I was wearing a seat belt but the impetus was left to right, so the shoulder strap was of no value, and I squirted out of the lap belt part and flew across the car to where I broke the passenger window with my head. It took paramedics 45 minutes to extract me from the car. I never lost consciousness but did see the little "sperm cell through a microscope" image.

At the emergency room, they did a CAT scan and chest x-rays. I did have a rather severe concussion and the broken ribs, as well as some lacerations on my left knee and on my face from the broken glass. Now, when you look like me to start with, you really can't afford the scars left by 8 facial cuts.

5 hours later, a friend picked me up in the emergency room and brought me home. My keys were wedged into the ignition, so I had no way to unlock my door. Fortunately one window has no lock and he was able to climb in that way. I was able to retrieve my keys the following Tuesday thanks to my friend Steve who did the taxi thing.

My main concern through all of this was my dog. Had I died, she would have been absolutely lost with her new owner, who, btw, is stipulated in my will in no uncertain language. My dog is NOT to see the inside of a shelter ever again. That person is also my executor, and she was able to visit me Sunday morning though she lives an hour away.

I keep a thumb drive on my key ring that is clearly marked with a Red Cross. It has my personal info as far as medical history and who to call in such a case. I an only hope that should I die in a crash, the cop who works the scene is geek enough to know what to do with it. If not, that's 4 bucks I won't get back.

Times are going to be extremely rough for me financially for the next 2 years. I have some accounts I am paying off that will take me that long to settle, as well as now having a higher car payment (I bought a MUCH bigger and safer can than a Kia Rio) and higher insurance. It will take some sacrifices and some discipline, but I have to do what I have to do. Direct TV will go (there's nothing on anyway and I will cancel immediately after the game today as my bill is due today anyway). I will give up some food extravagances (might even lose a few pounds) and cut out all outside entertainment. I'll also have to stop buying gear, but honestly, I can name a dozen things I have right now that I don't need and never use. I am concerned about how the financials of this will play out, as my insurance people are still pursuing and some of that needs to get done in prompt fashion, but none of it is within my control so I am not going to concern myself with them. If they don't get resolution, I go the personal injury lawyer route, and they can deal with the guy.

Please do me a favor. Every one of you. Wherever your significant other is right now, walk away from your computer and walk to him or her, hug them as hard as they can handle, and remind them just how much they mean to you. If that happens to be your pet, then lay down on the floor and play with it. I learned with almost the ultimate tuition how fast it can be over and it would be a shame to leave without people (or pets) knowing what they mean to you.

Thank you all once again for your prayers and thoughts. I truly appreciate every one of you.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 06:34 PM
eddie - wishing you a speedy recovery, man... good to "hear your voice" again...
Posted By: Danny C. Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 06:41 PM
Eddie . . . as Mac stated earlier in the post prayers were with you since you left the forum and of course will remain with you, maybe now just a bit more intense.

My prediction is that with the aid of that crazy sense of humor of yours you are going to make a pretty solid recovery.

Regarding your give them a hug advice, it is so true. My family members always make it a point to tell loved ones and close friends we love them at the end of every visit and/or phone call because as you stated, we never know.

Get well soon and both figuratively and literally, welcome back.

Posted By: gibson Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:08 PM
Hey Eddie, WHAT a story, really good to hear from you.
As I am typing my cat is playing with my computer mouse when I let go of it and is really annoying me so I will do as you say when she ***ng stops.
Posted By: Joe V Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:26 PM
yes Eddie - I too wish you a speedy recovery : )
Posted By: filkertom Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:49 PM
Man oh man. Eddie, I am so sorry, and so glad it wasn't even worse. Big Damn Manly Hugs, good music, rest and recovery to you. And may you be up and jammin' as soon as possible.
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 07:57 PM

Thank you all once again for your prayers and thoughts. I truly appreciate every one of you.

It's good to hear from a friend, even if he is from that state down south.

Keep looking up! He cares for you.

Don S.
Posted By: 90 dB Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 08:11 PM
Eddie - Glad you made it out OK (relatively).


Posted By: rharv Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 09:02 PM
I smiled when I saw your post .. just because I know you're OK now.
Take care of yourself until fully recovered. It may take a little discipline.
Unfortunately you'll have to go through all this in that state down south, but you'll be stronger for it.

"Keep your stick on the ice; we're pulling for ya"
Posted By: dcuny Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 09:23 PM
Wow... That's one hell of a story.

I'm glad you lived to tell it.

And it's good to see you back on the forum.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 10:07 PM
Eddie! great to see you alive and able to post here today! I'd offer you one of Filkertom's big ol' manly hugs, but the best I can usually muster is a wussy little handshake. And frankly, you don't want that.

Now that you're laid up and can't get out, you may as well start posting your clever retorts again. But whether you do that or not, I wish you a rapid recovery and a positive outlook to get you through the obstacles that still lie ahead.
Posted By: Tommyc Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 10:09 PM
Glad You're still kickin Eddie, my significant other is a dog so no problem with a hug there! My significant Ex is a dog too!
Posted By: MountainSide Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 11:18 PM
Glad to see that you're back Eddie. That's quite some story. Driving in the snow in the Cleveland area has not been one of my better memories. Glad to hear that you still have a sense of humor and that you're determined to make this work. Us Buckeyes are tough 'ol birds eh?

Posted By: MarioD Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 11:28 PM
Eddie, I’m glad that you made out OK, it could have been much worst.

I’ll pray for a fast recovery for you.
Posted By: bobcflatpicker Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/03/13 11:52 PM
Glad you're okay Eddie. I've spent quite a few days and nights slippin and slidin around Cleveland. It can get ugly real fast on those winter roads.

You've been missed on the forum.
Posted By: silvertones Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 12:06 AM
I too am happy that you're fine.Being human I knew you would get the best of care. I was soo concerned about you puppy though as I know you are alone and she may be left alone without knowing where you were.You are home and I'm sure she's happy. I'd love to hug my significant other but I no longer have one.Human or animal.You are so right. Gone in a flash.
Posted By: jford Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 03:48 AM
Eddie - praying for swift recovery and healing.
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 05:39 AM
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Eddie.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 06:11 AM
Eddie, you know you are loved and appreciated here. We are sorry or the pains you must go through but truley glad you are still a fungus among us.

Keep your chin up, and be glad for more time to love, laugh, live and care. Your friend Rob
Posted By: CountryTrash Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 11:16 AM
Hi Eddie,

I am so glad you "made it"

The wife and myself were hit by a 20 Seater Taxi/minibus (the scourge of our country) last year and were also made to realise the fleeting nature of our existence. We came out unscathed, (Hyundai i20 a total write-off though)

Such an experience surely makes you re-prioritise what is really important, and trust me it is not the "stuff" we have or crave but those personal moments and expressions of care and love. Make sure your next of kin is not just the list of people who will share the dregs of what you leave behind but those that know how much you love them (or at least care for them).

Please get well soon ....

(also hope the finances work themselves out bud)
Posted By: ROG Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 11:32 AM
Hey Eddie, I never knew you were so popular!

I got all choked up reading through the thread - it's like welcoming back the prodigal son.

It's good to have you back where you belong old pal. Make sure you keep us all up to speed with your progress.

Posted By: Shastastan Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 09:51 PM
Glad to hear the Lord and his Angels are watching out for you, Eddie. God Bless

Posted By: PeterGannon Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 10:30 PM
Hi Eddie,
Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the accident, but nice to hear that things are on the mend.
Posted By: 90 dB Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 10:42 PM
Yeah, he's got no excuse now - while he's laid up he has to get writing!
Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 11:36 PM
All the best from your old Oyrish bud in Oklahoma!
Posted By: GHinCH Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/04/13 11:42 PM
I have known too many people that ended on the other side in an instant for several causes.

I'm glad you stayed on this side. And yes, sometimes buying the "bigger" car could end in being an investment in the future of one's health.

I hope you recover completely, not only body but also mind (... it took me years to not look in the rear view mirror when tyres squeal.)

Posted By: MikeK Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/05/13 02:34 AM
Speedy recovery, Eddie!!!!

Take care of yourself.

Posted By: Ryszard Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/05/13 03:35 AM

I'm glad that you're relatively well, all things considered, and that you chose to communicate with us about it.

Two worthy artists might still be with us had they been driving larger cars--Harry Chapin and Michael Hedges. Chapin, who was driving a Honda car, lost an argument with a semi. Hedges went off the road and bled to death some time during the two days it took to find him, again in a smaller vehicle. I know another artist, a German bassist, who upon arriving for a tour in the US bought a Cadillac. He almost immediately totaled it, but is also convinced that it saved his life. More fuel, more expensive, higher operating costs? Yes, yes, yes, but ultimately safer. Bless you for being 'selfish' in this way.

Heal swiftly and, if you so choose, come back to us soon. The forums are a poorer place without you.

Posted By: musiclover Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/05/13 04:44 PM
Make a speedy recovery Eddie, hope to hear from you soon.

Posted By: Westside Steve Re: EDDIE - CAR CRASH. - 02/06/13 12:37 PM
Welcome back Eddie. WSS
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