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Posted By: LoveGuitar Road to retirement - 05/20/13 01:39 PM
I have posted about my upcoming retirement and having to store all of my gear. I thought I would share the latest story on the road to retirement (and would like to hear some of yours).
So the movers are coming this Friday at which point we will be homeless. A great friend offered to let us use his 30 foot RV as our home for the next 4 months. The only catch is...he is away on business for a couple of months. So I get to pull the RV the 2 hour drive from his house to Houston. Me? Never pulled an RV before. And down the interstate into Houston traffic? Yeah!
Well I make it to Houston and to the RV park (I haven't been able to talk my wife out of the truck yet, she is still frozen in fear after the drive). I check in and get my spot number and map. The musta SEEN ME COMING. My spot is in a horseshoe bend in one corner of the park. Odd angle to back a utility trailer in much less an RV. Here we go. My wife is outside (trying) to help me get backed in. Not having any experience in this, she is standing directly behind the RV giving me hand signals not realizing that I cannot see her at all. After about 15 tries, I am about to give up, leaving the big beast cockeyed with a quarter of it hanging over into the neighbor's spot. I notice that quite a few of the neighbors have exited their RV's to sit outside in their lawn chairs to catch some of the entertainment.
Finally a guy came to my rescue and in a couple of minutes had that baby sitting pretty.
Hopefully we can now just enjoy the simple life in the RV for a few months.
Posted By: GHinCH Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 02:02 PM
I wish you all the best and you will get used to the size of the big beast/baby. *)


*) delete as appropriate -- this will change from time to time.
Posted By: Lloyd S Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 02:21 PM
We've spent the last 2 winters "Snowbirding" with our 29' motorhome in warmer US climes.

It is indeed a treat when a newby pulls into a campground. His/her new neighbours have a bit of entertainment for a few minutes.

Not to worry. If you plan on moving around in the next 4 months, you'll get the hang of parking your rig and then you can be one of the "spectators" when a rookie pulls in.

There are lots of RV forums on the 'net.
I would check out a few for tips on helping get used to RVing in general.

Good luck!
Posted By: LoveGuitar Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 03:10 PM
Thanks Lloyd. Mostly what I hear sounds easy. Cook outside on the grill and drink beer!
Posted By: LoveGuitar Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 03:12 PM
The other good news is there are a couple of covered pavilions by the lake. Looks like a good place for me, BIAB and my acoustic.
Posted By: Mac Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 04:05 PM
The secret to backing up a trailer:

Place both hands on the BOTTOM of the steering wheel.

The trailer will go in the same direction the wheel is turned from the bottom.

Posted By: LoveGuitar Re: Road to retirement - 05/20/13 04:29 PM
Roger that good buddy! I got that part down from pulling my 16 ft tandum axle flatbed. Its the shear size of this thing that got me in a bind.
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