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Posted By: seeker 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 04:53 PM
Late fall of 1964, met my future wife. Maybe not quite love at first site, but
only took week - 10 days for this to dawn on me. Was almost off the ledge wild then.
But this meeting did hit me like a ton of bricks.

May 22nd 1965 we were married. We had a few wrinkles in the road of life, but 99% of
our life has been filled with blessings and good life.

On top of this, nothing to really do with our anniversary, but she gave me a pretty
large chunk of $$$$ outta her secret sock. LOL.

She wanted to make sure I had $$$ for my very expensive hi-speed net, and even more
important "Upgrades" which will take place pretty soon.

She has been a great mother, wife and most of all my "Best Friend" thru all these years.

FWIW, not sure I could be married to me all that time........Albeit always took care
of and treated her how a lady was supposed to be treated.

The only music part was our life and the "Upgrades" comment.
Posted By: 90 dB Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:08 PM
48 years of happy marriage is music - the sweetest kind. I wish you 48 more!


Posted By: Lloyd S Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:08 PM
Wow! 48 years!

A hearty "congratulations" and best wishes for many more years of the same wedded bliss.

Posted By: eddie1261 Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:16 PM
Wow. Kudos!!

I have been married for 13 years total in my life and it took me 3 wives to get there!
Posted By: Shastastan Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:35 PM
Excellent, Frank. Good for you guys! I'm very lucky also with feelings toward my bride similar to yours. Of course we are newlyweds compared to you since we've only been married 45 years.
Posted By: DrDan Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:51 PM
Congrats to you and the little lady.

Each anniversary I remind my wife the words to an old song,

"..I'm not easy to live with, I know that's true. Your no picknic either babe, that one of the things I love about you..."
Posted By: MarioD Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:53 PM
Congratulations on 48 years of being happily married.

Like Stan we are newlyweds being married only 46 years this July.
Posted By: seeker Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 05:56 PM
48 more, not sure that will happen, but nice thoughts from you, Thanks!

Lloyd S,
Ya always have to work at it, but many things affect that Bliss. Thank You!

Have a son who's on same count and holding....Lotsa wrinkles to overcome sometimes.
My wife and I are not terribly active in church, but sure we had some guidance from above. Thank you!

Short story here about our music. Between 30-40 years ago, came home from
work one day. Walked into the house and heard a most beautiful voice singing. Never
heard it before. It was my wife. We had been married 10+ years and never heard it.
"I know....Twas the Mailman". LOL Naw, not really.
45 years - 48 years both are from another lifetime away.

Thats the makin's of a song, good hook.
Thank you!

As Stan mentioned we are all in the same ballpark on the time.
Its important, but the many memories thru those years, short or long is
what really matters.
Thanks to you also!

Posted By: den_spain Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 06:08 PM
Congrats, hope you have many many more to celebrate.

I have been married 10 months to my current wife. (I use the term current to keep her on her toes.)
Posted By: Danny C. Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 06:18 PM
Congrats Frank!

I am also just about finished with a similar song, but for only 45 years.

Nice job.

Posted By: MikeK Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 06:20 PM
That's awesome, Frank. Make it many, many more!!! Congratulations to you both.
Posted By: Mac Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 07:06 PM
A wonderful praise report of a wonderful blessing there, Frank.

Kiss her again!

Posted By: Don Gaynor Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 07:18 PM
Marriage: "Seven of the happiest years of my life! Out of fifty-two that ain't bad!"

Joanne and I observed 52 last December 31st.
Posted By: Shastastan Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/22/13 09:31 PM
Well, Frank, Pauline and I were married for 39 years before we ever played any music together. She sings also and is in 2 choirs. We are so blessed that we are able to enjoy music together with our duets and bands we are in. If you can do music with your wife, you will get to experience some real fun and enjoyment.
Posted By: Sundance Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/23/13 12:27 AM
Originally Posted By: Mac
A wonderful praise report of a wonderful blessing there, Frank.

Kiss her again!


Amen. Congrats Frank!
Posted By: rharv Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/23/13 01:14 AM
Be thankful.

I thought I was doing great when I hit 20 years on Monday .. another 28 would be amazing. Congratulations.

I'm amazed she has put up with me this long. crazy
Posted By: seeker Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/23/13 01:27 AM
First something nice on our anniversary, we made a nice donation to great group
in Oklahoma, City to help the unfortunate folks that are suffering.
Did not include name, thought it may be improper.

Second, almost a payback. bout 3 weeks ago visiting with Buffet manager at local
casino bout our anniversary. She gave me a name and said there would be a
voucher for us. Well we had a fabulous meal, only gave the servers and couple
others tips. Ate too much.

In the blink of an eye it will be ten years. She might get tired standing
on her toes that long tho. LOL Thanks

As mentioned above give or take a few years. Not being sarcastic,
but each of our lives are all separate, and different songs.
Maybe post a poem written by myself about 7-8 years ago.
Thank you!

Few wrinkles along the way, but most of the journey has been very good.
Appreciate your comments!

After a wild first 4 years in the military, your right on, she was and
still is my blessing. And I will.

There you go again "One Ups-man-ship" Never Ketch Ya.
You are so blessed to have Joanne also. Your road is bit more bumpy than
Thank you!


Did not mention above, but somewhere in my/our cassette archives is a recording
of the two of us doing "Dust in the Wind". Nothing like you folks do, but
was nice to do.
Best to you 2 on the more than 39 years!


Between you and Mac...following your suggestions might make her think,
I'm hiding something. LOL

Thank you!

Thank you, enjoy your years, before you know great deal of time will pass.
As writing this, can hear wife playing Elvis and his version of "My Way".

Appreciate you comments.

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/23/13 05:08 AM
One of my former bosses once told me "Today is my anniversary... it marks 43 happy years"

Then after a pause, he added

"42 for her and one for me"

seriously, though... congratulations to both of you for a real accomplishment!

(Likewise to you and your wife, Rharv!)
Posted By: GHinCH Re: 48 Years Today! - 05/23/13 01:59 PM
48 good years is hard to top. Most don't make it that far. Others have started before you, so they're ahed. But you've passed many.

I wish that both of you stay on track. Congratulations.
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