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Just interested to know what styles of music, whether covers or originals, whether for fun or commercially, what.... hang on I'll write a list of q's... answer any you feel like, add more if you like!

What styles?

Covers or Originals?

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

Do you play live with Biab?

What are you currently working on?

PS. enjoying biab and rb very much. start off in biab then at some point "unfold" & switch to rb. not sure why!
here's mine:

What styles?
gospel, blues, pop/dance - but hope to expand by using biab/rb

Covers or Originals?
gospel and blues mostly covers, pop/dance originals

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
somewhere in between - hoping for a song to be picked up at some point.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
so far voice and piano

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
still experimenting with workflow - so far not doing vocals in biab/rb - doing them in Cakewalk because I can loop and get many takes...

Do you play live with Biab?
No, but I'd like to at some point...

What are you currently working on?
trad. gospel album with all my favourite gospel songs


What styles?

Country, Country Rock, Bluegrass


Covers or Originals?



Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

Somewhere in between


What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

5 string banjo, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, accordian, keyboards, harmonica


Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

SONAR 8 PE and Sound Forge 9


Do you play live with Biab?

No, I use SONAR for live shows.


What are you currently working on?

A valentine's day CD for my wife.
Working on?

Yesterday I was working on a fifth. Today I've got it down to 3/4 of a pint.
What styles? Rock, Blues, and Country

Covers or Originals? both Covers for playing live, and originals for creativity sake.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!) Fun for now.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements? Guitar, Bass, and vocals

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them? I finish in either RB, or a program called Multitrackstudio

Do you play live with Biab? Somewhat, I am using RB more now due to the ability to process better and add more tracks.

What are you currently working on? A full set of live work, and two originals
Interesting query, Mel.

What styles?
- Brazilian jazz
- Latin jazz

Covers or Originals?
- Only originals

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
- Both

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
- Any horn part needed. Flugelhorn, flute, soprano or tenor sax, trumpet. Also vibes.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
- Yes, SONAR. Then Adobe Audition for mastering the stereo file with Ozone.

Do you play live with Biab?
- No. I use real people.

What are you currently working on?
- Finishing compositions for another Brazilian jazz CD
- Writing arrangements and scores for a client doing a Latin jazz CD
- Beta testing Encore 5 for Windows, a notation program
- Preparing programs for two upcoming Rio JAZZ concerts
- Interrupting all that whenever the muse makes me compose something else
What styles?

Everything but Rap, Hard Rock and Metal.

Covers or Originals?


Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)


What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Guitar and Vocals.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

No, when I feel they are ready I plug the PA jack into the earphone outlet then . . . one ana two and off we go (in my studio of course), then they are tweaked until I feel they are ready for a live performance.

Do you play live with Biab?

Yes and I still can’t believe people pay me to perform, it truly is a great country!

What are you currently working on?

Besides the never ending task of tweaking arrangements in every one of my song books the inserting and arranging of solos for the new realtracks Trumpet, Bone and 2 beat Sax solos I am working on arrangements for a couple of lesser known, but very good IMO, Neil Sedaka and Paul Anka tunes, "Should Have Never Let You Go" and "Do I love You?" respectively.
What styles?

Rock, Country, Blues

Covers or Originals?


Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)?

Fun ... but I can always dream.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Acoustic/Electric guitars, harmonica and vocals. I can also do simple stuff on banjo and might do some keys/percussion in the future.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

Yes, Sonar Home Studio 6XL.

Do you play live with Biab?


What are you currently working on?

The "Record a CD in February" thing. 10 of the 12 songs will be BIAB created backing tracks. I'll post a few here once they are done.


Just interested to know what styles of music, whether covers or originals, whether for fun or commercially, what.... hang on I'll write a list of q's... answer any you feel like, add more if you like!

What styles? As a composer, I find that I've been creating electronica over which to play guitar. I deal a lot in objets trouvets--found objects--which can be software, people, or new instruments which take me in unexpected directions. RB is going to add an interesting new dimension to this. As far as playing with others, it depends largely on who I am playing with. At core, I'm a blues guitarist--but it doesn't sound like it when combined with electronica and 'acid dixieland' (trust me, you wouldn't like it). I also play fingerstyle acoustic guitar and bass.

Covers or Originals? Originals; I consider myself a composer first. OPS (Other Peoples' Stuff) palled on me about three years ago. I've largely rejected all that I have done before and have taken a completely new course.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!) Has to be fun if I'm doing it for myself. I do want to market music on the Internet to generate residual income, and play live for giggles and short-term cash.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements? My primary musical instrument is the Personal Computer. I am fascinated by automation. There is and will be a lot of nonhuman stuff. But when I get RB or another DAW working there will certainly be my guitar and electronic accents. I have a background in choral music and would like for voice to be a large element of what I do.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them? I sometimes port BIAB GM files into Reason, with great results. I have Nuendo and RealBand. I really wish it was easier to port files between these programs, or to link them using Propellerhead's ReWire.

Do you play live with Biab? No. I may use tracks that I create with it, but I doubt I'll ever use the program live.

What are you currently working on? The 'acid' thing above is an ongoing monster--can't even dignify it by calling it a project, since projects usually have goals--that I've been with for the last seven years. But it has given me free rein to develop my electric guitar skills.

I'm talking with someone now about doing a live folk-jazz act and looking for other opportunities to play live. But now that I have the hardware in line, I will be working on a backlog of originals.

I'm a songwriter at heart. so I like to think of myself as a writer. In that capacity I write mostly Country, Country folk, Bluegrass, and some other stuff that are ballads mostly but I haven't been able to figure out what genre.

Covers or Originals?
A little of both, covers are usually old western or country or gospel, originals are either country or the non-genre stuff. But I sometimes play around with jazz.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
Mostly fun, but I do a small gig once in awhile with my covers and original stuff. Ususally mp3 track and accoustic or just an accoustic.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
some guitar, bass, have done a little harmonica, piano.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
So far strictly PG stuff now. I used to use cakewalk, ntrack and something else for midi, can't remember what now. I've been toying with getting another either sonar, or ? but hate the thought of the learning curve.

Do you play live with Biab? Oops already aswered that.
I do play live with a christian country group, where I either play bass or accoustic guitar usually

What are you currently working on? Currently trying to master a jazz album that I've been working on for years. It keeps changing direction, then I learn something new and have to apply the changes to the mix etc. It might get finished someday.

Hi everyone;

HappyTrails> A fifth is part of a chord, and you could put it in 3/4 time!

What styles?
My roots are country, blues and rock. But with BIAB one can explore different styles and experiment, which is nice.

Covers or Originals?

I am a songwriter, so anything I do will be original. I have about 5 good originals complete that were written in the 90's. Back then I had to go to a studio to make them sound professional. Not anymore!

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
I do it for fun always because I enjoy it. I have pitched sooo many times to people listed in the Songwriters Handbook, but have not gotten signed yet. That would be nice. I even live about 20 from Lacy J. Dalton, here in Nevada, and gave her a demo after a concert, but never heard back. It is so competitive, I believe a person needs an "IN" to get heard these days.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

So far acoustic and electric guitar. I need to get some more gear before I do vocals.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Just starting to use RB yesterday.
Do you play live with Biab?
Not outside of the house.
What are you currently working on?
Blues, one kinda like James Brown, lots of country, a gospel one for a person at work, and a Dire Straits one.
What styles?
Easy Rock, Folk Rock, Folk, Country (old style)

Covers or Originals?

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
Acoustic Bass Guitar & Acoustic 6 String, Electric Bass & Guitar, Drums & percussion, some keyboard parts...(tho I have never played a "human instrument" it hard to learn?:o

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Yes, Cubase SX3, Kristal Audio Engine, Reaper for mixing lately, WaveLab5, AA 1.5 and Wavosaur for editing, AAMS for "mastering"

Do you play live with Biab?

What are you currently working on?
5 Original Folk Rock tunes, a 4 song EP for a friend, mixing 3 on-line collabs

Great idea for a thread!
What styles?
Whatever the customer is sending me

Covers or Originals?
originals only here

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
I guess it depends on the definition of commercial. Getting paid if that makes it commercial, but I try to have fun... getting success at the fun part more some times than others

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Very little use for BiaB here but I do almost all work in PT or RB, depending on location and system used.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
Again, it depends on what the project needs.. bass, guitar, keyboards, drums, horns, etc.

Do you play live with Biab?
Nope, when I play live I like people to play with. Otherwise its like the studio work, which pays better and requires less equipment hauling.

What are you currently working on?
Music by others lately, helping people finish their originals.
Recently- boating songs (folksy) and EuroTechnical.. wide variety coming in.
Even had a guy send us a song with the melody separate so we could have a singer record it, so he could show HIS singer how the song went... that one was confusing. Turned out to be timing issues in his recordings preventing him from getting the idea across to his bandmate. The tracks were playing at different speeds and it took me a while to figure out what was going on...
throw in a little work for a local TV show, nothing big, but busy.
Wish I had more time to hang out here and listen more to what everyone is posting, but I usually come on the forum to give the ears a break.
Styles - my own.

Covers/own - mostly other peoples music - from the 20's to the 50's.

Purely for fun - my own (no one else would want to hear it).

Human instruments? No, I just play the piano by myself - never did like duets - the bench was too narrow.

What's BIAB? Just kidding - I arrange my own stuff, including other parts such as bass/drums. Well I cheat on the drums by using midi file drum tracks that "fit".

Play with BIAB - no just by myself - I doing the arrangement as I play.

Working on? mostly stuff that went out of style about fifty years ago. And getting accustomed to Pianoteq - it's so nice to have a sweet, rich sound that is actually digitally created.

Just interested to know what styles of music, whether covers or originals, whether for fun or commercially, what.... hang on I'll write a list of q's... answer any you feel like, add more if you like!

What styles?

Covers or Originals?

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

Do you play live with Biab?

What are you currently working on?

PS. enjoying biab and rb very much. start off in biab then at some point "unfold" & switch to rb. not sure why!

Styles for me are jazz, latin and some country. Occassionally, but not too often, some rock.

I do not have the education to actually write originals, so all my work are 'covers.' Usually, I prefer 'The Great American Songbook,' so I prefer the term 'standards.'

Fun, most definitely. I will create CDs for friends.

John, Susan and sometimes Bill...:p
I don't know what you mean by 'human instruments', although I'm assuming you mean ones that I play myself. I play a Korg PA800 Professional Arranger.

I do export files from Band In A Box to either Power Tracks Pro Audio or Sonar 7. Currently, Sonar 7 is my choice for much of my DAW work. I gave up on Pro Tools because my computer kept crashing.

I do not gig out, although the concept of doing an 'open mic' night with a laptop and RB has crossed my mind.

And, I am currently working on seeing if BIAB/RB will work with Windows 7 64 bit.

Does this make census? Whatever style lends itself to what I've written. Could be Easy Listening, Folk Rock, Country, Blues - my writing is done with the acoustic guitar. After inputting the chords in BIAB I search for the right style to fit the song tempo.

I'm only working my song demos now. Human instruments would include acoustic guitar (although I have used a midi guitar controller with it), harmonica and bass. Only use BIAB and PowerTracks.

For live music I like "live", or mostly live, musicians. Seldom do clubs anymore - the equipment just got too heavy to move - even for an acoustic guitar player. Like to play music with friends after dinner and over a bottle of single malt.

I work on some covers for my two girls by downloading midi files and tweaking them a bit so they can sing along and I record them.

Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/07/09 05:02 AM
My buddy's '57 Buick Roadmaster project.

I'm doing the sound system.


I am currently working on seeing if BIAB/RB will work with Windows 7 64 bit.


Hey Gary, let us know how this goes, OK? Maybe start a new thread. Several folks over on the SONAR forum really like Windows 7 beta. They claim it works with Vista drivers, but is as fast or faster than XP.
Jazz, blues, fusion. Most songs are original although periodically will cover songs i like. All for fun. Compose then plug in guitar then record then listen then bang head on guitar then grab the closest beer.

My buddy's '57 Buick Roadmaster project.

I'm doing the sound system.


Sweet, sounds like fun

What styles?

Some of this, some of that -- my last CD project was cowboy songs

Covers or Originals?

Mostly originals, some covers of public domain songs

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

Commercial...I hope!

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

I used to create simple demos with only lead guitar added to BiaB. Now I mostly use the program to create a midi template and record pretty much all the instruments after I port it over to PTPA

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

PTPA, as mentioned. It has been my primary recording app ever since the ability to record was added. I do have RB now but I haven't really experimented with it yet.

Do you play live with Biab?


What are you currently working on?

A mostly acoustic set of songs, many of them referencing Florida in some way.
Nice Topic Mel.
Ok, here goes:

Styles: pop, classic rock, country, bigband, jazz
Covers/Originals: On stage mostly covers, when writing it's all originals.
Fun or Commercial When solo on stage purely commercial, when with the band it's pure for fun
Instrument(s) Vocals, guitar and some very basic keyboard typing (yes, that's exactly what I mean )
BiaB to other DAW: I use Cubase 5
Play live with BiaB? No, on stage I use professional backingtracks (when solo) or I play with my band.
Current project: Believe it or not: I am working on my first album and we're trying to get the first single out in May
What styles?
Celtic, Baroque, Classical, Brass Quintet or Quartet. Jazz Standards.

Covers or Originals?
Mostly music that is at least 100 years old, plus anything from 1900 to 1960.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
Piano, Keyboard, Horns, and the bride plays almost anything, but usually flute.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
I do not .

Do you play live with Biab?
No, it is missing too many time sigs and it is easier to walk in a venue which has a piano and take a music stand for my wife. A lot of our Celtic stuff is a pain to force into three four time so we just go accousitc.

What are you currently working on?
Our Brass Band has a concert on April 1, so we are in rehersal. We also play most of the same concert in Toronto at the Sony Centre the following Saturday, as part of a brass festival.

Other than that we are working on a piano and flute arrangement of A Nightengale Sang in Barklay Square, and I am working on a set of variations for flute and piano based on Rhuddlan Marsh (welsh tune).

I primarily use Band in a Box to practice practice practice.......

What styles?

Converting the Korg PA80 styles to Band-in-a-Box styles for fun and profit. First disk is done, see:


Covers or Originals?

Songs for my duo, The Sophisticats are often covers and often our own arrangements of popular songs which can be either similar or radically different from the original


Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

Both. I play music for a living, and I love to go to work because it's fun (they don't call it playing music for nothing)


What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Saxophone, wind synthesizer, guitar, flute, tactile MIDI controller, voice, and sometimes keyboards


Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

Do you play live with Biab?

I'll answer both because they are related.

I play live using backing tracks that I either made from scratch in a sequencer or exported from BiaB and then finished in a sequencer. See for detailed instructions on how I make them and how I use them on stage.


What are you currently working on?

Making backing tracks for a couple of requests that have come in fairly frequently in the past couple of months.

Insights and incites by Notes
I've been working on a back track to use while "Cat Fishing" and playing the harp, but so far none of the standard style's worked.
Any suggestions...!
Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/08/09 03:43 PM

I've been working on a back track to use while "Cat Fishing" and playing the harp, but so far none of the standard style's worked.
Any suggestions...!

Clip a small brass bell on the line up near the tip of the rod, that way you can spend less time watching the bobber and more time practicin' on that harp...

Best bait fer catfish is the old tried and true aged beef heart on a treble hook IMO. Age it in a mayonnaise jar covered with cheesecloth on the back porch for several days. Phew. But the big cats love it and it proves to be quite resilient out in the water, that way you get even more time to drink beer, er, practice that harp.

Incidentally, when night fishing on the riverbank (is there any other way to catch catfish?) I have found that music really attracts the cats. So does the prerequisite bum's bonfire. Try a boombox turned almost all the way up or as high as you can stand it anyway. Awhile back we discovered a fishin' hole where all the catfish seemed to prefer Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon with Steely Dan Aja as a close second...

Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/08/09 03:50 PM
I once caught a catfish in the Monongahela river outside of Pittsburgh that scared me it was so large. Thought I'd snagged a log. When it got close enough to shore to shine the light on the thing, its head was a good two feet across and the tentacles seemed to go on forever, as did the part behind the head.

I knew right what to do.

Pulled out mah knife, flicked it open with my thumb -- and cut the line!

Hi...My first post on this side of our forum but have asked on BIAB many times.
I'm trying to learn Country Pedal Steel. I do play electric bass, guitar, uke, & Hawaiian steel but you need to be a smart octopus to play country steel. Three foot pedals, four knee levers & a swell pedal are quite a challenge
P.S. Is fun though
Wow, even we sedate Canucks who fish sturgeon carry a rifle and dispatch the thing. Got one you had to leave the tailgate down on the F150 to haul home. Had won a wee chainsaw the week before at an axe throwing contest and put vegetable oil in the chain oil resevoir and cut it into steaks. Pretty greasy. The rest got cut up and my neighbour used it for trapping. Reminds me to call the trapper to see if he got the dang beaver outta the creek behind the cabin. They flooded the trail in so bad we had to canoe, and I hate to waste them big rats with a gun when the fur is no good, but the tail is fine eating.

When I worked south of Longlac I was the one to deal with the beavers. 3 red crackers with fuses tied to a pole into the culvert (usually dammed there), and 3 more in the house. No more flooded road. My mother said once "they pay you all that money to drive around and blow stuff up?" Yup, what else did the fire marshal have to do when it rained?
Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/08/09 05:17 PM

Wow, even we sedate Canucks who fish sturgeon carry a rifle and dispatch the thing.


Stainless 9-shot Taurus .22 mag w/3"bbl in the tackle box, the "kit gun" dontcha know.

Handy for dispatching poisonous snakes and such, too, the first two rounds to come up are typically going to be snake shot rounds.

I generally always have mah Colt in mah pants, too, but that is typically reserved for the miscreant human being types who wish to interfere with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I just didn't have the heart to kill a fish that managed to grow that big, John.

(And perhaps he was a bit large and scary, too... )

Cat Fishin...!
I beg to differ wit cha, Cat's don't like Pink Floyd.
I've been testing some of the BIAB styles for the last 2 nights and have found that between the hours of 11:00 pm and 1:00 AM they like "SWAMPROK" style played at 190BPM and played in A m on a C harp with the volumn up about 90 percent...!
Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/08/09 10:11 PM
Well, yeah, I think its a geographic thang, I had to put up with Pittsburgh nawthin yankee city catfish, dontcha know.

I hear now that they respond to Rap up theyah...

Up here we try NOT to catch the catfish.. never understood the draw to those things.

Much prefer a nice Musky or Pike for a fight.. and walleye and bass for eating. An occasional perch or salmon fits in nicely too. Seems the carp are replacing the cats more and more every year anyway, at least up around the Great Lakes.
They have opened the sturgeon fishing up again in these parts. They stopped it for a while because they were disappearing, guess they are rebounding now. Can't keep them under 52" or so. My brother dives once in a while and tells me he saw one in some rock outcroppings that was bigger than he was. He had the same reaction Mac had to that catfish- get some distance between.
Back in Illinois (Rock Cut State Park) I hooked a huge cat that pulled me around in my boat for a couple hours. I just let him pull me around the whole lake as I wasn't making any headway getting him up from the bottom. He finally got the line under a fallen tree with him on one side and me on the other in about 6' of water.. that's when I cut the line and went home with nothing but a memory.
Have a look at this guy.
What styles?

Any Style(s) that fit. I also use hybrid styles and I’ve been known to save the same song with different styles and either merge or mix and match in my sequencer.

Covers or Originals?

Yes - both

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

Mostly fun

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

Guitar, bass and with Pumping Station Road harmonica and vocals

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

I start virtually every song in BiaB and finish everything off in Sonar.

Do you play live with Biab?


What are you currently working on?

A couple of jazz and new age guitar songs and a few songs with Pumping Station Road.
Posted By: Mac Re: What's everyone working on? A little census. - 02/09/09 01:25 AM

Much prefer a nice Musky or Pike for a fight.. and walleye and bass for eating.

Don'tchoo knowit, bro. Well, where I come from we generally et the muskies and pike, too.

I've never been too fond of the mushy catfish although I know a lot of folks who prefer that.

Now, for just plain good eatin, I still go for a mess o' Bream (Bluegill to Yankees) or some Papermouths (Crappie) caught on superlightweight tackle or the long pole, man. Fry 'em up and serve with hushpuppies, baked beans 'n beer.

The catfishing at night on the Pittsburgh rivers is more of a reason to dress badly and sit up nights bein' loud 'n drinkin' beer. At least for me it was.

The one fish I won't eat is a doggone river Carp.

Recipe for Carp:

1 nice sized Carp
3 or 4 galvanized roofing nails
1X6 pine board a little larger than the Carp

Nail the Carp to one side of board and prop up close to the fire. After about ten minutes, pull the Carp off of that side and nail it to the other side of the board, prop it back up close to that fire and let it bake for another twelve minutes or until the Carp is flaky tender.

Remove the Carp from the board, throw the fish into the fire and eat the board!!

"Catfish got whiskers and a sweet little grin,
but you never can tell where a catfish has been."

Danny O'Keefe "Catfish"

Yeah, nice plate size crappie are well worth the effort. And once you find one... well you know. ..dinners accounted for.

I agree with the carp recipe. They make good fertilizer..
Uppair in Mitchigin, I heared day crossed bread a "Coho, a Walleye, and a Muskey" thet call it a "COWALSKEY" but day went an had a slite problum, the damn thang couldn't swam...!
Sompin' is a bit fishy here

Just interested to know what styles of music, whether covers or originals, whether for fun or commercially, what.... hang on I'll write a list of q's... answer any you feel like, add more if you like!

LIke most of us, Mel, I just can't resist replying to questionnaires so thanks and here goes


What styles?

Pop in all its glorious forms


Covers or Originals?

I do covers for learning/training purposes but my aim is to complete my CD (I have 7 self-written songs already completed)


Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)

That's a hard one - I'd sell my output if I could but that is not the main reason I do it


What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?

well vocals of course, but I'm not sure what you mean by a human instrument.


Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?

Yes, and very very early in the process. I only use BIAB to get the roughest of rough outlines to import into PTPA 11. By the time the piece is finished, all that is left is the drums. Everything else has been completely re-played and recorded, the original MIDi from BIAB serving as a guide.


Do you play live with Biab?



What are you currently working on?

My lack of activity here over the past few weeks may have been noted by some (or perhaps not!). But the reason is I have just been recruited to fill the keyboard player's stool of a local revivalist covers band (mainly 60s). This, in addition to my other band has left me with no time to devote to my home studio. But I don't want to hi-jack your thread, Mel. I'll write something on my blog about all these developments as soon as I get a moment.
What styles?
Originals. I use BIAB mainly to help with my composing and arrangement ideas, e.g. browsing styles against my own chord sequences (even styles that may initially seem inappropriate) and letting BIAB trigger ideas and, now and then, what I call 'painter's accidents' ! I also use BIAB to give me initial keyboard, brass and string parts, which I then amend as necessary. I'm a guitarist primarily.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
Fun, although I'm very serious about getting things just right and 'credible' against commercial songs and recordings. That aim in itself is a perpetual journey which is what I get most fulfilment from.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
I do all guitar and vocal parts. I also program drum parts in EZDrummer, usually from scratch so that counts as well doesn't it! Actually I often write songs together with the percussionist in our band and he helps polish things up, spotting parts where the drummer would need three or four arms to carry out what I'd programmed!

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Yes, into Sonar 8. It's far easier there to cut, paste, replace, and edit things into shape. Also essential if you want to make serious high quality audio recordings with all the (many, many) professional tools Sonar has.

Do you play live with Biab?
No. Our band does however use midi backing tracks but these are 'pro' ones that we buy and tweak to our needs.

What are you currently working on?
Unfortunately the last few months have seen a lot of music downtime due some health problems I've been having, my father passing away and other stuff. I'm banking on the Spring to mark a turnaround.


Current project: Believe it or not: I am working on my first album and we're trying to get the first single out in May

THis is great news, Mike

wishing you all the very best with it,

Marc (who does believe it!!)
What styles?
Whatever fits my current mood but I generally avoid Rap, Heavy Metal, Death Metal etc etc.

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
A bit of both although I sometimes have a problem with selling God's giftings. The bible does say however that 'a workman is due his pay' .... so maybe I need to start marketing.

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
Guitar, vocals, drums, percussion, synthesizers etc. In other words whatever is at hand at the time and takes my fancy.

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Yep, Nuendo or Cubase for adding to a track and mixing down. Lately been messing around more with REAPER. Final mastering usually done in Wavelab.

Do you play live with Biab?
No. I have tried a couple of times but setting the whole lot up is a mite cumbersome and in our last little church building there just wasn't enough room. Therefore if I want backings they are usually MP3's or played live on a Roland E60 Arranger workstation. The E60 is my preferred option as I can flow as I feel led.

What are you currently working on?
Working on two albums at the moment. One is the successor to 'One Night With The King' and the other is a instrumental worship CD. If you can think Francis Goya and Vangelis you will get an idea of my direction. Don't have a lot of time for these at the moment though as I'm still busy programming and finishing off a roads design 'private job'.

What styles?
Country, Christian

Covers or Originals?

Fun or commercial (or somewhere in between!)
Fun but thinking about commercial

What human instruments do you add to your Biab/RB arrangements?
Piano & Guitar

Do you port your tunes from BIAB into another DAW (eg. Sonar etc) to finish them?
Yes - Cubase

Do you play live with Biab?

What are you currently working on?
Toying with the idea of trying movie & tv musical scores

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