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Posted By: PeteG Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 04:23 AM
I downloaded the beta version of the new Melodyne Editor and gave it a try on a
guitar vocal I had done this morning. It's a nice package and seems to work well. It
allows you to edit individual notes of polyphonic material. For example in my guitar
vocal which is a single track I can edit the pitch of the voice and leave the notes on
the guitar unchanged or visa versa. Available for Mac and PC. Heres the link to their
revamped website.

Here's the song I edited in the new melodyne editor.

It's the Robert Johnson classic "Sweet Home Chicago" and it's a guitar
vocal played on a Martin 00018 Norman Blake guitar and recorded on
a Blue Dragonfly Deluxe mic.

Just nudged a few notes with the melodyne and there are some
falsetto notes sung - those aren't artifacts.

Here's my song
Song page:
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 05:22 AM
Good to know this will actually exist. The demo was amazing, like nothing I could have even imagined possible. Pete, please keep us posted on the program's progress.
Posted By: Mac Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 11:50 AM
Double up on the backbeat click with this one, Pete. Set the met such that it clicks on the upbeat of every beat and run through the tune a few times a bit slower like that.

Sounds like you are feeling that doubleback on the guit, but not on the singing.

Can't hear Melodyne at work at all here, that's a good thing for Celemony.

**What brand and model MIC are you currently using on your voice?**

And thanks for the headsup on the beta!

Posted By: rockstar_not Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 05:10 PM

Pete gave this the ultimate test, if I read his post correctly. It's a single track, that Melodyne was able to dissect into two different tracks for editing, one for guitar, and one for vox.

It's a Blue Dragonfly mic that he talked about for the combined guitar and voice.

Pete - is that right - single track that you used Melodyne to split into separate guitar and vox?
Posted By: PeteG Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 06:31 PM
Thanks for the tips Mac, I'll give it a try.

Yeah, like Rock says it's a Blue Dragonfly Deluxe. It's #193 out of 275 made.
And I'm recording voice and guitar at the same time on the one mic.
Then when I add some reverb it stereoizes it.
Posted By: PeteG Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 07:10 PM
That is pretty much correct Rock.

I started with a mono track with voice and guitar combined. I had turned it into a stereo file when
I added the reverb and had used some eg and compression. I could have gone back to the original
mono track but in this instance I used the processed stereo file. 16 bit 44 .

When I entered it into the melodyne what I got was a large field on note blobs. The melodyne accurately read the
meter would click right along with my playing which is cool and may come in handy for other types of editing. I also see that
you can directly record into the melodyne. They did send an extensive pdf manual which is better than programs I've actually paid for.
BACK TO THE BLOBS - the horizontal lines were the notes of the musical scale and I could see some blobs were right on and others were not - to find the singing notes was trial and error , but I could tell by the timing pretty much where the sung notes were and once I got the melody line going visually I could pretty much follow it on the grid. I only did a few nudges and held up a few notes that dropped off pitch because they were held too long. The program will edit pitch, pitch transitions,formants, timing and has several other features I haven't looked at yet. I do own Melodyne Uno which is their most basic editor.

If you saw the promo video that came out about a year ago, it's not going to be that level of separation of polyphonic material in the visual presentation. At least for me it was a little more difficult to determine what I was hearing from what I was seeing, but it did seem to all be there. It did take a couple of minutes to take my original file into the Melodyne (PowerMac with dual 2.0 processors, pre-intel) and they did suggest to enter only the sections that needed edits to save time. The other caution is that the vocal may include guitar notes if the pitch and timing coincide. That wasn't a problem for me , but could have been.
Posted By: protostar Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 07:12 PM
I was beginning to wonder if Melodyne's DNA (Dynamic Note Access) feature was going to be vaporware forever- I've watched the demo video since the beginning of this year. Glad to see that it's finally coming out and a beta is available. I've been using the Melodyne plug-in for a few months, and it has been very helpful on doing subtle and not-so-subtle pitch correction and note timing corrections. I'm looking forward to trying out the new version.

Posted By: Mac Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/18/09 08:40 PM
Then that's really exemplary stuff Melodyne pulled off.

Thanks for the explanation.

BTW -- the reason I asked is that I think your voice might do better with a dynamic mic on it. My first choice from my cabinet would be an EV RE-15 or RE-20, but the good old standby Shure SM57 WITH the Shure made long rubber boot on it would do the trick. Okay to still put the blue mic up close to the guitar and record to two channels. Get that cardioid dynamic thang goin' up close to your lips, man. But now that I better understand what was done for this example, this was better saved for a later time. Or not.

Posted By: PeteG Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/22/09 05:58 AM

Good Mac, I've got a SM57 -but no rubber boot?

Funnest trick with the melodyne is take a sound file and
change the modality or minor/major scale with a couple
of clicks. Whole new song.
Posted By: WienSam Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/22/09 11:46 AM
Thanks for the heads up, Pete

I have used Melodyne on vocals before but the new developments could be really useful
Posted By: Wyndham Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/22/09 09:18 PM
Pete do you think the BETA was just to get the basic code working and the other stuff we saw in the video a year ago might be added when the code is clean or do you think that will be maybe ver 2.0.
There's a lively discussion on the general form over there and some good beta test that several folks have done.
Looking forward to the Nov release, Wyndham
Posted By: PeteG Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/23/09 05:22 AM
Hi Weinsam,

Glad I could keep you abridged!
Posted By: PeteG Re: Beta Melodyne Test - 09/23/09 05:39 AM

Hi Wyndham,

I guess my first thought is that the original super impressive videos we saw last year were more a graphic artists fantasy creation than a look at how the program was working. If this is where the program is now where could they have been a year ago? Of course this is the low end program, my upgrade from Uno is listed at around $130 , so maybe they will add snazzier graphics and more bells and whistles to the upper level programs? As basic as it is , it is still an easy to use editor that gives musical results and does something that no other program can do, so that ain't bad!

I looked at the Melodyne forums a few days ago , but I'm sure things are being added rapidly and I shall keep in touch.
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