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Posted By: Keith from Oz The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 05:49 AM
I'm not sure whether this would have made it to the North American, British or European news, but we had a huge red dust storm here yesterday morning. If you'd like to see some photos, go to
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 05:58 AM
Yes, it was on the Internet aggregators. They said it looked like Mars.
Posted By: Lawrie Re: The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 06:23 AM
G'day Keith,
yeah, wasn't a bad blow was it?

Notice how the media beat it out of all proportion though: cries of climate change and how the world is gonna end and other silliness. I think you're old enough to remember similar dust storms from when you were a kid? I certainly do.

What storms like this really show is how bad the drought truly is - can't kick up dust that is bound by vegetation - and we've been in drought for a good 25 years or more.

The last time Lake Eyre (North and South) was completely filled was 1974, and 1950 before that. When Lake Eyre is filled from flow from the North (Qld, upper NSW etc.) then we are likely not in drought. Once it drops, a drought is not far away. Over my lifetime we have suffered drought more often than not.
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 06:49 AM
Hi Lawrie,
Yep, it sure was a doozie.
I've got red dust in places where I didn't even know I had places.
Posted By: Curmudgeon Re: The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 03:26 PM
Saw a picture yesterday of what should have been the Sydney Opera House and was wondering about our friends from Oz.

Looks like you survived.

Don S.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: The Red Dawn - 09/24/09 03:53 PM

Hi Lawrie,
Yep, it sure was a doozie.
I've got red dust in places where I didn't even know I had places.

I had this friend once tell me she hated the beach because she got sand in her cracks. Sounds like you and her would have had a pretty bad go of it if she were there with you.

Posted By: botma Re: The Red Dawn - 09/26/09 10:42 PM
I feel sorry for those with breathing problems.
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