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Cyber Space

You Look So Cool
You Look So Hot
Are your Just
A Cyber Bot?

You Make Me laugh
You Make Me Cry
You Make Me Sad
And I'm Wondering Why

I'm Living Here With You
In Cyber Space

Your On My Phone
Your In My Head
Facebook Telling Everyone
I'm Dead

You Make Me laugh
You Make Me Cry
You Make Me Sad
And I'm Wondering Why

I'm Living Here With You
In Cyber Space

This part has been removed after posting
it. You can PM me if you like.

You Make Me laugh
You Make Me Cry
You Make Me Sad
And I Wonder Why

I'm Living Here With You
In Cyber Space

I can't live
without my phone
don't you dare
leave me alone

You Make Me laugh
You Make Me Cry
You Make Me Sad
And I Wonder Why

I'm Living Here With You
In Cyber Space

I did this live a few days ago and there were no negative comments at that time. There was around 300 people who were there. It may be different as a recording,posted on the internet.

I am not sure what parents of a child who was harming themselves would think.

Does this kind of song create awareness or contribute to the problem?


I look at that section as being a metaphor for someone putting themselves through unnecessary emotional stress. Not offensive to me at all.

Then again I am almost 68 and a Veteran of a war so nothing much offends me.

In today’s world of social media codes of practise regarding self harm in descriptive form, I pretty sure it would soon get taken down. Probably result in the user having there account closed. If someone complained or reported it,
It is after all not really necessary to have that verse in, the song makes it point without it.
Just my thoughts,
Thanks guys for commenting.

I don't think most people would pay much attention to the lyrics to this or any song for that matter created by someone not well known. We do pay attention here on this site only because we are involved in the creation of songs.

The thought that it could be taken down and the composer punished for saying such a thing seem pretty draconian in today's world.

For internet sites that music is stored on such as soundcloud or youtube to consider taking down such a song would only happen if a substantial number of people complained. If the song was popular and being monetized they would be unlikely to take it down in any event.

I am seventy one and I get the idea there are a lot of older folks who come to this forum. I don't know what the average age is here but I am pretty sure it is considerably over twenty What is acceptable to older folks is generally more conservative I assume.

I personally do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable due to lyrics I may write. Having said that, there is a long history of musicians composing songs that promote, reflect on, or protest all kinds of subject matter. I feel quite sure I would offend someone if I said "good morning" on the internet.

The subject matter for the lyrics were written at the suggestion of another musician friend of mine. The music was my attempt to create a metal style song which exist in BB but is not very often used. The idea was a combination of rock in the style of ZZ Top and Metal in the style of Ozzie Osbourne/ Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath is considered to be one of the originators of the metal style. They also sold seventy million records. Their lyrics are "disturbing"

I am getting close to wanting to post the song here on the forum but perhaps I should redact the part in question.


Hey PlanoB.....(I'm old too...turning 72 very shortly)

Personally, I'm not 'offended' by anyone, any words or anything.

So....people can write any lyric they choose.
Although, I would add that one should anticipate and accept the likelihood that there will be someone who will chime in with the typical "I'm offended" for whatever reasoning and create internet drama for you.
I wouldn't want that so I am quite particular about my lyric writing.

I agree with Mike Head....that verse is not necessary and that imagery will likely ruffle someone's feathers. Blind Faith says "Do What You Like"...and accept what comes from the listeners.

That's my take....carry on.

Well guys...

I removed the potentially "disturbing and offensive" lyrics from the post. Anyone that did not see them can PM me if you would like to see what I wrote with this "The following content has been identified by some members of this community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences" "Viewer discretion is advised"

In researching this subject on YouTube after the feedback here, I was surprised to find hundreds of music videos with both vocals and graphic visuals depicting this and far worse. Some were by famous singers. Some had the above disclaimer and most did not. I also did some investigation into what physiologist consider the effect of social media "self harm" content to be. There seems to be little agreement as to cause and effect.

I also am a war vet...three back to back tours in Viet Nam. So...I am seldom offended by mere words.I am also not a proponent of using words solely for shock value.This song was never intended to be a child's nursery rhyme nor was it intended to generate hate and discontent.

The older I get,the more I know, the less I understand about what other people think!!


Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Well guys...I also am a war vet...three back to back tours in Viet Nam. So...I am seldom offended by mere words.I am also not a proponent of using words solely for shock value.This song was never intended to be a child's nursery rhyme nor was it intended to generate hate and discontent.
The older I get,the more I know, the less I understand about what other people think!!
Cheers, Billy

1) I think that's the perception to be concerned with.
I'm too old to really give a damn what other people might think.
But....I have no desire to write lyrics in a way that may draw out those opinions/responses and get sucked into PC drama because of their frail sensitivities or thin skin.

2) Ha....I hear you...sounded like you were talking directly to me! smile

Carry on....
We may be on a closer wave length than meets the eye. I sure as hell know where I was in 1966 and
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
We may be on a closer wave length than meets the eye. I sure as hell know where I was in 1966 and're very perceptive this evening.
Had to be that cryptic "Chu" or the "lai" that piqued your curiosity. smile
Yeah....those years were quite the picnic in a land far, far away.

No derail carry on.
Originally Posted By: Planobilly

The older I get,the more I know, the less I understand about what other people think!!

I'll throw my ace on the table and win the trick by adding, I never DID care what people think. Anybody who is offended by anything I say or do gets a standard 2 word reply. The first word rhymes with "truck". The second with "zoo".

There's an amendment to the Constitution that many of us defended that says I can say anything I want as long as it is not a direct attack on someone else. If some snowflake CHOOSES to be offended, that is their mental illness to deal with. Not mine.
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
The first word rhymes with "truck". The second with "zoo".

Suck poo?
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
The first word rhymes with "truck". The second with "zoo".

Suck poo?

I was going to make fun of you but I thought that would be in very bad taste. So tell me Steve how long have you had this speech impediment?
I am triggered!! Where's my safe space?
Originally Posted By: MarioD
Steve how long have you had this speech impediment?

Ever since I went on a Daffy Duck binge watch....
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Originally Posted By: MarioD
Steve how long have you had this speech impediment?

Ever since I went on a Daffy Duck binge watch....

Thufferin' thuccotash!!!
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Originally Posted By: MarioD
Steve how long have you had this speech impediment?

Ever since I went on a Daffy Duck binge watch....

grin grin You quazy wabbit grin grin
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
snip ... The first word rhymes with "truck". The second with "zoo".
Does buckaroo count as two words?
As a parent of a child that has actually done self harm and is actually hospitalized right now due to a potential situation from earlier this week (thankfully avoided it this time), she would never see or hear your song. I haven’t private messaged you to see your lyrics. As you note, there are insane amounts of discussion and content online about self harm that are far more accessible to people considering self harm than this forum. There does appear to be evidence of some power of suggestion as it pertains to self harm, but I seriously doubt whatever your lyrics are will salt the ocean of already available content by any measurable amount.
Scott, when I read his lyric, I took it to be more of a metaphor for feeling emotional pain. But, that is also the perspective of an almost 68 year old man who also writes lyrics that contain metaphor and am quite mentally stable given that I have the world by the heinie in retirement. Young people these days lack the street exposure that toughened my generation up to where it takes a rather major event to alter our state of mind. Many veterans will disagree, but remember also that most of those veterans who would disagree also have life-altering level events in their life that affected them.

Contrast that to a kid who has never heard the word "no" in their life and has a tantrum every time the new phone comes out and he doesn't get on the first day....

Lyrics and language sensitivity is an individual thing. The lyric in question is far less offensive to me that what the rappers say in every song. THAT music is the travesty. It is sexist, racist, angry and vile. The way women are referred to in rap lyrics SHOULD be something that the feminazis are offended by, though somehow they are not.
Hi Rockstar,

First let me say I am sorry to here about the situation with your child.

It was never my intent to write a song about "self harm". Well...unless the compulsive use of a smart phone could be considered self harm.The self harm line got written without to much thought.

It was brought to my attention by a vocalist in England. The English government is currently looking to regulate Facebook and other social media companies and tax them to pay for the regulation. So I think there may be a greater sensitivity to such issues at the moment in England.

The vocalist concerns are what prompted me to ask the question here.

The song is about the relationship people have with current day technology and social media. It is about the fact that large amounts of people both young and old can not control their need for instance gratification. They often intuitively understand that what they are seeing and hearing is not real. Their need for acceptance, someone or something to belong too and instance gratification without any accountability for their involvement supersedes their intuitive understanding of reality.

I am concerned about what I say and do as it affects other people. I take responsibility for my actions. That does not mean I will back away from all controversy.

I have written many war protest songs. I have a lot of friends in the military who are not a proponent of my position on war. I have to balance causing people to be uncomfortable with a desire to promote certain points of view.

The military friends of mine can suck it up and deal with

Influencing a child in a negative way is something I would never intentionally do.

Best wishes,

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