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We wanted to use the "name" "C3" for a band name. is in use. There is a high-level domain called .xyz which I did not know existed.

So..."" is available and could be used. It would be easy to remember but would it be confusing? Would you just automatically type in or would the .xyz be confusing?


EDIT: Actually is for sale at $ thanks
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
So..."" is available and could be used. It would be easy to remember but would it be confusing? Would you just automatically type in or would the .xyz be confusing?

With such a simple name, you're never going to find an available domain that's obvious and easy to remember, so go for interesting. That one isn't bad. Don't forget to check out the country code domains, too, they're only 2 letters.

You could also contact the Crescent Commercial Corporation and ask if they'd let you use a hidden subdirectory like (but why are they selling their domain if they're still using it?)
Hey Mark is not being used, only someone bought it and they are trying to resell it for a profit.

There are a couple of big companies with the name C3.
All of the short .com names have been put in use or bought up for resale.
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Hey Mark is not being used, only someone bought it and they are trying to resell it for a profit.

There are a couple of big companies with the name C3.
All of the short .com names have been put in use or bought up for resale.

Billy, have you tries variations of C3? Things like Cee3, Cthree, see3, etc.
Originally Posted By: Planobilly is not being used, only someone bought it and they are trying to resell it for a profit.

Perhaps a disgruntled webmaster is looking to make a few bucks on his way out. =8^)
Yep Mario, I did.

The whole C3 thing was not my idea, to begin with, but it is easy to remember.
You are correct Mark. I did not type in the whole thing . Only
Perhaps the for sale thing is a scam. who knowes
This isn't bad at all! Exact match, easy to remember.

Attached picture ccc.jpg
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Hey Mark is not being used, only someone bought it and they are trying to resell it for a profit. goes to a business in Canada called Crescent Commercial Corporation.

I didn't read the whole thread before responding. Did someone address this?

Also, check on whois and look at
Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
This isn't bad at all! Exact match, easy to remember.

Certainly a possibility Mark. Thanks

If the URL isn’t .COM then you have to consider that people will forget what you used, enter just the first part, and get directed to the .COM site (and get mighty confused). So if you cannot find a .COM URL then you must find a totally memorable substitute. I like Mark’s suggestion.

The safest solution is to find a unique name where you can register all related suffixes. AND Longdomainname.BAND etc.
First off, what does C3 mean?
Yes Matt I agree. Easier said than done in today's world.

Eddie, It has no meaning to me but has some esoteric numerology meaning to the singer.

I like it because it is simple and easy to remember. is also easy to remember and sort of catchy but who would know that .xyz is a high-level domain name.

Band names are always a problem on many levels, both legally and what people can remember.

My old band name was called Superblue. Everyone remembered and changed that into Superglue...go figure. Well most of us did stick

I am trying to leave my past in the past and adapt to what younger people like and think. Not easy for an old Also I am only willing to play a certain amount of discordant illogically devised "modern" music. So...I don't know where all this going for sure. Band name or music.

The exposure gap is pretty wide between most of us here and what younger people are exposed to. That was pretty evident when I ask who "LP" was.
900 million views, writes songs for super famous people and none of us knew she existed.

This is 2022 and we are not going to put a poster up on a telephone pole so all this domain name stuff is important.


Originally Posted By: Planobilly
I like it because it is simple and easy to remember.

You keep mentioning it being easy to remember. That's why "band" or "rocks" is a great domain choice. Aren't you going to advertise? Have business cards?

Also remember that everybody isn't our age and "enjoying" the accompanying memory issues associated with old people. Know what I mean, Bobby?
I'm a fan of keeping things instead of or anything else.

On the other hand, a typo ridden word before the dot can be a problem too.

The people who buy domain names for the sole purpose of selling them make things even harder.

I've heard (check it out if interested) that if your name is copyrighted, others can't register it.

I'm lucky to have gotten back in the early 1990s, I'd never be able to get something that simple today.

Notes ♫
I remember going to your site back then, Notes, after seeing your ad in Recording Magazine or similar.

Around 1994-95, I was writing some of the first websites in my county and recognized that I should register several domain names. I got my name, my company name, and my band’s name. Then I built one website that handled all three as an integrated combination.
Originally Posted By: Notes Norton
The people who buy domain names for the sole purpose of selling them make things even harder.

That's called domain squatting and it's deplorable.

I've heard (check it out if interested) that if your name is copyrighted, others can't register it. is an active, working web page for a business in Montreal. They aren't squatting on the domain name. sounds like the best option here.

That whole ".com or bust" thing is for people of a certain age who remember when it was just com, net, org and edu. There are now 100s of suffixes if not 1000s. I remember those years well. I was using the internet when it was all text. No graphics. It ran on Unix/Linux and used a program called Lynx. I thought it was real cool to run "whois" commands to find people with the same ethnic last name as mine and email them. That had to have been like 1991 or 1992. By comparison, Lynx was AWFUL! But it DID let me explore more of the virtual world.

Here we had Cleveland Freenet, hosted by Case-Western Reserve University. 2 professors, Tom Grundner and Ray Neff, ran the thing from about 1990 to late 1999, when they had to shut it down because it was not Y2K compatible and no funding to make it so. I was the admin of the MIDI Forum, which gave me unlimited time on the system. (I still remember my admin login as AA611.) Public callers had a 40 minute time limit. From there I could use Telnet to go anywhere that was a valid host. Just type in TELNET and there I was. From there I could look at forum rooms, find people... Berklee was a fun pace to go, though they were a little more locked down. Just enter w from a prompt and you see who's on. Those were the days. Makes me want to set up a Linux box again! And I DO have a spare computer. Hmmmmm...
I really do like myself.

Bear in mind that “C3“ means a couple of things already: my first thought was “communications, command, control”. It’s also a plastic explosive. The “band” TLD makes it clear what you are, and that you’re not some component of the military-industrial complex.

PS - Reading up on C3 found me reading up on nitroglycerin in Wikipedia, and I found it entertaining how many catastrophes it took for people to finally get the idea that you can’t just toss a crate of this stuff in the back of your wagon and rumble off to a construction site.
This is

Where did you see that is for sale for $3853? Can you link me to it? I'd like to see how a working, functional business domain's name is for sale. It could also be a scammer trying to wrench $3850 out of somebody.

PS. I own You can have it for $75,000! Just enough to pay off my house, car and credit cards.
Hi Eddie,

I typed in domain for sale and a site came up advertising it for sale. That does not seem to work this morning. It was likely a scam. There is a being advertized ...valid or not who knows.

Yesterday when I typed in nothing came up. If I typed in Crescent Corp came up. Today, when I type in Crescent Corp, comes up.

Now that we have spent all this time talking about the c3 stuff, no one has answered my original question.

The question is " will people recognize ".xyz" as a "high level" domain. And the more important question is IF they remember will they understand that they can type that in ad get to a website just like typing in or perhaps they are required to type in

There were other arcane reasons I liked the .xyz. The domain name came about both because the three letters are the last in the Latin-script alphabet, and to refer to people from Generations X, Y, and Z.

And to add insult to injury when I type in there is a website called Corridor3 which makes the information on go daddy invalid.

So we can mark this as a dead issue.

Originally Posted By: Planobilly
the more important question is IF they remember will they understand that they can type that in ad get to a website just like typing in or perhaps they are required to type in

The "www" is not a factor in choosing a domain. Any domain blah.oink can be set up to use both blah.oink and www.blah.oink (or xyz.blah.oink for that matter) to address the same site.
We can't answer a question asking what other people will do. There was once an episode of King Of Queens when Arthur got his first cell phone. It was the big Motorola brick that stood on end. He was in the coffee shop and people all around him were getting calls, and he started at his silent cell phone getting angrier by the minute because nobody was calling him, somehow missing the fact that nobody knew his number. This is similar. Your domain could be "" and until people know it exists or have a reason to search for it, the question you ask is moot. Once it gains traction and has visibility, no matter what the extension is doesn't matter. If they like it, they will BOOKMARK it, not remember it. Who "remembers" web page names?

You are putting the cart well ahead of the horse here, Billy. Get a functional band in place and then worry about domains and getting traffic to those domains. Once you have a product to perform or sell music of, contact a Search Engine Optimized specialist and they will handle (for a fee) making your web page show up in searches. I mean, have you even recorded rough drafts of one song yet? This patient could die on the table from a terminal, inoperable disease and there's not much sense renting the tour bus until you know if it will ever leave the basement.

Oh, just as an FYI, that domain has been registered since Oct 1997.
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Who "remembers" web page names? ... contact a Search Engine Optimized specialist and they will handle (for a fee) making your web page show up in searches

So I search for "C3" and get a bunch of crap results because that simple name already has a ton of competition, going back way before there ever was a band. Plastic explosive? Not in the market. AI software, food service, mercenaries... where's the music?

And then I remember, oh, yeah, the singer yelled out "Check us out at C3 DOT BAND!" before he left the stage.
Billy, I typed in and nothing came up so this maybe an option for you.
Thanks, Mario

I guess I need to sell my airplane and buy a tour On second thought...not! We don't be riding on no stinking tour

Eddie said "We can't answer a question asking what other people will do"

Well...I can, and lots of them. For example "when you catch on fire people will get out of your way" Richard already told you

As I said, this is a dead issue. I am only responding to thank Mario and to make fun of Eddie.
This gives me a temporary reprieve from studying Phrygian

Plus I have many more important issues to solve. If the water glass comes first and the red wine glass comes second do you have to place the third glass for white wine if you have no white wine even if you do have champagne for the fourth glass? See

First the red solo cup and then the blue solo cup.

Wine and champagne are no longer on my game plan. I haven't even had my "one per year Jack Daniels and ginger ale highball on my birthday" (tall with a lot of ice and a cherry) for the last 4-5 years. When I think of all the people at the Rolling Rock brewery who lost their jobs when I quit drinking...

Christmas dinner was a care package plate my buddy brought over yesterday when he came to give my dog his present. New Year's Eve I will probably just grab some pizza.

Swinging single that I am...

The holidays used to really bum me out. I would get really sad and depressed about being alone. Now though, accepting how much I really dislike being around people and crowds, accepting that it's the manifestation of the PTSD, I'm good with just hanging around the house with my furry son. I worked 21 of 22 New Year's Eves and really don't like it. I haven't gone out for New Years even once since I quit playing.
I looked up oink.oink and it came back to an old farmer named McDonald in Oklahoma...
Even if .xyz was available and you bought it, any mention of it you made online would be a hyperlink. So why would anyone need to know if it was etc. Just a thought.
I just heard a radio commercial for C3 AI, "solving the previously unsolvable", and there they are at
I honestly like the suggestion of - I've seen quite a few bands using the .band top level domain, so it's starting to gain some traction.

Alternate top level domains you could use:
c3.venture (great if you're a Primus fan)

Honestly, those all make look great by comparison laugh
I don’t know if this is still the case, but I am convinced that, years ago, when you searched for an available domain name, somehow someone knew and they registered it for speculation. Because of this thread, I wouldn’t be surprised if has been snapped up. If not, register it now.
Not yet and if it were me, I'd go for it. YMMV.

There's also the often ovelooked TLD .us though both and are taken.
There’s also this.

Attached picture 210BDC4E-A810-4747-9E49-8090351AC21B.jpeg is available and is available along with a large amount of other high-level c3 domain names.

I do play a couple of songs with a m7b5, Parisian Walkways comes to

Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
I don’t know if this is still the case, but I am convinced that, years ago, when you searched for an available domain name, somehow someone knew and they registered it for speculation.

Domain squatting has been going on for 20 years. I had friends who squatted gambling related domains when the internet first became a thing. Remember back then it was com, net, or org.

The thing is that if you try to register something really obvious it will likely be taken. Your domain is not a common name like, so it was likely never a squatter's target. And you have had it since Aug 3, 2003. If someone with nefarious intent wanted to,, and are all available. As are biz, us, info, online, site...

Wife 3.0 has a unique first name but has lived her life using her middle name. Her real is available. Her "living as" name is held by a squatter. When she wanted to register her name, the guy wanted $5000 for it.

And it is not illegal to do this. If you are willing to pay renewals every year you can hold as many domains as you life. A lot of people who do this are not in the USA. It was very popular in Germany for a long time.

I have a domain name registered that as of yet doesn't go anywhere. When I go to it I get routed to a page that tells me I can contact a domain broker and negotiate to buy it. Those opportunistic vermin charge $100 up front to negotiate for you. I tried to reach one but there is no way to reach them without paying up front.
Thanks, Eddy. I've been writing websites since 1994 and I'm quite familiar with this. It's all just as you say.
There have been a few judicial cases where cyber squatters have legally had a domain name taken from them and given to another entity. +++ What Can (legally) Be Done About Cybersquatting? +++ There are even US and International laws
The website was, for years, a [*****] site, and there was nothing anybody could do about it.

What, I can't say "[*****]", the word "[*****]" itself is autocensored??

Arggh. Let's see if I can get away with mentioning Herbie Hancock, which is an auto-no-no on some forums.

(Ah, good.)
Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
I don’t know if this is still the case, but I am convinced that, years ago, when you searched for an available domain name, somehow someone knew and they registered it for speculation. Because of this thread, I wouldn’t be surprised if has been snapped up. If not, register it now.

This does in fact happen, and sometimes even happens directly from the domain registrar. I lost out on a domain a couple years ago because of this - looked up the domain I wanted and it was available, went back under a week later and the same site was now asking 10x the price.

Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
There’s also this.

Ahh, but is available?

Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
There have been a few judicial cases where cyber squatters have legally had a domain name taken from them and given to another entity. +++ What Can (legally) Be Done About Cybersquatting? +++ There are even US and International laws

Indeed, but you also need to prove that "the domain name registrant had a bad-faith intent to profit from the trademark". That may be difficult.
Mrs. Notes and I are doing a Praise and Worship fake e-disk for Band-in-a-Box that we'll probably release in a couple of months. We are triple checking it and a few more e-disks we've finished.

Doing that book, we discovered a Christian Music band called Gsus. I wonder if anyone other than musicians get the pun.

I don't know if the domain is available, they are on Facebook, but I don't do Facebook. They have some videos on YouTube.

I didn't look up the domain, because I didn't want someone squatting in case they decided to register it.

Notes ♫
Use Whois for a domain and query ICANN, I doubt they are doing any squatting or allowing it. <grin>
If it doesn't exist yet (meaning available) nothing comes up .. instead of the normal 'buy it now' option when using other sources. They do not sell domains, just report if it exists, and where the nameservers (DNS) are.

Part of my job is domain purchasing and domain/dns maintenance (we own hundreds and acquire more every month for clients) .. anyway in all the years I've been doing this I have never had an available domain I looked up grabbed away, so I question how often that actually happens.
The more important issue is that a Malamute? And is he too smart for his own good?

He was a Siberian Husky (though larger than most so the Malamute question has been asked before), and he took to me in an amazing way, but that's way off topic.
From the pic you can tell I was the center of his world, I could literally think stuff and he would do it, so yes he was extremely smart (or we were connected somehow)
I could tell many stories about him, he was special, thus I made him my avatar again for a while.
The new dog will show up pretty soon, she's special too
I think I will follow suit for a while Harv. I had the one before him for 13 1/2 years. I lasted 3 days before I got another dog, and he has been great since day 1.

So I got Not sure where any of this is going.

Originally Posted By: eddie1261
I think I will follow suit for a while Harv. I had the one before him for 13 1/2 years. I lasted 3 days before I got another dog, and he has been great since day 1.

Speaking of dogs and domains: my personal domain is, named after my first dog (wait for it) Gip. Gip was a Siberian mix. When hemangiosarcoma took her, the thought of "replacing" her felt obscene, but in time, around 6 weeks later, what let me adopt another dog was the awareness that my abstaining out of some sense of loyalty to Gip was just keeping some dog in a shelter and keeping me with a big hole in my life. So on January 7th, 2011 – which in a few hours will be 11 years – I adopted Mollie Poblano. Mollie, now 12, is a Dalmatian mix, which fascinates children, who frighten her.
Originally Posted By: Notes Norton
Mrs. Notes and I are doing a Praise and Worship fake e-disk for Band-in-a-Box that we'll probably release in a couple of months. We are triple checking it and a few more e-disks we've finished.

Doing that book, we discovered a Christian Music band called Gsus. I wonder if anyone other than musicians get the pun.

I don't know if the domain is available, they are on Facebook, but I don't do Facebook. They have some videos on YouTube.

I didn't look up the domain, because I didn't want someone squatting in case they decided to register it.

Notes ♫ is in fact being squatted on sadly.

Originally Posted By: rharv
Use Whois for a domain and query ICANN, I doubt they are doing any squatting or allowing it. <grin>
If it doesn't exist yet (meaning available) nothing comes up .. instead of the normal 'buy it now' option when using other sources. They do not sell domains, just report if it exists, and where the nameservers (DNS) are.

Part of my job is domain purchasing and domain/dns maintenance (we own hundreds and acquire more every month for clients) .. anyway in all the years I've been doing this I have never had an available domain I looked up grabbed away, so I question how often that actually happens.

Great suggest rharv, and great dog grin

Originally Posted By: Planobilly

So I got Not sure where any of this is going.


Good choice. Nice and simple. Also, great dog laugh
I was wondering about "", but somebody in Iceland is squatting it.
Speaking of dogs and domains: my personal domain is, named after my first dog (wait for it) Gip. Gip was a Siberian mix.

Holy cow, you've had that domain for 17 years and done nothing with it?
you must be squatting!! <grin>

/you shouldn't have to call him 3 times, but with Siberian in him I give that a pass smile
Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
I was wondering about "", but somebody in Iceland is squatting it.

How about
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