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Posted By: Rustyspoon# Lemmings - 02/23/23 02:08 AM
Hi Folks. 
Sorry for my sporadic presence, the last few weeks were a bit hectic. I wrote this song in January.  There are a couple  Ukrainian reporters I am following. They conduct "casual" interviews with Russian prisoners, either captured or surrendered...Their (journalists) endgame is to help with prisoner swaps and inform young Russians of what is really going on and what is waiting for them, coming from their own "comrades". As I mentioned, interviews are taken with full voluntary consent of these pows. There are no "cuts", they just speak their mind....talking. Some of them are professional officers, but most are just disoriented, brainwashed  zombies sent to do harm. These journalists have conducted hundreds of interviews and I am confident saved lives... on both sides. I hope after this ridiculous war comes to an end, they will be honored for their tremendous effort.  Song, I hope, is self-explanatory.  All comments are welcomed. Thank you for giving this time.


Old country road,
Thousands miles from home
Anonymous tribe of human lemmings
Keep on Coming... keep on coming
They forgot the meaning of the freedom,
shouting name of their king
Bloody Batu Khan has born again - seeding pain.

Was it a dream you saw as a child?
Was it something that was said by a stranger?
Wipers of world that so dark and unkind
Clues of imminent danger.

Long winter nights, yet centuries pass in a blink of an eye
Anonymous tribe of human lemmings
They keep on dying, keep on dying
They forgot the feeling of the freedom,
shouting name of their king
Golden Horde is born again - seeding pain

Was it a dream you saw as a child?
Was it something that was said by a stranger?
Wipers of world that so dark and unkind
Clues of imminent danger.

Sweetbitter lies,
Time is an illusion - nothing lasts forever
Anonymous tribe of human lemmings
They keep on sleeping, keep on sleeping.
They don't know the meaning of freedom-
dreaming of a brand new king.
Book had opened on a random page - breaking cage.

Tech stuff.
1174:Bass, Electric, PopCalypso Ev 100
1155:Organ, B3, Rhythm Reggae Ev16 100
4188:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladSlowJohnny Ev16 065
4171:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonSoulRiffsTrem Ev16 120
RealDrums:ReggaeClassic^3-a:Sidestick, Kick, HiHat , b:Sidestick Busy, HiHat

Synthmaster, Kontakt

Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted By: dcuny Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 05:58 AM
Cool vocals, and the usual funky grooving.

I wasn't that familiar with the historical references, but late night isn't a good time to read through a very long Wikipedia page.

Nice work! smile
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 06:24 AM
Man! I thought I was going to be first but David beat me to it wink

Great track, Misha, very well written lyrics about an important topic.

Interesting backstory, and I wish the journalists well. I'm sure most of the Russian people don't have a clue what is really going on.

Good to see you with a new one, enjoyed!
Posted By: rayc Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 07:08 AM
A very tidy job tying far off history with the geographic/war mongering history of today.
Sone wise.
You really have an affinity with ska/reggae inflected music.
No nits, no scabs to pick at...excellent song, arrangement & production.
Posted By: rsdean Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 08:35 AM

Excellent lyrics, vocals and production. Your songs are always so interesting and well done.

Posted By: vicarn Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 09:56 AM
Meaningful work and imaginative track, Misha.

Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 10:41 AM
Beautiful opening. Excellent lyrics delivered in a scary voice full of admonition. Excellent song, Misha. That sounds like a fascinating project of interviews. Fine arrangement and the prefect choice of instrumentation.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 11:53 AM

Cool Misha!

This song could apply to almost any time in history!


Great job!
Posted By: Bass Thumper Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 03:44 PM
An anonymous tribe of brainwashed, zombie human lemmings in allegiance to an emperor with no shirt.

Nicely done, keep your creativity going.

Hopefully the truth is being broadcast in on tv and radio frequencies. Tell your journalist friends to keep up the good work.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Lemmings - 02/23/23 04:01 PM
Vocally I would have expected the song to be more in the prog rock corner, I never thought this could work with reggae. And it works great!

Very well done!
Posted By: Scott C Re: Lemmings - 02/24/23 12:52 PM
Awesome song Nisha. Incredible lyric. Our world is in a very sad place. Super vocal and the backtrack was a big wow !!!.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Lemmings - 02/24/23 05:25 PM
Misha, this is a fantastic song depicting what is happening in the war. This could be said about any war.

Super vocal with outstanding lyrics.
Great instrumentation and mix.
Posted By: PeterF Re: Lemmings - 02/24/23 10:11 PM

Superbly arranged, you've don a great job musically.

Excellent vocal and lyric.

Top notch in all respects.

Posted By: jannesan Re: Lemmings - 02/25/23 03:52 PM
Human lemmings, that's a very descriptive name for the blind followers of barbarians of any time.
Nice captivating intro. Rhytmically interesting and once again so much happening all the time.
I really like the guitars, the funky guitar has enjoyable rhythm, the solo guitarist fits the mood.
Cool chord progression. The vocals have likeable live quality.

Posted By: Deej56 Re: Lemmings - 02/25/23 03:55 PM

Good to see you back on the board . . . Good write and love the back story to it. That must be very interesting following those reporters and experiencing that. But back to the song . . . you usual solid production . . . nice mix of different genre of real tracks to create a very compelling sounded. Who would have though a County Ballad guitar solo would work here . . . but it does and very well. Like that 4171 RealTrack guitar. All good stuff!

My very best to you,

Posted By: floyd jane Re: Lemmings - 02/25/23 04:16 PM

Killer Production (no pun intended).
You get the most original sounds from BIAB!!
Multiple listens required just to catch all the cool stuff going on.
Thoughtful, thought-provoking lyrics.

Always glad to see another of your creations pop up.
A true listening experience.

Posted By: musocity Re: Lemmings - 02/26/23 08:22 AM
"inform young Russians of what is really going on"
Inform young Americans about WMD's in Iraq.
What is the common denominator, who created both of these.
If you ask people in different countries what's going on they will usually tell you the same as their leaders and media tell them, so this would be all different.
If you ask spiritually connected people in those countries they will all tell you the same thing. Just don't judge things with your physical eyes and analyze them with left brain processing.
If you are in a car crash and leave your body, you leave that left brain and eyes as you see them down on the ground and your consciousness expands into all understanding. You don't come back from that drawn into simplistic mainstream narratives, it's simply impossible, but until then let's all have a good old nuclear war, that'll teach em, mission complete.

What did I say about subconscious.
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Lemmings - 02/26/23 09:11 PM
Fabulous opening. Expertly crafted.

It's good to hear some more work from you.

Another great production.

Fascinating background on this song. Thanks for the education.
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Lemmings - 03/01/23 09:33 PM
Thank you for listening! Reference to Golden Horde is of Mongol invaision of Russia / Kievan Rus. That made pretty much most native people suffer in the region.
Thank you for giving this time and your feedback! Sadly seems so.
Thank you for listening and your thoughtful feedback!
Thank you for listening and your feedback here and on SC!
Thank you!
Thank you for kind words. Yep, those journalists are doing extremely important and life saving work.
Thank you for listening. Yes, that's the message, referring to historical conflict.
Bass Thumper,
Thank you for your feedback!
More like emperor with rotten brain.
Thank you for the feedback. It didn't start as a reggae, but it just worked smile
Thank you for your feedback here and on SC!
Thank you for giving this time!
"This could be said about any war." - exactly.
Thank you for listening and commenting.
Thank you for giving this time and your feedback!
Sad that Finland has to deal with this nonsense too in a big way.
Have you ever heard Niet Molotoff song by Matti Jurva?
Thank you for listening and your kind feedback!
Thank you for listening and your support!
Thankfully, we have access to a lot of information and can make educated judgements.
Thank you for giving this time and your support.
Posted By: tommyad Re: Lemmings - 03/02/23 06:49 PM
Misha, Very interesting lyrics delivered convincingly. Well mixed and an overall excellent production, Tom
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Lemmings - 03/04/23 12:17 AM
This song is really great. Nice lyrics, message and performances. Well done!
Posted By: animarorecords Re: Lemmings - 03/05/23 03:10 AM

Excellent song!
The intro sounds a bit like the start of something strange, but I think it was a fitting introduction to the song.
I am one of those who watch the outcome of this invasion every day through TV news, online articles, YouTube, etc.
I know it's very difficult to put these tragic events into a song, but you did it very well.
Your vocals also fit this song perfectly.
All I can say now is Glory to Ukraine.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Lemmings - 03/06/23 01:49 PM
Hi Misha
Cool song
Exceptionally great intro
Sounds all very good
You have a very interesting and good music style
Great work
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Lemmings - 03/09/23 06:23 PM
Ray nailed it: “A very tidy job tying far off history with the geographic/war mongering history of today.”

Excellent lyric, vocals, band and mix!

The last verse is so good, Misha, and the way you sing the line, “Time is an illusion - nothing lasts forever” had Janice backing up to listen again several times.

Do we ever hope all of this can soon come to an end for Ukraine and the Russian human fodder.


Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Lemmings - 03/09/23 10:18 PM
Thank you for listening and your support.
It is a honor to receive your supportive feedback!
Shigeki Adachi,
Thank you for listening, your support of this tune and your stance on Ukraine.
Thank you for listening and your excellent feedback!
Thank you for giving this time and your encouraging comments here and on SC!
Posted By: F.M.M. Re: Lemmings - 03/10/23 06:59 PM
Hi Misha really love this lot going but all under control!!! very creative well done sir thanks for sharing Eric
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