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Posted By: Birchwood That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/02/23 04:43 PM
Hi everyone,

When I posted my last song Merry-go-round some days ago I wrote I was away from the forum for a month, but made 2 songs. Or better, I remade them. And I said I would post them right after each other.
Well, this is the second one: That Night ,

It is a waltz and the 'rv' in the link stands for revisited.
The remake of this song took me a lot of time until today. Especially the violins gave me a little headache, like the bg-vocals.

I did these remakes because the originals were not good enough. In this song, for example, I wanted an orchestra in the chorusses, but did not know how to achieve that. So I used accordions instead. They are still in, but now with the violins. I hope you like them, but don't hesitate to give me your real opinion. I ask for it, so don't hold back...

After these two songs I fear to be silent for some time (with singing), because I will have an operation on my throat. I'll spare you the details, but hopefully I won't lose my voice for ever.
However, I will keep in touch with you on the forum and listen to your songs. So maybe that's a big relief to you; no songs from me and a 'like' for your songs (maybe...).

Thanks for listening,

The technical stuff:
The lyrics are on SoundCloud.

Style Rundown, Key Ab, T 105 / 145
Bass 1122, Piano 2117, Cello (2x) 2557, Fiddle 1125, Guit. Ny 2450, Accordion 3083 (2x) guit. acoust 3916, guit elec 983.
Native Instruments: keyboard with Glaze, blended Mm and Good vibrations (vocals), keyboard with Orchestral essentials.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/02/23 05:59 PM
Lots of good ideas, I like the contrast between the verses and the choruses.
Cool song!

I can understand your pain with the violins (or strings in general) all too well, I wrote 2 songs in 3/4 and (almost) gave up on the strings. Next time I will do it all myself.

I wish you all the best with your surgery, hopefully all goes well.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/03/23 12:30 PM
Hi Brian,

Yes, I had to call them strings...
But still they gave me a headache. But I think I achieved my goal; for the chorusses I wanted to achieve a bit of joy. That's where the accordions came in. But it was a challenge if that works out well with the strings.

Thanks for your wishes. If it won't work out well, I need your great AI singers...

Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/03/23 07:48 PM
Very well done Hans!!! Sounds like this was quite a lot of work......lots of instruments and midi tracks. You did an incredible job of arranging and production.......this is the best I've heard from you!!! Take care. Greg
Posted By: PROJECT M Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/04/23 02:06 PM
Hi Hans
WOW !!!
That is something very special
For me it sounds like a Top musical song
And the story that is told there is very touching
Superbly implemented
I can only congratulate !!!
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: MarioD Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/04/23 07:25 PM
Love the contrast and tempos between verses and choruses.
Great chord progression
You put a lot of work into this one and the results are outstanding.
As Dani said this would work very well in a musical.
Posted By: dcuny Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/05/23 01:05 AM
Waltzes are cool - a bit of melancholy built it, nicely fitting with lyrics.

The tempo changes were very effective.

Here's hoping for a speedy and complete recovery!
Posted By: rayc Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/05/23 05:14 AM
The choruses are lush and the "string with accordions are a treat.
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/05/23 09:58 AM
Excellent waltz movement in there, Hans. Yes, "all that matters will fly away," but they are here now for all to enjoy. And I really really enjoy this (and ALL of your) song. When I read of accordions in the orchestra pit, I'll admit I cringed a bit. WOW, you pulled it off brilliantly. I shouldn't be surprised by a sitar solo in 3/4, yet wasn't disappointed it wasn't there. Those string sound so good. Heck, the whole band is so well trained by your mixing magic. I thoroughly enjoy the dynamics you incorporate into your songs. SO engaging.
Posted By: Deej56 Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/05/23 01:59 PM

Love the opening to this . . . really like the pre-chorus . . . but the chorus itself is just so well done. Love the changes in tempo (it seems) and how the waltz flavor of the song really shines there (the accordion is such a nice touch). And then the nice dialed back interlude thereafter. Your use of strings int he chorus is excellent as well. Outstanding production and arrangement! Killer!

Posted By: David Snyder Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/05/23 02:01 PM

Hey Hans,

I really like this.

Quite an endeavor, but you pulled it off really well.

I am envious!!

Nice job man.

Hope all goes will with everything.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/07/23 10:20 AM
Hi Greg, Andi and Mario,

A waltz doesn't sound sexy, so I was afraid who would listen to it, but you did!
Thanks for that. Your comments are a kind of 'icing on the cake'...

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Very well done Hans!!! Sounds like this was quite a lot of work......lots of instruments and midi tracks. You did an incredible job of arranging and production.......this is the best I've heard from you!!! Take care. Greg

Greg: Very nice to say, Greg. Yes, it was more work than I expected. Especially the strings, but those vocals as well. Even my own vocals had changed a lot of times. They had to sound dark in the beginning and more joyful in the chorusses of course, but in the recordings that didn't work out as I had in my head. I'm also pretty hard on myself, I know. My wife almost got crazy hearing me time after time 'that night, that night..' (she hears the singing without the music. That is tough, I can tell you!

Originally Posted By: PROJECT M
Hi Hans
WOW !!!
That is something very special
For me it sounds like a Top musical song
And the story that is told there is very touching
Superbly implemented
I can only congratulate !!!
Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Andi: What a huge compliment! I think Mario must have been impressed by your words too; he called you Dani!
Thanks a lot for it. Especially because I never thought you'd want to listen to waltzes.
I fatasized how it would be living in a retirement home, waiting to die. What would you think about? Well... in my case that Night ;-)

Originally Posted By: MarioD
Love the contrast and tempos between verses and choruses.
Great chord progression
You put a lot of work into this one and the results are outstanding.
As Dani said this would work very well in a musical.

Mario: Thanks so much for theze words. I teased a bit about you calling Andi Dani. But when I read it the first time, I thought something wrong with my pc? I haven't received a post from Dani. I checked it again, then read about the musical and noticed you meant Andi. He wrote that.
And because of all this you decided to make a waltz as well! Not with an accordion, but a harmonica. Great song!

Have a nice weekend everyone,
Posted By: Scott C Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/07/23 10:49 PM
Awesome intro Hans. Excellent production. The mix was perfect. Loved the instrument placement. Loved the change up from the verse to the chorus. Lovely vocal and lyric. This is one of my favorite songs of yours. Well done
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/08/23 10:02 AM
First, we wish you all the best with your surgery and recovery.
We always look forward to your songs, but will even more so now!

This song is magical. The arrangement is full of little gems of tempo changes and sparse to full instrumentation and superb dynamics. The richness of the fiddles, cello and accordion with the lighter feel of the nylon guitar worked well.

Your vocal, as always, was a pleasure to hear. We’ve been enjoying several full moon nights and we’ll be hearing your waltz tonight as we gaze at the stars.


Posted By: jannesan Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/10/23 04:02 PM
Amazing arrangement, I think I haven't heard any waltz this interesting, very good material for learning how to write a good song.

Beautiful story and how you made the lyrics and music reflecting the different moods together is touching. Strings, accordion, piano, nylon guitar, they all are like different people in that photo book. And all those breaks and tempo changes, wow, great work with BIAB. You are not only an excellent singer and songwriter, but also a wonderful producer.

I hope the operation goes well and we'll get to hear more of your unique voice smile

Posted By: Robertkc Re: That Night, a waltz and bit Rocky - 04/10/23 05:22 PM
An ambitious song- passionately delivered with your distinctive voice and very well arranged.
The changes are handled especially well- its not easy, I`m sure you put in a lot of time there.
The accordion works for me as it highlights the joyful mood of the chorus.
Wishing you all the best!

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