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David and Rachel Radio 7.07.23: ALL THE JESUS THAT I'VE GOT

I see there are a lot of Jesus songs on here this week, so I thought I would hop in with something peaceful and soothing too.

Here is how it started.

Rachel and I were having a conversation not too long ago, and she said:

“David, some people take all the Jesus that I got.”

And I said:

“Stop. Stop right there. Don't say another word. Where is my pencil? That is a song.”

The rest, as they say, is history.

I can’t remember how it all went down exactly, but it was fast. I think I fiddled with the chorus some, but Rachel wrote most of the verses and we worked on the final chorus verses together.

The wall of guitars is courtesy of yours truly.

Have fun. But don’t come messin’ cause then you might have to learn what Herb Hartley means by “freedom seeds.”



By Rachel Cintula and David Snyder


By Rachel Cintula and David Snyder


Everybody has an opinion
How other folks are living
They fight till there's nothing left
Cause of course their ideas are best
A few things I won’t accept
Not showing any respect
For God, my flag, my country
Man you’re about to hit the deck


Some people
They just cause this world to rot
Some people think my soul’s for sale
But I tell you that it's not
Some people
I’m telling you
Better step back
And step away from me
Cause some people
Take all the Jesus
Take all the Jesus that I've got


Watched how ya’ll been living
Stayed dry during your baptism
You’re not living a life that’s blessed
I’ll help you so you don’t get checked
Along with my self-respect
There’s a lot I will protect
Don’t cross family or my property
You can hit the door or you can hit the floor


Some people
They just cause this world to rot
Some people think my soul’s for sale
But I tell you that it's not
Some people
I’m telling you
Better step back
And step away from me
Cause some people
Take all the Jesus
Take all the Jesus that I've got


Few things I won’t comprise
Like hatred, godless-ness and lies
And I been like that….since I was born
And I been that way all along….


Some people
They just cause this world to rot
Some people think my soul’s for sale
But I tell you that it's not
Some people
I’m telling you
Better step back
And step away from me
Cause some people
Take all the Jesus
Take all the Jesus that I've got

CH 4 as rideout

Take all the Jesus that I got
Take all the Jesus that I got
Take all the Jesus that I got
Take all the Jesus that I got
Take all the Jesus that I got
Take all the Jesus that I got
To end

Music and Lyrics copyright 2023 by Rachel Cintula and David Snyder
David Snyder: Vocals, Guitars, Instrumentation, Mixing, Mastering and Yelling

Words and Music Copyright 2023 by Rachel Cintula and David Snyder/ASCAP
David Snyder: Vocals,Wall of Guitars, instrumentation, mixing and mastering

RealTracks in style: 4020:Bass, Electric, ModernCountry16ths Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 835:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryRootsy Ev 075
RealDrums in style:ModCountry16ths^02-a:Closed hat, Sync-kick , b:Ride, Sync-kick

Other links for the week and month:

That is a great song idea.


David / Rachel,

This song is AWESOME! Hello Roger Daltrey! This sounds like a long lost song from The Who!

This is hands down my favorite song from you guys - incredible powerhouse sound and mix.

Release this as a single immediately.

I can't get enough of this one!

I REALLY like your guitar parts - they have edge, rhythmic power and variation.
Starts out like an All American reading of the religious riot act and then grows hair as well as teeth as it goes.
I think you should add your own bass David...the RT is fine but it lopes along.
Hi Rachel and David
Really cool song
For sure one of your best
Very well sung
And also the guitars sound great
That is a real hit
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Uh ... peaceful and soothing? Not!

Strong and rip-roaring, I'd say. Rachel and you put together quite a fireball of a song.

By far, my favorite from Rachel and you. Strong and powerful. Your guitar work shines. A really cool listen! Now, if I can just get my leg to calm down!

Great work!!!


Oh Herb.

Thank Bob!

Yeah I was trying to channel that Daltrey bit. It was fun.


Thanks for listening.
Strong wall of guitars --with taste! Man, right from the title this is so good. Yep, we all know some people like the ones you sing about, but the good news is we can always refuel at the Jesus Station --they're everywhere. wink Such a good write. You and Rachel in the same room... must be full of awesome sparks of creativity.
One of the most original song titles I've heard in a long time.
And one heck of a job "writing to it".
Nothing artificial. Real. Strong. Brain workin'.
Wall of the guitars. Cool.
Impassioned vocal.
Outta da park.

Hey thanks Ray!

Much appreciated my friend!

What they said! Great write, great singing, great idea, great execution.

Funny because it's true. laugh
David and Rachel,

I'm always good with another Jesus song! The Doobies said He was Just alright with them, and nobody said boo so you're good to go here as far as I'm concerned! Loved that dry Baptism line! This cool tune was kind of like Dylan joined Synyrd!

Thanks, TB
Thanks Andi!

I appreciate the listen man!

Isn't it great when a song title bites you on the arse and says, "PICK MEEEEEE"?

Not sure whether it came out of the Sex Pistols or The Who. Maybe a bit of both.
Certainly has a Brit accent going on in the vocal.
Loads of energy too. Good one.

Isn't it great when a song title bites you on the arse and says, "PICK MEEEEEE"?

David and Rachel, IMHO this is your best to date. Isn't it funny how the fastest songs you can compose many times are the best songs you have composed?

Get message and vocal.
Super mix.
Loved the lyrics.
Loved the song.
Well, just let it all out, y’all!
Somehow we’re envisioning the anger of Jesus with the money changers. smile

That’s some great rock guitar and power singing and yelling, David, and you and Rachel have written another goodie.

Great hook indeed!

Thank Andi! I appreciate that! It means a lot!
Dear Alan, Marty and Floyd,

Thanks guys I really appreciate it!!
David, Torrey and Mario,

Thanks for the listens and all the kind comments!


I really appreciate it!


Great stuff!!

Hey thanks Vic!!

Yes, I gave it the old Roger Daltrey try for sure!

Hi David and Rachel,

I love the idea how your conversations develop when the result is something like this with that 'Golden' title.
I cannot tell if this is your best song till now, because I like a lot of your songs and their ideas in it.
So for me, this is another swell song from the two of you!

I love that title and the lyrics. It needs to be said, or -in your case- shouted out!

Great song.

I had one idea crossing my mind in the end part of your song. Why didn't you sang that with more vocals?
You are not alone with this message!
You can symbolize that with maybe 10 more vowels in 10 different pitches...

David and Rachel (two great Bible names by the way)...well I love Jesus songs...though this is more of an "I'm all outa Jesus" song...right? "You've tapped my Jesus limit" be honest I'm not sure how I feel about the lyrics but it certainly is a rousing song and I like the style a lot...your vocals are always passionate and fit this song very well....the guitars are great! and yeah when they come quickly and easily they're like raising a compliant child...easy-smeazy!
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