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Posted By: Rustyspoon# Kaleidoscope - 07/22/23 03:24 PM
Hi Folks.
Have been out of a loop for a while. Summer smile
Here is something I recently finished. You are my main audience and to improve I am encouraging you to share your critical comments on ANY aspect: lyrics, mix, structure etc. Thank you for giving this time.



Dormant memories, fluffy tails
Brakes that never fail
Dusty fairies, rusted rails
Waiting for train
Frail staircase to the sky
Lizard's dreams of mosquitoes and flies

Shards colored glass laying on the floor
My kaleidoscope - just an "upside" world
Books without words
Life without lords
Love without wars

Teaching a dying dog new tricks
Followers of "likes" and "clicks"
Musty dungeons, ancient bricks
waiting to crumble.
A balancing act of water and fire
Archaic ways of carrots and sticks.

Shards colored glass laying on the floor
My kaleidoscope - just an "upside" world
Books without words,
Life without lords,
Love without wars.

Knock, knock who's at the door?
Are you a friend or UFO? (likely, a "friendly UFO"? would be a better choice)
Is you silver starship ready for the liftoff?
Brushed my teeth and shined my shoes,
Got no time for travel blues
I am bewitched and amused.

Shards colored glass laying on the floor
My kaleidoscope - just an "upside" world
Books without words,
Life without lords,
Love without wars.


Tech Stuff:
Arrangement, vocals, synths - me
Piano 4290
Drums:BluesBBEven8^01-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Sax: 1059

various re-programmed MIDI loops / sections
Synths of Halion, Kontakt and Korg
Drums programmed in Session Drummer + bits from RD.
Recorded in Cakewalk
Posted By: dcuny Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/22/23 11:34 PM
Hi, Misha.

It's always fun to listen to your tunes. You like to "color outside the lines", so to speak. So I don't have any suggestions about anything here - it's all good.

My only suggestion is the pronunciation of "kaleidoscope". In English is kuh-lie-duh-scope, not kuh-lay-dah-scope.
Posted By: rayc Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/23/23 02:08 AM
another masterful musical masala.
I concur with David about ka lie dah scope and add that Archaic is ah kay ick or R K ik if you prefer.
Small beans but you did ask.
Additionally there's a fair bit of sibilant "essing" on this one OR my ears are over sensitive again.
I wouldn't use a de-esser and would suggest manual management BUT if no one else comments then it's just me again.
"Are you a friend or UFO? (likely, a "friendly UFO"? would be a better choice)"
The original is cool as it's a nice play on words but I can see the desire to be friendly too...ah, go with the original - any pun is worth the fun.
VERY cool mix, arrangement and song - ENJOYMENT indeed.
Posted By: Al-David Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/23/23 02:42 AM
Hi Misha

I always love the full, enveloping sound of your recordings. You are so original and in the best of ways. I can only try to imagine the complexity of your mixes. yet you always pull it all together so delightfully.

Your music is always so entertaining and bristling with new and atypical sounds. I never know what to expect - but know that it will always be a great listen!

Loved it. Take care ...

Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/23/23 10:01 AM
Man, no one does it any better, Misha. Every one of your songs are so engaging. I'll admit I'm not qualified to give critical comments, but I DO have opinions. I'm listening on headphones, and I'm bouncing along. I seem to be having some difficulty hearing all the cool stuff that's going on in there. You know how when we mix/master we listen on many different speakers configurations? Well, I might just be the bad-car-radio test. ON my second listen now. Maybe I was just concentrating on the vocals and lyrics. I always absolutely love your style of lyric. Ignore my previous comment about separation. I hear everything just fine. I really enjoy your work, Misha.
Posted By: vicarn Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/23/23 10:29 AM
Great lyrics.
I didn't notice the sibilants as much as Ray. All sounds well to me.

Posted By: rsdean Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/23/23 10:33 AM

Excellent! Love this song. This is one of your best vocal performances for me - just a great piece of music and production.

Much enjoyed!

Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/26/23 11:31 AM
Janice said that while listening and dancing to this in our kitchen she was “bewitched and amused. “ smile

There are so many good lines that give us a smile. For instance:

“Lizard's dreams of mosquitoes and flies”
“Shards colored glass laying on the floor
My kaleidoscope - just an "upside" world”
and this whole verse:
“Knock, knock who's at the door?
Are you a friend or UFO? (likely, a "friendly UFO"? would be a better choice)
Is you silver starship ready for the liftoff?
Brushed my teeth and shined my shoes,
Got no time for travel blues
I am bewitched and amused.”

Vocals, band (nice drums!) and mix all sound great on our monitors and made us think of Joe Cocker’s Mad Dogs and Englishmen band (for which Leon Russell was a member and musical director).

Loved it!

Posted By: floyd jane Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/26/23 01:16 PM

Love the opening. Very Musical. Drums are especially nice.
You write some of the most interesting lyrics I've ever heard.
The Band is cooool.

Several listen. All enjoyed.

Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/27/23 10:12 AM
Always a treat to listen to your music, Misha!

Very unique, and very cool, lyrics as per usual. Track sounds great, especially love the drum sound. When the vocal comes in, for me things get a little muddy, but no one else said anything, so just me I guess wink

Good stuff!
Posted By: Derochette Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/27/23 10:20 AM
Hi Rustyspoon#,

Good choice in the rhythmic synth. The set is pleasant and of excellent quality. Well done.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash
Posted By: jannesan Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/30/23 11:16 AM
Definitely a kaleidoscope, I'm looking through your strange view of the world wink
I think friend or UFO works much better, in case you are referring to phrase friend or foe?
Yes, I always feel bewitched and amused while travelling on your starship smile
Great arrangement as always, with many nice layers of sounds that shine through if listening carefully, mosaic of instruments that work especially in the context of this theme. Nice intro and ending. The sax is used cleverly (mixed nicely in reggae style) and the rhytmic bed is pleasant.

Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/30/23 01:08 PM
Hi Misha
Sounds really good
The intro is excellent
You always have surprising ideas
Great work Misha
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/30/23 04:36 PM
What a cool tune Misha.

Once again it has some real ethnic influences (how would you describe that? Baltic? Russian? Eastern European, Slavic? Ukrainian? I know there has to be a term...)

Anyway, I love the mixes of those, but it sounds very fresh and very original.

Great job!
Posted By: MarioD Re: Kaleidoscope - 07/30/23 09:23 PM
Misha, this is a very clever song.
You have a fantastic way with lyrics.
Super band, mix, and vocal.

Sounds great.
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Kaleidoscope - 08/01/23 08:07 PM
This is effing fantastic. You composing the most compelling lyrics and interesting music, I am just absorbed by it all. I have no complaints I love what I heard and I love the lyrics.
Posted By: Scott C Re: Kaleidoscope - 08/06/23 06:11 PM
Excellent tune. Loved how the intro just eased in. Super vocal and lyric. Cool backtrack. Loved the descending chord progressions.
Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: Kaleidoscope - 08/07/23 01:51 PM

I listened with the intent to offer any constructive criticism that I could, per your request. The truth is I couldn't hear anything that I would be comfortable changing. The many elements of production here are mind boggling! I really like the exotic delivery of the vocal lines. I don't mind a slightly different pronunciation of certain words doesn't bother me! Those horns are awesome and really elevate the quality of the music! Enjoyed thoroughly!

Thanks, TB
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Kaleidoscope - 08/14/23 01:01 PM
Sorry for late responding, had a few things happening simultaneously that kept me out of forum participation.

Thank you for your kind feedback and especially for "kuh-lie-duh-scope" comment!!
Thank you for listening, your feedback and pronunciation comments!! I used D-esser on this, probably not enough?
Thank you for giving this time and your support!
Thank you for listening and your support. Trying to read between the lines here.... You mean mix is muddy? You can absolutely say that to me smile
Thank you for giving this time and your feedback!
Thank you for giving this time and your support here and on SC!
Thank you for tunning in and your positive comments & support!
Thank you for giving this time and your positive feedback!
Thank you for your time, support and especially(!) critical comment on mix. I guess Marty was trying to convey same message. I am glad you mentioned it!
Thank you for listening and your support!
Thank you for giving this time and your kind and fun comments!
Thank you for your support here and on SC!
Thank you for listening and your warm and funny comment!
Thank you for your positive comments here and on SC!
Thank you for giving this time and your support!
Scott C.,
Thank you for listening and your positive comments!
Thank you forgiving this time and your kind words!
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