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Posted By: mglinert Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/16/23 05:12 PM
Although I never use the accompaniment producing software made by our very kind forum hosts (it literally never comes up with the musical arrangement I'm hearing in my head), I do still use Power Tracks Pro Audio to put my songs together so feel justified in posting here.
I'd be very grateful to any forum members who have the time and inclination to listen and react to this track which I wrote recently. I'm not one for reproducing the lyric but you should be able to discern it without too many problems from the audio, or indeed the video.
The song is called Behind the Screen and was partly inspired by Adam Alter’s remarkable book Irresistible.
The SoundCloud link is Behind the Screen

I hope I have respected the posting protocol but apologise if I haven't.

Many thanks,
Posted By: MarioD Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/16/23 11:33 PM
Marc, you are using PGM software with Power Tracks Pro Audio so yes you have met the criteria for posting in this thread.

I really liked this song.
The lyrics are spot on!
Great vocal and super mix.
PS - do us a big favor and not wait for two years to pass before posting another song.
Posted By: DC Ron Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/17/23 01:11 AM
Marc, a really clever song with super production. Especially liked the layered vocals on the chorus. A very cool sound. The guitar passages are also very tasteful, and the tone is sublime.

I should follow your lead on lyrics, as I think providing the lyrics can rob the listener of the full song experience. Liked your lyrics very much. The outro lyrics are more up front, but slightly more distorted to my ears, and I'm having trouble understanding them after several listens. "No doubt. Disconnect. Boogey Town. Hitch off, hitch off, hitch off..." I've spent many hours dropping the needle on problem lyrics in the past but can't quite crack these.

Anyway, very nice song! Sorry my analysis is more succinct than yours for "Let's Get Homogenized". Wasn't for lack of interest!

Like Mario, I hope you post more frequently!
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/17/23 07:46 PM
Many thanks – haha, yes I may not be as prolific as some of the members here but I’ll do my best to visit these boards more often, both to review and post my own work.
I have such good memories of all the – how can I put this – longer-standing members on this forum. Hope everyone is doing well.
The contrast with some FaceBook fora, which in reality turn out to be notice boards where writers simply post their own music, is very stark.
DC Ron
you’ve got me wondering there but I think it was ‘log out’ ‘disconnect’ ‘put it down’ ‘switch off’ ! the voices are generated – ironically- by one of those robot text-to-speech programmes.
Many thanks both for your kind comments and encouragement.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/18/23 04:25 PM
Hi Marc,

What an interesting song you made here!
You call it Pop, but it is also 'leaning' against other styles, like early punk or something like that.
Doesn't matter. What matters is how it sounds.
Well, I like it a lot! Very entertaining, because so many things happen in it.
Like the playing with the stereo filed and the vocals coming from all directions. Like that!

And it is very nice to realize you let a textbot made them. What a creative idea!

Enjoyed it a lot,
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/25/23 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Birchwood
Hi Marc,

What an interesting song you made here!
You call it Pop, but it is also 'leaning' against other styles, like early punk or something like that.
Doesn't matter. What matters is how it sounds.
Well, I like it a lot! Very entertaining, because so many things happen in it.
Like the playing with the stereo filed and the vocals coming from all directions. Like that!

And it is very nice to realize you let a textbot made them. What a creative idea!

Enjoyed it a lot,

Many thanks Hans - yes I guess early punk is my default setting! (born in 1960!). Really appreciate your time and these kind comments. All the best, Marc.
Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/25/23 08:05 PM
Hi Marc
Interesting song
Very cool melody
Also the elements from 2:05 are really good
Great work
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: dcuny Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/26/23 06:20 AM
Hi, Marc.

Nice write, works well as a song. Sonically interesting as well. Nice pop sound.
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/27/23 07:40 AM
Andi, David,
Many thanks for these comments. All the best,
Posted By: Scott C Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/31/23 02:23 AM
Excellent tune. Loved the bouncy chorus. Excellent vocal. Well done
Posted By: Al-David Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/31/23 07:38 AM
Hi Marc,

I find this a very cool and interesting song. I totally enjoyed the different arrangements of the verses and choruses. Nicely done!

Your vocal was quite clear and very good - a soft, but yet strong voice.

One thing that stood out - and I liked it a lot - is the popping snare drum. It not only popped, but it also led the way for everything else. Nice choice!

The AI voices for the fills, naming the social platforms, were a little muffled - perhaps a bit more mid-high EQ would have helped? Just a thought.

Nice song that was well-presented. Very good write, great arrangement, really nice production. Well done!

Happy New Year.

Alan & Di
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/31/23 11:20 AM
Thanks Scott. Yes lots of repetitions of that chorus but if you want listeners to remember the song … !
Thanks Alan / Di . Yes I didn’t do much with those virtual voices once they came in! Oddly enough I’m trying to figure out how to negotiate that section when playing this one just on an acoustic at open mics.
Many thanks for the kind comments and suggestions.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 12/31/23 04:15 PM

Nicely arranged. Well produced.
A good Pop sound overall.
Much of your instrumentation has a "lo-fi" quality to it (seems to be a thing these days). You "know what you're doing" - seems like you could do great things with the current version of BIAB (UltraPak).

Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 01/01/24 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by floyd jane

Nicely arranged. Well produced.
A good Pop sound overall.
Much of your instrumentation has a "lo-fi" quality to it (seems to be a thing these days). You "know what you're doing" - seems like you could do great things with the current version of BIAB (UltraPak).


Thanks Floyd - to be honest I pay relatively little attention to production quality but I do try to make sure that the compositions are as good as I can get them (in terms of lyric, melody, rhyme, structure ....). I hear a lot on this board with very sophisticated sounding mixes but really not much of a song - the next day absolutely nothing has stuck in the memory.
I find b-i-a-b to be a useful timesaver in composing, but by the time my song is ready to release only the drums remain from my MIDI only versoin of b-i-a-b. (because I have no alternative!)
Time is limited. THe more time you spend messing around with the technology the less time there is available for songwriting.
That's a darn good hooky chorus! Love that bass guitar. I don't know if it's you or BIAB, but it is splendid.
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 01/02/24 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ezekiel's Storm
That's a darn good hooky chorus! Love that bass guitar. I don't know if it's you or BIAB, but it is splendid.
Many thanks! No I use b-i-a-b simply as a composition tool. Nothing left of it by the final track except the drums.
Posted By: cheryl anne Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 01/02/24 07:50 PM
Hi Marc,
I enjoyed your song today. So true. So sad. Glad you were able to put into words and video.
I liked the way you took a serious problem/concern of the world and made it fun, but got your message across.
Great job ! Happy New Year, cheryl anne
Posted By: mglinert Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 01/05/24 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by cheryl anne
Hi Marc,
I enjoyed your song today. So true. So sad. Glad you were able to put into words and video.
I liked the way you took a serious problem/concern of the world and made it fun, but got your message across.
Great job ! Happy New Year, cheryl anne
THanks Cheryl Anne - funny that. I must take a light hearted approach to everything. This was intended to be ultra serious and perhaps a little alarming (the woman texting while driving....)!!! oh well! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for listening.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Behind the Screen by Marc Glinert - 01/05/24 01:07 PM
I think it's a pretty catchy song, kind of old and lo-fi sounding, but that supports the song very well.
Enjoyed the listen!
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