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Posted By: Larry W Smith Hard Way - 12/17/23 11:43 PM
Hi and Happy Holidays Everyone!

It's been about a year since I posted a song here that I did using BNB. I was planning to do more posting but some health issues set me back for a while. Anyway, I'm retired from an IT career but have also been a musician and songwriter all my life. Now that I am older,and out of the loop from the musicians in my area, BNB is giving me the opportunity to create arrangements of the songs I've written to share with family and friends. I'm not really that good anymore at singing and playing and not really trying to promote my music or make money. But I still love tryingng to put songs together and hope you all enjoy this song which is called "Hard Way."

It was created and arranged in BNB using realtracks and then went to Pro Tools where I added vocals and acoustic guitar and edited multiple takes of the realtracks to get what I wanted.

Best wishes...Larry
Posted By: Al-David Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 12:35 AM
Hi Larry,

Welcome to the forum again. BIAB is a great piece of software.

I like your song. Good lyric - maybe you should consider posting it so we can read along with your singing.

Good choice of instruments. The organ was a nice choice. The lead guitar was spot on. the vocal harmony is really good!

A couple of comments for your consideration. Hope they are helpful - if not, just ignore them:

1. Bring the vocal a very slightly more forward in the mix
2. Maybe pan the backing tracks just a bit wider (backing tracks only) in order to broaden the soundscape a touch
3. A slight bit more reverb on the vocal

All that said, you have a terrific song. I liked it a lot. Wishing you the best. Looking forward to more from you,


PS: I retired 17 years ago. Nice, isn't it!
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 12:44 AM
This is a really good song, Larry, and I love the arrangement. I'd have liked to have seen the written lyrics as some lines are hard to make out, plus I think you're supposed to list the BiaB tracks you use. Re mix, I would have liked to hear your vocals more to the fore, and ditto the guitar solo, but then others on this forum sometimes tell me my solos are too out there! Your vocals sound great to me and suit the song 100%, which id why I'd like to see more gain on them. Very well done, though!
Posted By: DC Ron Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 01:13 AM
Larry, such a nice old school song! I don't lightly compare anyone to Greg Allman, but this song and your vocals definitely put me in that space. I agree with WaoBand and Alan that the vocals should be pulled forward. Listen to the 2nd half of the Allman's Melissa for a reference. At 5+ minutes this is a long-ish tune, but your arrangement kept my interest. So good on you for that, too.

Sorry for your health issues. Time catches up with the best of us. Well, time catches the worst of us, too. But you get my point, I'm sure.

Congratulations on your retirement! My experience is that the secret of retirement is finding something that gives you joy, and doing that as much as you can. Sounds like music might be your thing.

Anyway, welcome back to the group! Hope to hear many more from you soon. Ron
Posted By: Larry W Smith Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 01:40 AM
Thank you, everyone for listening, and for the suggestions. I'm always remixing and will try them out. I will try to keep up with what realtracks and styles I use and list them on future posts.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 01:22 PM
Hello Larry,

I was pleasantly surprised by your song. Really nice!
A very nice melody, something very familiair in it, especially in the chorusses and the chord progression.
I liked the vocal harmonies a lot.
But I do agree with the others here about pulling the vocals more forward. Do that and use a littlebit more reverb on them too.
Oh, and like Al asked; is it possible to add the lyrics here? That would be nice.

Posted By: Dewey_MI Re: Hard Way - 12/18/23 06:02 PM

Welcome to the world of BIAB and this forum! Like you, I've found life for my songs through BIAB. Your voice and style remind me of CSNY and other styles from the 70s. In other words, I REALLY LIKED everything about this song. Great use of the Hammond to backup the guitar solo.

Keep on writing and posting!

Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Hard Way - 12/19/23 12:21 AM
I echo all Alan said in his post.

Good song. It sounds like it could have been a hit in the 70s. I love the band you put together.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Hard Way - 12/19/23 12:24 AM
Larry, this is a great song.
I liked your instrumentation, great choice of sounds.
I also would have liked your vocal a tad more up front; you have a super voice so showcase it.
Like Al said a little reverb might also help the vocal.
Regardless I really like this song.
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