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Posted By: Rustyspoon# Runaway Robot - 12/28/23 10:47 PM
Hi Folks.
Have been in another life's parallel, which left almost no time for music. Here is a relatively new tune, a lyrical co-write with Ray (rayc). Finally it hits Showcase smile
All comments are encouraged and welcomed. Thank you for giving this time.

Runaway Robot


Cold spring they say,
Twisted electric poles.
A Lonely robot
Searching for his soul

He is glancing at clouds
at a birdless, radiant sky.
Phantom tears are itching,
His mechanical eyes.
Battery near depleted,
Missing a critical screw.
He is a runaway robot
With the serial 1.2

<3 Rules of robotics - I. Asimov>

The winter is crushing,
Ice takes its toll.
One lonely robot
Searching in his soul

He dreams of "clouds unseen"
Echoes of curiosity.
Fearless carbon mind
immune to storms ferocity.
Battery near depleted,
Striping a critical thread.
He is a runaway robot
Running for home instead

Tech stuff:
Lyrics - Misha & Ray Cochrane
Composition, vocals - me

466:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only)
3238:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm BossaBrazilRamon Ev 140
2040:Guitar, Resonator, Soloist CountryRob Ev 120
1773:Piano, Electric, Soloist JazzFunkMovin Ev16 130
RD BossaBrazilBrushAlex^1-a:Brushes , b:Ride, Brushes

Synths of Kontakt and Korg. Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 04:21 AM
Creative idea and lovely mix of instruments. It was a very enjoybale listen, but I'd like to have heard more gain on the vocals as I couldn't make out a lot of the words. Reading the good lyrics after the listening confirmed it. I've noticed a few forum members post the lyrics here, but not on SoundCloud. Why not both?
Posted By: rayc Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 04:31 AM
Wonderful to hear this in it's final form.
The vocals are a standout - compassion and story telling combined.
Fab band and the slide guitar is a perfect play out.
Thanks for letting me participate. I always learn something when working with you along side having fun.
Posted By: dcuny Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 06:30 AM
Very cool, although sad. I enjoyed the listen.

If you're quoting Asimov, shouldn't his brain be positronic instead of carbon? wink

Unrelated, when I much younger I'd read the children's science fiction book "The Runaway Robot". I've got no real recollection of the story, although I had read it multiple times and enjoyed it. I guess I'll need to track it down, now...
Posted By: tommyad Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 12:19 PM
This is very creative. Good mix of instruments and sound effects. The lyrics are an example of a collaboration of the highest level. Well done, Tom
Posted By: rsdean Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 02:16 PM
Misha / Ray,

Outstanding song! Love the lyrics and the vocal is great. The mix is also big and polished.

So fresh! So creative!

Posted By: Bass Thumper Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 02:26 PM
When I first viewed the robot and then heard the first few bars of Brazilian style music, I thought there was a mistake.
Then your vocals kicked in and I knew it was no mistake.
Very creative storyline and great band.
Great job all around, very enjoyable.
Posted By: vicarn Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 04:06 PM
Hi Misha.
Sounds like one of yours from the kick off.
Good mix and always interesting lyrics.

Posted By: PeterF Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 09:11 PM
Enjoyed the song, excellent lyric that you and Ray put together, top vocal and as always creative.
Great work.

Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Runaway Robot - 12/29/23 09:33 PM
As expected something weird from you 2 weirdos smile
In the absence of a proper genre name, I would call this EDMBN (EDM Bossa Nova).
I love the contrast between the music and the vocals and within the music itself.

Great work from you both [Linked Image]

A little nit is the (I guess) ride Cymbal, it distracts from the vocals and gets a bit annoying after a while.
But that's nothing you should lose any sleep about.

Enjoyed the listen a lot!
Posted By: Al-David Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 02:06 AM
Misha & Ray,

What an interesting production! As someone else mentioned, the contrast of the music and lyric was creative and very successful. Misha, your vocal was one of your best of all your songs I've heard. You and Ray put together a very creative and pleasurable song. Enjoyed my listen very much.

I also want to add that your music always has some of the best backing tracks.

Happy New Year to both of you.

Alan & Di
Posted By: laurent4114 Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 11:41 AM
It's an original song. A nostalgic side. the resonator guitar is very good with boss-nova
Can I write a review? The song will be highlighted with a less medium or even high-pitched sound. I'll take the bass back to pull it down and I'll change the drums to something softer, more midrange. Well done again.
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 12:11 PM
Very creative and original as usual, Misha!

I was a big Asimov fan back in the day, loved his robot novels in particular, so really enjoyed the lyrics.

Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 03:26 PM
Thank you for your feedback! I probably should. I don't usually advertise tunes I write. I mainly post here as an exchange of ideas with my musical forum friends.
Thank you for joining me on this little venture!
Thank you for listening and your feedback!
"positronic instead of carbon" damn, you are right smile
Thank you for giving this time and your support!
Thank you for giving this time and your positive feedback here and on SC!
Bass Thumper,
Thank you for listening and your positive comments!
Thank you for your feedback!
Thank you for listening and your support!
EDMBN LOL, thank you for positive AND constructive comments on drums. Much appreciated!
Thank you for giving this time and your generous positive feedback!
Thank you very much for your feedback, especially (!) critical comments.
Thank you for listening and your support. Asimov got many things right waaayyy back.
Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 03:26 PM
Hi Misha
Sounds great
The intro is excellent
Great sung and mixed
Very cool song
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: jannesan Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 06:52 PM
Unexpected combination of Latin rhythm, Slavic melody, a resonator guitar... and a lonely robot. And it works seamlessly. Sad story reminding me of Marvin the Paranoid Android. Describing sadness with mechanical parts is very clever idea, evoking empathy. Pleasant instrumentation, good vocals.

Posted By: floyd jane Re: Runaway Robot - 12/30/23 08:23 PM
The opening was heavenly.

Did you say you've been living in a parallel universe?
No wonder your lyrics are so original and imaginative.... smile

Superb Creative StoryTelling. Astounding lyrics.

And a creative mix of instruments (as always!)
Mix is good. (though, like B.D. I did not care for the Ride - or whatever that was...especially listening with earbuds)

I enjoy your productions. A lot.

Posted By: BobLMusic Re: Runaway Robot - 12/31/23 01:47 PM
Hi Misha,

Great co-write with Ray C!

Nice tune, I liked the vocals and bossa rhythm.

Interesting use of sound FX in the middle.

Production and mix were very nicely done!
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Runaway Robot - 12/31/23 02:08 PM
OOOO, couldn't wait fo this one. Two of my favorites writers. Well worth the wait. And you quote Asimov. Such a good write, and I really dig the vocal. Outstanding creative minds get together and prove that two minds are better. On my 3rd listen -there's no way I ever get all that's in your productions when you're on your own, but this has so many musical treats it will never exhaust the appetitie. Hats off to you, Misha & Ray. It was really nice running into each other in that parallel uni.
Posted By: mkg50 (Mike G) Re: Runaway Robot - 01/01/24 05:44 AM
Well done Misha and Ray. Love the song, the lyrics and the vocals.
The backing works a treat; somehow you've made a bossa band sound other worldly.
Posted By: DC Ron Re: Runaway Robot - 01/01/24 11:42 AM
Misha, all your stuff sound other worldly, none more than this. Super arrangement, instrument choices and vocals. It all just sounds so RIGHT. Cool narrative, too. There are about 15 seconds of dead air at the end of the track. Listened through a couple of times to see if maybe there was a sneaky robot in there, but sadly no. Great song, I really enjoyed it! Ron
Posted By: Leon1 Re: Runaway Robot - 01/04/24 07:17 AM
Wonderfully creative as always, Misha. Most enjoyable
Nice collaboration on the lyrics, Ray.
Read a fair bit of SF, including Asimov, as a teenager. He was quite the visionary.
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Runaway Robot - 01/09/24 05:45 PM
That is a great lyric that hugely reminds us of our current sci-fi book about a runaway bot character searching for the truth about his past.

You and Ray make a creative team indeed.

The bossa RT’s with the resonator guitar work very well.
Love the bass too. And the synths are excellent as is the overall mix.

The heartfelt vocal is perfect for the lyric and vibe.

It was well worth the wait!

Posted By: Brad Williams Re: Runaway Robot - 01/09/24 10:17 PM
I love this collaboration. Such a unique sound and writing. Great collection of instruments and fantastic mix ... so original.

Posted By: Deej56 Re: Runaway Robot - 01/10/24 03:03 AM
Misha and Ray:

Very cool stuff . . . love that opening. Engaging vocal, and some great lines in the lyric (particularly like “missing a critical screw”). Nice touch on the production with the Asimov insert. You’ve created a compelling picture of want and isolation—you really feel for that little lonely robot!. Really well done piece. Loved it!

Posted By: animarorecords Re: Runaway Robot - 01/10/24 05:56 AM

The lyrics are a bit strange.
Co-writing with Ray influenced them much?
The content of the lyrics is clearly conveyed.
Your vocals this time are especially wonderful.
That the melody is written in a minor key also fits them.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
Posted By: NigelSpiers Re: Runaway Robot - 01/10/24 01:32 PM
Hi Misha & Ray,

You have put a lot of work and creativity into this song - as you usually do.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Just one small comment:
The percussion panned to the centre conflicts with the vocals and I was keen to hear all the lyrics. Maybe pan the percussion left and right.

Best Regards
Posted By: Scott C Re: Runaway Robot - 01/11/24 11:48 PM
Happy New Year Misha. Very cool mix. Big sound. Filled the room with awesome music. Super vocal and excellent collab on the lyrics. Perfect back track instrumentation..
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Runaway Robot - 01/12/24 02:38 AM
Your music is always a refreshing look at a unique perspective on a style that is creative and damn near impossible to find anywhere else. And so well done.
It always reminds me of the music from a cirque performance.
Posted By: rayc Re: Runaway Robot - 01/12/24 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by animarorecords

The lyrics are a bit strange.
Co-writing with Ray influenced them much?
Shigeki Adachi
Usually Misha will send me what ever he's done to date, I follow the theme, meter & rhyming scheme, write a couple of verses and choruses and leave it to Misha to pick out anything that is useful so the answer would be a resounding no. I get much, much more from Misha in such a process...guidance, example, role model...Misha is all of that.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Runaway Robot - 01/12/24 01:59 PM

Very cool song you two! Great lyrics.

Brilliant composition and production, Misha. Cheers.

Happy New-ish year

Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Runaway Robot - 01/13/24 12:26 AM
So who came up with with the subject for this? Kudos for both you and Ray for the lyrical story.
Another fine and interesting band you put together. I love the sound along with your vocal delivery.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Runaway Robot - 01/13/24 12:41 AM
DANGER DANGER WARNING WARNING Misha and Ray have written a masterpiece.
Great song gentlemen
A really good vocal and lyrics
Great backing band
Super mix
One of your best!
Posted By: Birchwood Re: Runaway Robot - 01/21/24 01:18 PM
Hi Misha and Ray,

A very good/cool song with funny things in it, I enjoyed my listen!
I heard a lot of nice instruments, but those bright sounding vocals were amazing.
Good work!

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