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Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I'm back here. It were busy times.
I noticed I missed a bunch of songs. I will catch up with them soon.
As I said it were busy days. I made 2 songs; one with Anne-Marie from RnAM, and another one with Marty. But will only post the first one for now.

It is called Change of Times,

About the song: It is a Rock-Waltz, bpm 140. It's about aging and what comes with that.
Anne-Marie joined me with the lead vocals and did the BG-vocals by herself. And she did that amazingly!
The song is a remix from an older one I made. But the lyrics, composition and used instruments are different.

I also made a video of it on YouTube:

I hope you like it, in spite of the topic ;-))
The lyrics:
Change of times (nw)
(C) HWBerkhout 04/02/2024

When dark clouds gather
The sun fades and the sky turns gray
Then things won't get better
Oh I, hate this day

Time flies fast when comes that day
And your future won't be around
The past echoes in your words, they will say
Then you will lose your ground

Your world becomes difficult, challenges don't wait
When aging arrives, its grip is unkind
Expectations falter, ‘cause you're out of date
And you hope it won't take over your mind

Time flies fast when comes that day
And your future won't be around
The past echoes in your words, they will say
Then you will lose your ground
Oh yes, you'll lose your ground


Obsolescence is part of life
Now I’m dealing with it too
It sometimes causes strife
Or makes me feel blue

I accept I'm under attack
Though we all call it 'fate'
I accept to walk another track
It's my body that tells me to wait

Time flies fast when comes that day
And my future won't be around
The past echoes in my words, you will say
But I need to hold my ground

I know my time is limited
But I would like some decency
Or else you can wait longer, a bit
My words will become my legacy
You voices complement each other well. I love Anne-Marie background vocals.
Strong composition. A musical affirmation of self.
I love this line: "Obsolescence is part of life"
Great song and mix. My only criticism is that I thought the solo should have peaked and not troughed.
Song makes me feel old shocked
Beautiful song, your voice and Anne-Marie's complement each other very well.
Enjoyed the listen.
A lot!
Lovely song. Mesmerizing how your vocals intertwine, and the BGVs are exquisite. As they say, "growing old stinks, but it beats the alternative..." Nice one!

This is an amazing song with amazing performances...

You and Anne-Marie sound great together and really bring the message of the song across. Great mix as well.

Love it!

HI Hans,

Di and I are both 77 years old. My health and mental status are still very good - I had a physical today, and the Dr. said I was as healthy as a 50-year-old!

Di, on the other hand, has been ravaged by the calendar.

This is a great song! You and Anne-Marie sound great together. The lyric is so true, unfortunately, for many folks as they age.

Best to you,

Production, lyrics, vocals, mood all very good - bravo.
As for the video , I'm not a fan of matching images to lyrics (Marty is an even a worse offender). Try to get more creative
Oh, Mr. Hans, I love your work. I've been a fan of your music for a long time, and now these outstanding videos you're making add to the enjoyment. And then you elevate my respect even higher by bringing in Anne-Marie to dress up your song. Great idea with glorious results. I'm also so grateful you let me listen to these as they develop --as if I need to be more impressed.
Hans, you and Ann Marie make beautiful music together!
Both vocals were spot on.
I really liked that intro!
Outstanding lyrics (I can relate) and mix.

PS - I don't mind growing older its just the body falling apart that hurts!
This is a timeless song with very impressive vocal work.
You and Anne-Marie are a great team.
Well done.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
James 4:14
“When aging arrives, its grip is unkind”

The above says it well!

Y’all sound great together, Hans. Both of you are such soulful singers.
The lyric is certainly relatable and the band is excellent.
The cello and piano are perfect for the mood and the banjo was surprisingly a good fit.

We enjoyed the video too, especially the end with the people reading the books following the line of “my words will become my legacy” and, of course, the cute cat.

Now let’s all remember that we can still be young at heart. 😊

Good one!

Hi Scott, Wao and Brain,

Thanks giving me these compliments in your posts. I enjoyed them
I was hesitant to release it because it has bleak lyrics and no real solution to the problem.
On the other hand, singing together with Anne-Marie was a very nice experience and also brought a good result as you can judge for yourself.

Originally Posted by Ezekiel's Storm
You voices complement each other well. I love Anne-Marie background vocals.
Strong composition. A musical affirmation of self.
I love this line: "Obsolescence is part of life"

Hi Scott, These are really nice words from you. The only thought I had with that line you liked was: what do you like about that. I hate it ;-)

Originally Posted by WaoBand
Great song and mix. My only criticism is that I thought the solo should have peaked and not troughed.

Hi Wao, Thanks for your compliments. I was a little unsure about what you wrote after your compliments.
But first let me say that I think it's good when people give their opinions and don't wrap them up in nice words.
I looked up the word trouge because I don't know it. It meant: a very low point in the performance. In this case from the soloist.

That is a heavy statement. But let me tell you what I wanted to achieve with the solo. The violin had to play a sad solo, with whining notes, as she had done from the beginning of the song.
This is because of the sad subject.
So no roaring solo guitars. The only rock guitar was the one that provided the big accents on certain parts of the song. Those were the intros to another level of the song.

To call this a 'trough' is -for me- a misunderstaning of the song. Maybe if you listen again, especially to the structure of the song, your opinion will change.
But I probably have to accept what you think. I will do that.

Originally Posted by B.D.Thomas
Song makes me feel old shocked
Beautiful song, your voice and Anne-Marie's complement each other very well.
Enjoyed the listen.
A lot!

Hello Brain, At first: we don't want to give you the feeling you are old. The song is about when you are old. And admit it. You're old too...
Anne-Marie and I sang a Dutch song some years ago and that was nice. But singing together in English was something else.
But it turned out very good. And AM did a very good thing with the background vocals. I think it gave a lift to the middle part of the song.
At least, I was very happy with it. And now, you too.

Thanks again and have a nice day,
Hey you two sound really good together on this!

Much enjoyed.

Great production and performances all around.
The change of texture with the heavier guitars was welcome but very brief...a tease?
Two voices that work well together...I'd have liked a little more of Anne-Marie.
We're certainly constructed with a obsolescence integrated.
Fab stuff.
Well done you two.
I would bring Anne-Marie's voice up a little though and eq it to match your tone if you can.

Hans and Anne-Marie...very nice duet work here...certainly an interesting track...rock guitars and interesting mix of instruments that compose a great band..."aging" done Hans...I always adore Anne-Marie's can't go wrong there!
Hi Ron, Bob, Al and Izzy,

Thanks a lot for your nice words and thoughts about the subject too.

Originally Posted by DC Ron
Lovely song. Mesmerizing how your vocals intertwine, and the BGVs are exquisite. As they say, "growing old stinks, but it beats the alternative..." Nice one!

Hello Ron, you have said it very nicely here. I like that. Yes, the BB vocals, esprecially those in the middle part were a surprise for me too. I also had other bg vocals, but I said to Anne-Marie, go ahead, surprise me. And that's just what she did! And you're right. The alternative of getting older is bad, most of the time.

Originally Posted by rsdean
This is an amazing song with amazing performances...
You and Anne-Marie sound great together and really bring the message of the song across. Great mix as well.
Love it!

Hi Bob, thanks for this comment. Some years ago we did a Dutch song together. That was it. Till now. And I'm convinced some more songs from us will follow.
Maybe happier ones...

Originally Posted by Al-David
HI Hans,
Di and I are both 77 years old. My health and mental status are still very good - I had a physical today, and the Dr. said I was as healthy as a 50-year-old!
Di, on the other hand, has been ravaged by the calendar.

This is a great song! You and Anne-Marie sound great together. The lyric is so true, unfortunately, for many folks as they age.
Best to you,

Hello Al, you're always visiting me with nice words. But you also have nice words about your condition too! What a nice result on that physical!
I fear I can't say this for myself. However... my head is in very good condition, I can still sing and ride a bike ;-)
But heath is not given to all of us. I'm so sorry for what Di is facing. That's what I meant when singing "when aging arrives, it's grip is unkind".
And about Anne-Marie and me; it was surprising we also could sing well together in English. we knew we could in Dutch.

Originally Posted by Izzy
Production, lyrics, vocals, mood all very good - bravo.
As for the video , I'm not a fan of matching images to lyrics (Marty is an even a worse offender). Try to get more creative

Hi Izzy, I haven't heard your name before in this forum. Maybe I missed that and also a song / video from you. Show me where I can find them.
Thank you for the kind words on the song. I had to think a while about your critics on the video. I don't mind critics at all. That's why we have this forum.
Still, I was thinking how to respond to it. Normally one could say; "well, that's your opinion, but I have another taste", but that didn't feel good.
So, at first I went to that website in your link. But to be hones, I didn't find the inspiration you told me I could find there.
Then I got another idea. If you think I, and Marty are offenders of 'good' taste, why don't you feel challenged to provide my song with a video as you envision it?
I invite you to show how to create the videos you have in mind.
Let me know if you accept that challenge!

Have a good day, everyone,
Hello Hans

"If you think I, and Marty are offenders of 'good' taste," [/i]

I didn't say that Hans.

"why don't you feel challenged to provide my song with a video as you envision it?"[i]

IOW, Put up or SFU. I get it Hans. I would probably say the same thing to a smug, pompous Newbie upstart.

"I invite you to show how to create the videos you have in mind."[/i]

Well Hans, I no longer bother doing videos for myself yet alone anyone else.

"Let me know if you accept that challenge!"[i]

Geez Hans calm down. Take a few deep breaths and if you are so inclined read on..................
My personel view about matching images to lyrics is that they detract from my own personal interperatation of what the lyrics say to me (the listener). Quality lyrics often tend to be somewhat metaphorical which allows the listener to "own" the song which results in a far more personal and satisfying experience . Likewise successful music videos tend to follow the same ambiguous format which allows the viewer to discover their own personal relevence to the product.
Most people do not want to be spoonfed with silly pictures. A music video on YouTube with a simple single, nice and relevent picture
with scrolling lyrics will often result in just as many views (if not more) than many a video which obviously took much time and effort to make.


"I don't mind critics at all. That's why we have this forum."[i][/i]
It is always a fine balancing act not to cause offence but I have seen many forums slide into a "mutual admiration society" and wither on the vine.
Polite constructive criticism is the lifeblood and intelectual stimulus of a healthy forum IMO. My favourite Idiom is "a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"
You will all have a chance to get your revenge when I post my first song.
Hi Izzy,

Thanks for the insight into you.
Of course I knew you wouldn't accept that challenge, but it's still a shame.
And in your post I think you needed to let off some steam ( a Dutch way of saying).
But I doubt your way of telling people how to improve their creativity is effective: C’est le ton qui fait la musique! (Look it up).

And when your song comes out, I will listen and watch it, if there is a video included, with open mind. I always do that. So, don't be afraid of that.
We can learn from each other if we want to.


Originally Posted by Izzy
Hello Hans

"If you think I, and Marty are offenders of 'good' taste," [/i]

I didn't say that Hans.

"why don't you feel challenged to provide my song with a video as you envision it?"[i]

IOW, Put up or SFU. I get it Hans. I would probably say the same thing to a smug, pompous Newbie upstart.

"I invite you to show how to create the videos you have in mind."[/i]

Well Hans, I no longer bother doing videos for myself yet alone anyone else.

"Let me know if you accept that challenge!"[i]

Geez Hans calm down. Take a few deep breaths and if you are so inclined read on..................
My personel view about matching images to lyrics is that they detract from my own personal interperatation of what the lyrics say to me (the listener). Quality lyrics often tend to be somewhat metaphorical which allows the listener to "own" the song which results in a far more personal and satisfying experience . Likewise successful music videos tend to follow the same ambiguous format which allows the viewer to discover their own personal relevence to the product.
Most people do not want to be spoonfed with silly pictures. A music video on YouTube with a simple single, nice and relevent picture
with scrolling lyrics will often result in just as many views (if not more) than many a video which obviously took much time and effort to make.


"I don't mind critics at all. That's why we have this forum."[i][/i]
It is always a fine balancing act not to cause offence but I have seen many forums slide into a "mutual admiration society" and wither on the vine.
Polite constructive criticism is the lifeblood and intelectual stimulus of a healthy forum IMO. My favourite Idiom is "a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"
You will all have a chance to get your revenge when I post my first song.
Hi Hans,

Excellent song! Love the arrangement and the dynamics.

Just love your vocal on this one, and the blend of your voice with Anne-Marie's is fabulous.

Well done!
What a sad and touching song. Great lines like "When aging arrives, its grip is unkind" and "I accept to walk another track/It's my body that tells me to wait". Your arrangements are always interesting, in this folky waltz tune with both grieving violin and hurtful guitar reflect the message that is easy for me to relate to. Not that I'm that old, but I have passed the point where the bright future lies ahead. Great vocal performance by you and AM (whose lovely backing vocals have also graced my songs long time ago...), fitting together nicely.

Good work with the video, I like the ending with the lid closing, one story/song is finished, but the next one is coming...

What a lovely song Hans. Very moving lyric and delicate vocal. Anne-Maries harmonies were such a nice add to the song. Loved how the energy built through song. Excellent production and mix. Really well done..
Hans & Anne-Marie
While subject is sad, it's a very strong tune and listens well. Excellent vocals, almost spoken expression by you. I do wish Anne-Marie vocals would be slightly louder. (They do work very nicely with yours) Very neat, layered instrumental arrangement and good mix. Almost like C. Aznavour on steroids smile
Thank you for sharing.
Howdy Birch....
Well....being late to this party everyone else has said it all.
And, I agree with them.
Very poignant lyrics and a personal vox delivery.

(I can relate....I just became a pair of 77s recently).

Well done, I enjoyed the listen!
The instrumentation and production in this song are excellent. The Anne-Marie vocals are first class.
Hi Marty, Mario, Bass Thumper, J&B and David,

Little late in my response to your very kind posts. There are excuses for that, but still I'm a bit late.
But I want to thank you for what you wrote and will write something personal under your post;

Originally Posted by BabuMusic
Oh, Mr. Hans, I love your work. I've been a fan of your music for a long time, and now these outstanding videos you're making add to the enjoyment. And then you elevate my respect even higher by bringing in Anne-Marie to dress up your song. Great idea with glorious results. I'm also so grateful you let me listen to these as they develop --as if I need to be more impressed.

Marty, it is very important you're able to listen to the making of this song! You are always positive, but I think I can read between your lines sometimes. That has it's impact on the result. Thanks for that and the nice things you wrote here.

Originally Posted by MarioD
Hans, you and Ann Marie make beautiful music together!
Both vocals were spot on.
I really liked that intro!
Outstanding lyrics (I can relate) and mix.

PS - I don't mind growing older its just the body falling apart that hurts!

Hi Mario, Thanks for this, but your PS is what stayed in my mind. You said it so well (and painfull). But there is one nice thing here; you're not alone...

Originally Posted by Bass Thumper
This is a timeless song with very impressive vocal work.
You and Anne-Marie are a great team.
Well done.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
James 4:14

Hi BT, thanks for the nice words on the song and also your saying from James 4:14 (we call him Jacob here, I think). That's all true, but luckily we hope we are more than that vapor, otherwise we won't get anywhere (during our lifes)

Originally Posted by Janice & Bud
“When aging arrives, its grip is unkind”
The above says it well!

Y’all sound great together, Hans. Both of you are such soulful singers.
The lyric is certainly relatable and the band is excellent.
The cello and piano are perfect for the mood and the banjo was surprisingly a good fit.

We enjoyed the video too, especially the end with the people reading the books following the line of “my words will become my legacy” and, of course, the cute cat.
Now let’s all remember that we can still be young at heart. 😊

Good one!

Hi Bud and Janice, it was a little struggle to get the lyrics this way, in English and rhyming too. That's how I came to the word 'unkind' in relation to 'mind'. I was a bit fond of that. And now you picked that line! Funny...
Same kind of story on the instruments. I like strings a lot, also those electric guitars, but still I missed something. A subte different sound. And that turned out to be the banjo.
Maybe you noticed I mostly have a cat in my videos. This one was very lovely. Thanks for noticing!
And I fully agree with your last sentence. I like humor too ;-)

Originally Posted by David Snyder
Hey you two sound really good together on this!
Much enjoyed.
Great production and performances all around.

Hello David, Anne-Marie did a marvelous job on this song. And her BG-vocals after the solo really did a lot to the song. I gave her a concept of the song, with BG-vocals from me. But I said; you can remove everything (except the lead vocals) and surprise me. She did!!! Thanks for what you wrote on it.

I hope we will have nice weather one day, but until then I hope you have a very nice day for now,
Hi Hans.

You and Anne-Marie have done a fantastic job.
In the past, I have always loved listening to each of you sing.
Having you both together in a single song is great ear-candy for me smile
And your voices fit together so very, very well.
Kudos to you on this work!
I have to confess that I empathise with way too many of the lyrics.

I love what you've created and what the two of you have produced.

P.S. I enjoyed the lyric video too! That was a good touch.
Hi Ray, Vicarn and Firesong,

It was very nice reading your posts about the song.
Thanks for that. The topic is sad, but the making of it, was a nice process. Not only the vocals from Anne-Marie and me, but also the choice of instruments and builds of the song.
After we mixed our vocals, AM came with a suggestion to make another 'break' like the one after the first chorus. She likes one after the solo, but I did it after her marvellous bg-vocals in the middle, for the last part of the song. I was happy she also liked that more.
But now about you:

Originally Posted by rayc
The change of texture with the heavier guitars was welcome but very brief...a tease?
Two voices that work well together...I'd have liked a little more of Anne-Marie.
We're certainly constructed with a obsolescence integrated.
Fab stuff.

Hi Ray, as I wrote, we added another break with the heavy guitar. If I had done more of that, the character of the song would be changed too much. In my opinion.
And about the mixing of our vocals, or more AM, well... there was something why we didn't do that.
But I was glad I asked her to remove all excisting BG's and do whatever she want on that. And that worked out perfectlly. I'm glad you agreed with that too.
And I also agree with your last line. Though that doesn't mean you have to be happy with that.

Originally Posted by vicarn
Well done you two.
I would bring Anne-Marie's voice up a little though and eq it to match your tone if you can.

Hi Vic, I understand you liker her voice more than mine, but as I wrote to Ray, we had our reasons to do what we did. Maybe in another song...
And my vocals are what they are. And I still like them, although they are getting older as well!

Originally Posted by firesong
Hans and Anne-Marie...very nice duet work here...certainly an interesting track...rock guitars and interesting mix of instruments that compose a great band..."aging" done Hans...I always adore Anne-Marie's can't go wrong there!

Hi firesong, thanks for your comment, but I feel something special in the words you choose, especially about aging. I can't put my finger on what exactly you mean, maybe you would name it differently? Tell me!

Have a nice day and lots of inspiration,
Hi, Dave, Janne, Scott, Misha, Chulaivet, Wao and Noel,

As I wrote in my previous post, I'm late again with responding. I think that is a bad habit of me...
I was and am happy with all your comments! Believe it or not, ok, some needed some more attention than others, but untill now I think I'm very fond with your posts.
Having said that, I will pay some attention to the individual post from you, the 7 last one, I presume.

Originally Posted by BlueAttitude
Hi Hans,
Excellent song! Love the arrangement and the dynamics.
Just love your vocal on this one, and the blend of your voice with Anne-Marie's is fabulous.
Well done!

Dave, very kind of you. And you're right about the match between my and AM's vocals. I think with those BG's she really shined!

Originally Posted by jannesan
What a sad and touching song. Great lines like "When aging arrives, its grip is unkind" and "I accept to walk another track/It's my body that tells me to wait". Your arrangements are always interesting, in this folky waltz tune with both grieving violin and hurtful guitar reflect the message that is easy for me to relate to. Not that I'm that old, but I have passed the point where the bright future lies ahead. Great vocal performance by you and AM (whose lovely backing vocals have also graced my songs long time ago...), fitting together nicely.
Good work with the video, I like the ending with the lid closing, one story/song is finished, but the next one is coming...


Janne, you have good eyes for the details, like that closing of the laptop at the end. And that man also puts down his pencil. I think most older people with pc's still have a pencil close at hand. I have too!
Still I think, and I hope you too, around a corner somewhere a tiny, surprising future can be waiting. For instance when it comes to your music. I think a lot of people like it. When you were younger you didn't have the time to spend on music making. And then came BiaB and AI, and suddenly the (second) future lays ahead for you! At least it's a nice tought...

Originally Posted by Scott C
What a lovely song Hans. Very moving lyric and delicate vocal. Anne-Maries harmonies were such a nice add to the song. Loved how the energy built through song. Excellent production and mix. Really well done..

Scott, thanks a lot. Besides all those nice things you said, I also liked that phrase about the build up of the energy during the song. The first heavy guitars were in, but we felt it was unfinished. That solo with the 'Roma violin' was also a bit soft, but I loved to keep it in. AM suggested a heavy guitar after that solo and I thought it would be better after her last BG 'vocals'. I won ;-)

Originally Posted by Rustyspoon#
Hans & Anne-Marie
While subject is sad, it's a very strong tune and listens well. Excellent vocals, almost spoken expression by you. I do wish Anne-Marie vocals would be slightly louder. (They do work very nicely with yours) Very neat, layered instrumental arrangement and good mix. Almost like C. Aznavour on steroids smile
Thank you for sharing.

Misha, I could never have even imagined being compared to Mr. 'She' Aznavour. But surprises do appear to exist!!!
I'm now practicing to sing his oeuvre. Only the steroids make my wife a little nervous...
There was a tiny reason why her vocals were kept a bit less loud, and not because I am the boss.
Thanks for your so nice post.

Originally Posted by chulaivet1966
Howdy Birch....
Well....being late to this party everyone else has said it all.
And, I agree with them.
Very poignant lyrics and a personal vox delivery.
(I can relate....I just became a pair of 77s recently).
Well done, I enjoyed the listen!

Chulaivett, what nice post! And what nice you became a pair of 7's. I thought you were much younger, your artistname says chulaivett1966!
Now we are a bit apart in age, two years... I win :-)))

Originally Posted by WaoBand
The instrumentation and production in this song are excellent. The Anne-Marie vocals are first class.

Wao, I thought you've already posted your reaction. The Roma violins were dissapointing you wrote. But you also gave compliments.
But I love you repeated the compliments 2 times. Thanks for that!!

Originally Posted by Noel96
Hi Hans.
You and Anne-Marie have done a fantastic job.
In the past, I have always loved listening to each of you sing.
Having you both together in a single song is great ear-candy for me smile
And your voices fit together so very, very well.
Kudos to you on this work!
I have to confess that I empathise with way too many of the lyrics.

I love what you've created and what the two of you have produced.
P.S. I enjoyed the lyric video too! That was a good touch.

Noell, what a lovely post you wrote. Thanks for that!
And yes, I remember you have listened to my songs before.
And coincidentally, I was thinking about you about a week before you posted this (really!)
I missed you for some time. I also saw you have a new song now on the forum.
I listen to it very soon!

Thank you all for this,
and for now... back to work!
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