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First - I've been away from the site for over a month. Di has had another stroke and now requires in-home nursing care. I've been in the process of arranging for that - not a simple task. At least she is stable.

Many thanks to those of you who have left comments on my last song, but to whom I've not responded. Please know I've read them and appreciate them very much.

Yesterday, I received a surprise PM from Ray. It was a message about a song he and I cobbled together about a year ago. He has "tinkered" with the arrangement over the past few months and settled on this iteration of "What About Tomorrow". I did the music, and Ray wrote the lyric and did the vocal. He had it professionally mastered and it came out great! Hope ya'll might find it a good listen. He's a much better vocalist than he professes to be.

I'll be over this evening to start listening and commenting again. Looking forward to it!

(Unfortunately, I've misplaced the song info. If I find it, I'll come back and post it)

What About Tomorrow?

You and I see differently:
The same things, not the same way,
And we do that readily,
Living through these days.
But what will come to be,
When attitudes have hardened?
When you don't look at me?
(You got) More than your bargained for.

But what about tomorrow?
What will we share?
Will it be loneliness,
At a table laid bare?

Once we'd react spontaneously:
Open to the day.
You kissed, this morning, differently,
In oh so many ways.
But what will come to be,
When eye contact is guarded?
When you don't talk to me?
(We've had) More than we bargained for.

But what about tomorrow?
What will we be?
Will it be loneliness,
Of you or me, not we?

You and I feel differently:
Similar things, not the same way.
Now we pretend so easily,
Lying through each day.
What will this come to be,
When feelings have hardened?
You & I don't make a we,
(We got) More than we bargained for.

But what about tomorrow?
What will we share?
Will it be loneliness
At a table laid bare?

(c) 2022 Alan D. David, BMI / Ray Cochrane, APRA

What About Tomorrow - New Version

Sorry to hear about Di's health setback. Sending good thoughts her way and your way...

This is a great song. The instrumentation is absolutely beautiful and this may be the best vocal I have ever heard from Ray.

High production overall and just an all around awesome piece of music.

Dear Alan,

So sorry to hear about the situation with Di and I will keep both of you in my prayers.
This is a swell version of the song, and congrats to everyone.
I'm a little confused about the vocals though, because it sounds to me like this is a female vocal and maybe there's a tiny male vocal in the background? When you say that Ray did the vocal what do you mean? Is this a synth vocal? A studio musician? A friend?
Sorry if I'm being stupid!!!!!!!
Good song though.
Hi Alan,

I am so terribly sorry to hear about Di. Please know that I am sending a tonne of healing thoughts both her way and your way.

You and Ray have created a really beautiful song. I loved it. As I sat here listening, the imagery, the melody, the lyrics, the arrangement and the production all pulled me into a special place of calm reflection. Because of this, for me, the song was a heartfelt, bitter-sweet journey. You and Ray managed to tap into my emotions and you kept me thinking long after the song had ended.

Wonderful listening smile

All the very best,
Alan, thoughts and prayers for you and Di.

Missed this song on first release, but...WOW, this is a powerhouse! Wonderful backing track and arrangement, and the minor key shift is eye wateringly beautiful. Those vocals are just GREAT. There's a glossy sheen to the production that we don't hear all the time on the forum, and it really adds a lot of depth. Fantastic job, Alan and Ray!
Alan, sorry to hear about Di. You are in my prayers.

Ray, this is your best vocal to date, it sounds great.
Allan, a perfect job on the backing band, orchestration, and mix.
An outstanding song.
Gosh Al, I'm sorry to hear about Di. Admire your courage that in the middle of all of this you feel like making a song, which BTW, it is great.
Good luck

Mike B.
Ah, Alan's generosity toward me has caused him to shift my backing vocal credit to "vocal". Alison Reynolds sings the lead on this little gem. Alan's one hell of a writer.
A beautiful song for difficult questions. It's very well sung. the pedal steel is so beautiful.
Life is sometimes difficult. My thoughts from the other side of the Atlantic to you and Di.
I like the complete title: What About Tomorrow -- New Version. LOVE THIS, ALAN! A wonderful write, and I dig that pedal steel. Sweet. Outstanding vocal. So captivating. I like the way you've produced it with such engaging dynamics. Prayers for you and Di, Alan. To me, this song answers the question it asks.
(Like David, I thought "WOW! Ray sings like a girl! COOL!!!")
Lovely tracks. The steel is used well...
Nice "comfortable" vocals.
Excellent mix.


Give Di a Wink And A Smile for me.
We remember the earlier versions well, Al and Ray. This is such a beautiful song in lyric, melody and band. Alison’s lovely vocal with Ray’s almost shadowy vocal reflects the lyric wonderfully.

The lyric is poignant and this is heartbreaking:

“Once we'd react spontaneously:
Open to the day.
You kissed, this morning, differently,
In oh so many ways.”

Great collaboration!


We’re very sorry about Di’s health situation and hope that music will bring you both some joy.
Wow, what a lovely song! Love the vocals and the harmonies. Great lyrics, instrumentation and mix, too.
what a beautiful song, and sorry about the situation with Di, we will keep you in our prayers. I love the arrangement especially the steel guitar, that gets me every time...
I like this much! Such a classic feel. Strong vocalist. Excellent collaboration.
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