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Full 16-bar instrumental lead-in with RT jazz violin, then lyrics begin...packed full of short lines with as many rhymes as I could come up with...I like it lots!
Tano - catchy, clever. nice tracks. almost a Tom Lehrer feel on yhis one....
Very well done. You hit this style dead on. Great lyrics.

You build up to the last "like you lots" very nicely, using the fills, etc.

I like it lots.

Really enjoyed this, lot of fun to listen!
The violin use is great, bringing the piano in is really nice touch.

Also your vocals for this are right on!

Different, but really catchy right on.

Thanks for sharing your work with us.
Hi Tano,

Very clever! I like it lots, too The concept of having a full AABA instrumental before the lyrics, is a common feature of songs from this era. It worked really well for me.

By the way, I don't think I've ever heard "apricots" in the rhyme position of a song before!


I'm impressed with your creativity. "Nincompoops" (I don't even know how to spell it LOL!) and "apricots" in the same song with an arrangement spot on the genre and very entertaining. It was fun listening to what you were going to say next! Reminded me of an old b&w movie where the characters break into song.

I liked it lots.
Thanks all for the nice comments.

I try to keep my rhyming dictionary at hand. The one I use is "The Modern Rhyming Dictionary" by Gene Lees. It's organized by sound rather than spelling, and it has some outstanding essays at the front that talk about the physiology of mouthing sounds, singing intervals, etc. that I have found really helpful.

Thanks again!
Very entertaining funny listening. Although I didn't understand every single word I got the idea and liked it.

That's a lot of unique rhyming Tano, cool song.
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