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Posted By: Brallan FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/08/13 04:46 PM
Another sad sardonic thwarted love song... I picture it taking place in Westwood -- that's where the good sticky buns are sold.

Here is the song: Happy For You

Comments and critiques welcome.

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Background Fiddle with Slow Pop 16ths Band RealTracks Demo
File:Happy For You - 02.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 65, Length (m:s)=4:47
Style is _SL16FID.STY (16th PopBallad with Fiddle[65RS])
RealTracks in style: 1592:Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 1599:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16thsA-B Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 1596:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Pop16ths Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 1593:Fiddle, Background Pop16ths Ev 065
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven16^6-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat Open

Hand-played midi piano, using SampleTank patch on the Piano Collection: "A Nice Stnwy D".
Posted By: floyd jane Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/08/13 05:03 PM
Best one yet, Brad!

Cool lyric. Great choice of tracks - that fiddle is a standout. And a nice vocal!

But wait.... a brew and a sticky bun??? can someone get this guy some bar mix?

Posted By: Noel96 Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/08/13 09:21 PM
Hi Brad,

This is really excellent. The melody is outstanding. I found the whole song very, very engaging.

What really stood out to me was how you've used the AABA format so well. Personally, I call this lyric format (two phrases + two phrases that repeat in each A-section) the "Close To You" format because it's how David and Bacharach structured the lyrics in "Close To You". The format reduces lyrics to the bare necessities and this, in turn, increases memorability no end. It is an incredibly effective way to set words to music.

All the best with FAWM

Posted By: Brallan Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/08/13 11:16 PM
Thanks again so much, Floyd... yes, the fiddle is cool, sad but suitable.

And sticky buns? Well, sure, when your heart is broken, you want alcohol, sugar and fat, at least in LA... not in Texas?

Also thank you, Noel... yes, I love the AABA form. In my mind, it exemplifies the most classic American (and I bet Australian) ballads, especially from the years of the great standards... Gershwin, Kern, Rodgers, Arlen, etc., etc... and your songs as well, I believe, right up and through Billy Joel and McCartney (Yesterday).
Posted By: vzudell Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/09/13 06:00 AM
Oh, I really loved this!!!This is the kind of music I wish we could hear more of. It just doesn't grate on your nerves like so much of the noise that is out there. Even though it is sad it is put together so smoothly that it turned out beautiful and the vocal is outstanding too!
Posted By: boehm Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/09/13 02:31 PM
Nice song.
Liked your piano.

Posted By: MountainSide Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/15/13 02:48 PM
Really nice piano there that you, BIAB or RealTracks?
Posted By: austin51 Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/15/13 03:05 PM

You dunk the sticky bun in the brew. It's a broken heart thing.

It's all been said Brad. Great song, lyrics, vocal, and production.
Posted By: Brallan Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/15/13 04:10 PM
Thank you so much, folks... Val, Guenter, Austin.

Mountainside, I played the midi piano, using the SampleTank patch I used above. This song started with that piano riff or melody. I almost want to call it an ostinato, but it's not, it's just a repeating four-bar melody, very simple, but I liked it a lot. I worried that the repetition would get annoying or boring, but I guess not... maybe that's because of the nice ST patch.
Posted By: PgFantastic Re: FAWM #4 - Happy For You - 02/15/13 05:10 PM
You have put together a nice one here! Flows so nicely and well performed as well! Thanks for sharing!

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