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Posted By: cliftond THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 01:11 AM
we did this one with a rock flavor, using a rock BIAB, Drums, bass, organ and a couple of guitars, i added some guitars so yes, there are a lot of guitars here.
Posted By: rayc Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 04:36 AM
Good song, great topic.
Some of the rhythm guitars sounds distant and roomy.
I reckon you need to vary the panning so the places they hold in the stereo image don't overlap much and/or do some EQ carving so that the guitars aren't treading on each other too much.
If the organ is stereo that would explain some of the mid build up and overlap - if you are able to render it as a mono file you'll find it MUCH easier to mix as there's a lot of information but little definition in a stereo Hammind's left/bass side.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 11:03 AM

A rockin' sound there. Moves along nicely.

For a song like this it would be nice to have a lyric to follow along (old ears an' all...)

A few suggestions (feel free to ignore them) - since you have a lot of guitars, you might consider dropping the lead under the singing, at least in the early going (and bring its volume up for the solo). The drums could be louder (yeah, I say that all the time). Vocals and harmonies sound good...

Keep rockin'

Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 12:17 PM
I lost my best friend there. Me? Undergraduate school, then grad school and then I drew a "safe" draft lotto number. Heckuva thing...a lotto for possibly your life.

Enjoyed this rocker.

Like floyd mentioned it would be nice to have the lyric here or at SC.

Posted By: Ember - PG Music Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 12:25 PM
This song has a very strong presence and has important subject matter. I think you did a really great job presenting it.
Posted By: cliftond Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 01:23 PM
Thanks for the comments guys, I take note of all and appreciate feedback, that's how I improve. OK , here are the lyrics.

Key of E

We fought the Nam for Nixon, Kept the pain inside
watched the hippies spit at us, when we got stateside
They sent the body bags home like a dog was inside
The only thing buried was American Pride

Protesters burned draft cards in a great big pile
Radical students ran a college for awhile
The weathermen exploded, Manson was a thing
Yoko and Lennon got naked for a fling

It was a world that could only happen back then
I seriously doubt we ever see it again
The civil rights movement arrived in time
to bring a little light and let it shine
cities burned down, neighborhoods fried
The long hot summer that kept us all inside
The man on the moon gave a big God sign
The whole world changed in '69
Posted By: Joe -PG Music Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 02:17 PM
Originally Posted By: cliftond
we did this one with a rock flavor, using a rock BIAB, Drums, bass, organ and a couple of guitars, i added some guitars so yes, there are a lot of guitars here.

Hi Cliftond, I honor those who served in the wars. The guitars have a nice crunch and overall good classic rock vibe. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 06:31 PM
cliftond, you sure stoked up a lot of old memories for some of us! Not near as many around now that can relate though! I feel that this is one you will continue to develop and shape. Some very good lyric content! I like your style...keep on rockin' Thanks, Torrey
Posted By: jimmadsen Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 06:39 PM
Very nice - keep the memory alive!
Posted By: PeterF Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/10/18 08:05 PM
A strong set of lyrics and a nice rocking background, coupled with a good melody.
Nice work.

Posted By: dcuny Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 04:13 AM
Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but I'll say it again - nice rocker.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 05:25 AM
Great drivin' beat, and interesting choice of material.

Well worth it, for sure.
Posted By: rsdean Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 06:29 AM

Great rocker - excellent mix and production.

Posted By: tommyad Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 09:33 AM
Clifton, This one's got little of that CCR feel to it. I remember 69 well. Tough year. A great idea for the write. I liked it. Good luck if you submit it to ST, Tom
Posted By: Deryk - PG Music Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 10:58 AM
Great work on this, Clifton smile I really liked how unique it sounds with all those guitars overlapping. It does sound a little hectic at time, but I'd say it is appropriate given the subject matter. The lyrics here are stunning too, and really help set the mood.

Awesome job, and thanks for sharing smile
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 11:43 AM
I'm hearing Levon Helm and The Band doing this. And a touch of Petty, as well as the previously mentioned CCR.

I served as well. As did Chulaivet.

Nice job on this.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 11:45 AM
Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
then I drew a "safe" draft lotto number.

I was #7 in that lottery. Why I can't win the Ohio Lottery amazes me when I was 7 in that one. LOL!!!
Posted By: cliftond Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 12:25 PM
Yeah, I was 14 in '69, wearing out my right hand, and trying to learn guitar. My brother was in Nam then. I guess the song and movie gimme shelter by the stones, where they were playing the altmonte racetrack and Gram Parsons and the flying burritos were playing with the stones kinda gave me that particular out of phase feel for the song. And the fact that nothing has to be exaggerated to write a wild song about that era. Dylan in short version without all 75 verses that he would have written. HA, just joking. I recall when Camille came up on us that summer, just after Neil Armstrong and Bud Aldridge landed on the moon, we had 100 plus miles per hour wind and we were 100 miles north of Biloxi. Just a lot of things went on that year, and I was there, and so were many of you. we are part of that amazing history. Cliff
Posted By: David Snyder Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 04:17 PM

Really powerful work Clifton.

As I was listening to it, I thought to myself that would LOVE to hear an unplugged version of this with just acoustic and harmonica, a la Neil Young.

I mean I love this version, but I can totally hear an acoustic version too.

Great job.
Posted By: chulaivet1966 Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 05:52 PM
I'll echo all other comments.
I remember my experiences quite well during those years.

There are some good lyrical lines that stand out also.
I also agree with a couple of the technical comments.

Well done.....carry on.
Posted By: cliftond Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/11/18 07:33 PM
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Really powerful work Clifton.

As I was listening to it, I thought to myself that would LOVE to hear an unplugged version of this with just acoustic and harmonica, a la Neil Young.

I mean I love this version, but I can totally hear an acoustic version too.

Great job.

You got me thinking David, I too would love to hear an unplugged version of this, cant think of anyone better than you to pull this off. If you are game please give it a shot, feel free to change anything, tempo , tune, words. You have that style that would match well with this.
Posted By: Robertkc Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/12/18 01:09 PM
Terrific flashback lyrics that so many will find powerful reminders.
Nice rocking song... I like David`s unplugged version idea to really get this across.

Posted By: Scott C Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/12/18 11:00 PM
Awesome tune. Super lyric and excellent delivery. Well done
Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/20/18 01:38 PM
Cooooooool!! I remember '69. I was only 12 but that era still made a very strong impression on me. A lot I miss about it. This does a great job of bringing back memories, and has an authentic late 60's sound! Loved it!! Take care. Greg
Posted By: Noel96 Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/20/18 10:09 PM

You've written and presented a really powerful song, here. I reckon that anyone who listens to it is going to reflect on all that you've said. That's how the musical journey worked for me.

The Vietnam conflict also reached Australia where we had the equivalent of the lottery. This era was a very sad time for so many. I read an article in a local newspaper couple of weeks ago where Vietnamese are still suffering the effects of chemical warfare (agent orange).

Thanks posting this and sharing it with us all.

Posted By: fiddler2007 Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/21/18 05:06 AM
Good song, and a subject like this (politics, thought not allowed on the PG forum ?) is something i can relate too, but i doubt this very much:
Originally Posted By: cliftond
... The man on the moon gave a big God sign, The whole world changed in '69 ...

unless you mean it's for the worse ... One of my political ones, still very much actual today: Across the Sea -F
Posted By: cliftond Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/21/18 05:29 PM
Originally Posted By: fiddler2007
Good song, and a subject like this (politics, thought not allowed on the PG forum ?) is something i can relate too, but i doubt this very much:
Originally Posted By: cliftond
... The man on the moon gave a big God sign, The whole world changed in '69 ...

unless you mean it's for the worse ... One of my political ones, still very much actual today: Across the Sea -F

Well, I dont think anything in the song is political, just reflecting facts at the time. The man on the moon , was meant to represent the moon landing, Showing that we had stepped up technology to the point of manned space travel to other spheres. Hurricane Camille happened about a month after that. Just a lot of things came about in "69. I saw most of it on TV. I was raised on TV, still love it.
Posted By: MarioD Re: THe Nam and Nixon - 04/21/18 10:14 PM
This is a fantastic tell it like it was song. The backing tracks were great but your vocals and lyrics took it over the top for me.

I had severe asthma back then and I was taking three shots a week for it, causing me to be 1Y for 5 years then 4F. I lost 7 friends during that war with another coming home with bullet wounds and PTSD. Other friends told me about people spitting on them and calling them baby killers. A real sad time in American history.

A fantastic song about that era.

This is a keeper.
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