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Posted By: Chris37 Narguer le temps - 12/03/18 03:27 AM
Hi all,
Here's a french song about the passage of time and the possibility to stop it with poetic writing.
Lyrics are not easy to translate. Christian

RD RockSouthernEv^5
RT 700 Electric Bass
RT 663 Acoustic Guitar
RT 1035 Banjo
RT 1601 Mandolin
RT 2033 Mandolin
RT 626 Harmonica

1) Perché sur le dos d'un flamant,
j'ai vu passer un garnement
qui jouait à gober le vent,
à traverser les nuages blancs.
Sur un morceau de papier blanc,
j'étale des mots, des sentiments.
Je m'amuse à narguer le temps,
en le figeant, juste en rêvant.

2) Les nuages blancs se sont percés
et les gouttes se sont déversées.
L'enfant joue à s'éclabousser
dans les flaques qui se sont formées.
Sur mon morceau de papier blanc,
les lettres ont plu abondamment.
Elles ont plu à mon âme d'enfant
qui s'est souv'nu de ses dix ans.

3) Le garçon est rentré chez lui,
le corps trempé, le cœur ravi,
se jurant d' revenir ici
pour assouvir ses folles envies.
Sur un morceau de papier blanc,
un autre jour demain m'attend.
J'irai encore narguer le temps,
en le figeant, juste en rêvant.
Posted By: Will Josef Re: Narguer le temps - 12/03/18 11:46 PM
Nice tune. I know some French, but this was too difficult for me to understand. smile I hope someone can provide a translation.

Posted By: Chris37 Re: Narguer le temps - 12/04/18 05:07 AM
Thanks Will !
I've tried to translate the lyrics......

Taunting time

1) On the back of a flamingo,
I saw a kid
who was playing to swallow the wind,
to cross the white clouds.
On a sheet of white paper,
I write words and feelings.
I have fun taunting time,
by freezing it, just dreaming.

2) White clouds have been drilled
and it has rained.
The child plays to splash
in the puddles.
On a sheet of white paper,
the letters rained abundantly.
My child's soul was pleased
to remember when I was ten years old.

3) The boy went home,
his wet body and his light heart,
swearing to come back here
to satisfy his crazy cravings.
On a sheet of white paper,
another day tomorrow is waiting for me.
I will have fun taunting time,
by freezing it, just dreaming.
Posted By: animarorecords Re: Narguer le temps - 12/08/18 01:46 AM

Nice chanson!
The fragrance of French pops in the early 70 's drifts.
I do not remember the names of the singers anymore, but at that time I often listened to French pops.
It is different from your usual style.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
Posted By: Chris37 Re: Narguer le temps - 12/08/18 02:55 PM
Thanks Shigeki,
I appreciate your interest for french songs. Christian
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Narguer le temps - 12/08/18 07:32 PM
As Shigeki said it is different from your usual songs. But different in a good way!

We enjoyed it!

Posted By: dcuny Re: Narguer le temps - 12/08/18 11:06 PM
That was a pleasant listen, even with no real clue what was being sung. Nice singing, clear arrangement.

Well done!
Posted By: Greg Johnson Re: Narguer le temps - 12/10/18 04:56 PM
Nicely done Christian!! Song has a nice melody. Vocals are nice and mix is very good! Enjoyed! Take care. Greg
Posted By: Chris37 Re: Narguer le temps - 10/13/20 06:16 AM
Here's a new version of this song.
Hervé Bargy is singing.
Posted By: rayc Re: Narguer le temps - 10/13/20 07:29 AM
That's very nice...a little de-essing of the vocals would be good but not essential.
Always well constructed Chris - always.
Posted By: Derochette Re: Narguer le temps - 10/13/20 11:11 AM
Hello Chris37,

The link on soundcloud no longer works composition not found.

Best regards

alias JaniJackFlash
Posted By: Chris37 Re: Narguer le temps - 10/13/20 12:40 PM
Thanks Ray.
Dero13, the new link is above Ray's comment. smile
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