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I have a new instrumental on SoundCloud - Síla zastavení - Stopped Power on:

It was created in RealBand as midi and then I played in Sibelius 8 and finally in Studio One.

Sorry if I accidentally used my post's inappropriate location and please in this case direct - where ...
Very nicely done...
I enjoyed listening to it...
For original compositions, you should post it on the User Showcase Forum
I think that was handled very well. Good dynamics.
Really nice work on this smile The mix job is really smooth and it flows nicely.

You should post this in the user showcase! Thanks for sharing.
I have a new instrumental on SoundCloud - Síla zastavení - Stopped Power on:

It was created in RealBand as midi and then I played in Sibelius 8 and finally in Studio One.
Hello Gause, what a marvelous song I might say! This is beautiful and I really dug the chord progression. Great work!
This instrumental had a really unique sound to it. I am curious to know: when you were creating it what did you have in mind? It almost has a video game vibe to it a little bit, like something you might expect to hear in a temple after a long journey.

Curious to hear any thoughts or story behind this one! Thanks for sharing.
Guase, very nice work on this! It is obvious a lot of work went into this piece of music and it sounds great! I'll be watching for more from you! Thanks, Torrey
Nicely textured....

Enjoyed it.


Nicely done. A good listen.

This sounds very cinematic to me...
Nicely composed & orchestrated...
It could easily be used in a movie...
I enjoyed hearing it!
Thank you very much for encouraging and that you inspire me.
Nicely done!! Very much enjoyed this. Well conceived and executed!! Take care. Greg
Lovely piece of music. Has cool feel to it. Well done.
Wow - I really enjoyed this! It almost had an 80's synth pop throwback - like something from an early Depeche Mode album or something. Really neat progressions, and it has an ethereal quality to it also.

Really nice work. Thanks for sharing smile
Agree with Joe, it'd be a great video game track, Very nicely done
Thank you :-)
Thank you :-)
Nice work! Flows gorgeously and has some great progressions. You should definitely post this to the user showcases so it reaches more people smile

Thanks for sharing!
I have a fresh new version with a new mix and professional mastering, which I actively participated in as part of my training:
Well done, Gause Zdenek. Some parts of your track is really beautiful composed! I enjoyed listening!

Thanks for sharing!
I enjoyed listening to this - thanks for posting!
Pretty tune!! Would make good film score music! Something between new age and classical. Nice job on this. Would love to hear more! Take care. Greg
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