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In the US, our upcoming election is generating a lot of energy. This song can be used by either "side"!
I originally posted this some time ago (with no "listens"), and I've recently "tuned it up".

THE HOUR'S COME, we're gonna give it a shot;
We know we'll come out on top!
We know we've got to do it now, that's for certain;
We won't be stopped.

We know that THE HOUR'S COME; it's time to show what we've got;
We're putting them down for the count;
We're gonna get our act in gear,
That'll show what we're all about.

This year is one like no other year; It's magnified;
The stakes are high and soon we'll decide who will say good-bye.

THE HOUR'S COME, we're really put on the spot,
We know we can do what we say;
And no one's gonna shut us down--
We're on fire to win the day;

Nobody's sayin' that the world will end,
But we ain't playin' and we can't pretend;
We'll give it our all for the winning;
We'll go down swinging--yeah!

THE HOUR'S COME, we're gonna give it a shot;
We know we'll come out top;
We'll give it everything we've got,
That's for certain, we won't be stopped.

We know that THE HOUR'S COME; it's time to show what we've got;
We're putting them out for the count
We're gonna get our act in gear
There's more than shout....we know that THE HOUR'S COME!

Sorry to say I've lost the original BIAB development info
A good general election statement.

"The stakes are high and soon we'll decide who will say good-bye..."

The instrumentation sounds good.
A melody that keeps the ear engaged.
The multiple voices work nicely.
Well mixed.
Hi Tano Music,

as a non-American who is watching what's going on over there almost speechlessly and unhingedly this seems to be what I needed to get the feel... 'a lot of energy' ... right...

Funny approach to an otherwise most severe topic; musically wll-wrapped. Really good.


Floyd, Stefan..thanks for listening in...I appreciate your comments!
This is really well done. It's peppy, fun, and stays interesting throughout, with some really nice changes in there. I really like the way you have multiple song structures in there and switch back and forth and it really adds to the richness of it. I find piecing together the ABBA type stuff difficult myself, but it really does enhance the song. The lyrics are very relevant and effective. You've communicated a lot with just a few choice phrases that really fit the rhythm and flow perfectly.

Going back for another listen now smile
Ed, glad you liked it..I was trying for a general feeling of enthusiasm about working hard to promote the cause you believe in.
Nice up beat tune.

"Nobody's sayin' that the world will end".............OH yes we are saying that.

The USA is always intervening in troubled areas.
If the election goes the wrong way, I'm hoping Canada will invade us.

Thanks a bunch Ed..
The choral effect worked really well, how did you do that? How many tracks did it take? As far as not taking sides, probably the best approach on your part. Nicely constructed, and something different that caught my ear.
"The stakes are high and soon we'll decide who will say good-bye..."

Nice rhyme way to say that smile

You succeeded with the neutrality approach. Don't think we could pull that off!

And you pulled it off with a fine production in all aspects ... write, arrangement, vocal band and mix.

Most engaging! We'll drop by for another listen on Nov 4 smile Hopefully the outcome will be known then.

Enjoyed it!

Be safe.

Tunemonger...thanks for taking a listen...I'm pretty sure I recorded a single mainline vocal track...I added a secondary vocal at the bridge (I think), singing at an octave lower. I used CloneEnsemble vst to multiply my vocal.

J&B..thanks also. My intention was that this could apply to ANY election--probably even for Student Body President!...just wanted to recognize positive, optomistic, enthusiastic energy and hope!
The most lighthearted political song I`ve heard in a long time;somehow you make the whole awful mess seem like fun...with the mute on the tv I could watch a "debate" while listening!
I like those multiple lead vocal tracks - thanks for letting us know how it was done.

Thanks Robert..appreciate your feedback!
Super! Some Pepto Bismuth on sour and gassy brain!
Very well done musically. Cool vocal doubling! Especially fun what goes on background of this:
"This year is one like no other year; It's magnified;
The stakes are high and soon we'll decide who will say good-bye."

Lets hope the outcome of this "little" upcoming election will be as civil as your tune. Thank you for sharing.

Good job being neutral. That's quite a feat for most people at this time.

Catchy and upbeat. Did you do all the voices or did you have a little help from your friends?

Thanks for sharing. I can't believe no one listened to this before.
Thanks Misha and Ezekiel..voices all mine.
More a song about positive voter enthusiasm than about contention, etc.
Hello Tano Music,

European, I follow American politics. Everyone believes that the mindset of politicians will change, but change only happens step by step and election promises are rarely kept. It is true that we want more justice, that everyone can be happy. Utopia or realism. But universal awareness is on the move thanks to the web and we will see the results hopefully in a few decades.

hat being said, your composition is nice. Arrangement well done and after listening to it, we become optimistic again for a better world for all.

Well done

Kindly regard

alias JaniJackFlash
Fun song! And, one of the more restrained political songs of late! It seems to me the country is a mess......I don't blame either side completely and blame both partially. We'll see what happens. Have to keep a sense of humor! Enjoyed! Take care. Greg
Dero13, Greg..thanks for listening..just making a case for optimism, positivity, patriotic enthusiasm.
Tano, nice to hear one of these songs that doesn't have a vicious hateful edge to it! Nice job! T
Thanks Torrey..was conceived a while back when election interest was more fun and positive. Thanks for listening.
Oh, man, Tano Music. THIS gets my vote every time. Very catchy song! Well done.
Thank you very much Marty! Glad you liked it.
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