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Posted By: justanoldmuso NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/27/22 09:02 PM
(a whacky silly little song)
ARTIST : moi..ALF-L..(a lad from london (c) 2021)
1. due to the variety of playback systems out there. watch your levels till comfortable with song...apologies if the listener hates the song. use earbuds if possible.
sometimes...lmao...i get in these silly song moods. this is a product of one of
some might say the song is a "silly bit of fluff". i concur. but i just like it, particularly on those
days when the weather is dull outside. it elevates my mood.
particularly i like the crazy "goosy" sound of the lead guitar break in the song.
frankly that was quite a bit of work to get that effect. although in many respects its a simple song. but sometimes a simple song can work.
feel free to comment/critique whether it flys or not.
2. i like to sing in and experiment with many different vocal styles. this is one of them.
fwiw ive sung in everything from opera through church/folk/ballads/blues/rock/hard rock/metal and goodness what i just love doing vocals. its my "thing" as it were.
and i enjoy the vocal challenges that different music styles present. unfortunately i'm loseing some of the upper vocal ranges i used to take for granted as i age....sigh.
3. Backstory.
i did this song when i was in a very very daft mood one day.
suddenly car wouldnt start , so i told it i would turn it into a "rat rod"
as if by magic no more car started. twas time for a service anyway from my
local garage.
4. like all my songs , i used the biab/rb/reaper combo to create this one.
(ive done about 90 original songs useing this combo over many years.)
5. pg users have asked me for more production details in past songs ive posted.
let me explain why i'm unable to do that, much as i like to share info.....
awhile back i had very serious surgery i wont bore people with, which i came through thankfully.
(i just came back on tthe forum after a further short procedure.)
as a result (due to this darn world covid situation) my doctors want to protect me /the surgery success and have me isolate wiith just my my wife. ...and limit any interraction with other people which might impact me. but all my darn song production details are backed up in other locations, which i cant get to right now. i only have final song stereo mixes here. so please understand.

happiness to all.
Posted By: TuneMonger Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 01:19 AM
Good song, well sung. Doubling is nice. I'm not a big fan of doubling in general, it just sounds like unison singing to me, but it sounds fine here. Excellent work all the way around, OM!
Posted By: dcuny Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 01:37 AM
Fun bit of fluff.

Doubled vocals sound cool with headphones.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 12:24 PM

sounds good.

nice use of BIAB.

vocals are good. mix is good.

Posted By: bloc-head Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 12:59 PM
Sounds fine to me... great mix.
Your singing is excellent, and I love the Gtar lick that repeats again later... very cool.
Posted By: CaptainMoto Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 01:01 PM
Delightful musical chaos.

Hope you're recovery is going well.

Although I'm certain I don't want any surgery, maybe I could get my Dr. to keep people away from me, just because. wink

Posted By: PROJECT M Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 02:51 PM
Good idea to try different effects on one song
Good background track
Finally some rock music ;-)
0:17 and 1:01 has something of Domino from Kiss ;-)
Many greetings
Andi ;-)
Posted By: YerLipsAreBlue Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 08:17 PM
This has a pink floyd vibe I love it! The doubling is really well done. "Like a funky goose" then a riff would be cool. That guitar almost sounds like a blues harp to me.
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/28/22 08:23 PM
Good happy stuff! Nice intro/opening and vocal performance. Liked it. I though vocals are a bit loud compared to backing. Thank you for sharing.

Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/29/22 01:24 PM
thanks for the listens and the comments.
yep the idea was to do a daft little song.
i had to do a bit of being crafty with biab
if i remember and the RT's etc.

project m rock ...i'll post more rock songs
over the comeing year.
you would be surprised the crazy rock ive done in my life. its all grrreat fun.

happiness to all.
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/30/22 01:08 PM
A bit of a Doors vibe we think.

The doubled vocals sound good and the grungy guitar does too.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with "silly little ditties" in our opinion; they're fun!

Enjoyed it,

Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/30/22 06:28 PM
Fantastic job on this oldmuso! The guitar really drives this and sound great...loved that lead break! But my favorite part is the sound of the lead vox! They are super! Thanks, Torrey
Posted By: PeterF Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/30/22 06:59 PM
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
(a whacky silly little song)
ARTIST : moi..ALF-L..(a lad from london (c) 2021)
1. due to the variety of playback systems out there. watch your levels till comfortable with song...apologies if the listener hates the song. use earbuds if possible.
sometimes...lmao...i get in these silly song moods. this is a product of one of
some might say the song is a "silly bit of fluff". i concur. but i just like it, particularly on those
days when the weather is dull outside. it elevates my mood.
particularly i like the crazy "goosy" sound of the lead guitar break in the song.
frankly that was quite a bit of work to get that effect. although in many respects its a simple song. but sometimes a simple song can work.
feel free to comment/critique whether it flys or not.
2. i like to sing in and experiment with many different vocal styles. this is one of them.
fwiw ive sung in everything from opera through church/folk/ballads/blues/rock/hard rock/metal and goodness what i just love doing vocals. its my "thing" as it were.
and i enjoy the vocal challenges that different music styles present. unfortunately i'm loseing some of the upper vocal ranges i used to take for granted as i age....sigh.
3. Backstory.
i did this song when i was in a very very daft mood one day.
suddenly car wouldnt start , so i told it i would turn it into a "rat rod"
as if by magic no more car started. twas time for a service anyway from my
local garage.
4. like all my songs , i used the biab/rb/reaper combo to create this one.
(ive done about 90 original songs useing this combo over many years.)
5. pg users have asked me for more production details in past songs ive posted.
let me explain why i'm unable to do that, much as i like to share info.....
awhile back i had very serious surgery i wont bore people with, which i came through thankfully.
(i just came back on tthe forum after a further short procedure.)
as a result (due to this darn world covid situation) my doctors want to protect me /the surgery success and have me isolate wiith just my my wife. ...and limit any interraction with other people which might impact me. but all my darn song production details are backed up in other locations, which i cant get to right now. i only have final song stereo mixes here. so please understand.

happiness to all.

Agree with Bud a bit of a Doors vibe.

Nicely done -well sung and a good fun song.

Posted By: rayc Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/30/22 08:48 PM
I quite like the song but the vocal/character "asides" put me off - I have a friend who is incline to do the same sort of thing with the same result.
Would you, at least, be able to tell me if you played any of the guitar or if it's all BIAB apart from your vocal?
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/30/22 09:20 PM
J&B, Torrey, and Peter.
thanks for the listens.
it means a LOT to me to get listens/comments from you talented folks.
frankly wow i'm surprised at the various nice comments
bout the song cos some jazzers (way better than i technically..)i used to know would probably say "its just a bit of fluff"
but the main thing for me is the fun/process of doing a song.

what is odd about the whole songwriting experience of mine over the years, is, a song i sometimes doubted would actually be liked by people...often the "man or woman in the street" liked it, and conversely a song i slaved over
might not be.

happiness to you all.

re your bb vs moi question.
i do sooo many songs tbh ive forgotten.
ive had other medical priorities recently also.

i have a question ...why is it sooo important to know this ??
often also i manipulate "heavily sometimes" the RT's.
i "think" in this case its mostly RT's.
i'm sorry i cant be more definitive...cos often when i
am in the "song zone" i often work rapidly and thus forget lots of nits and grits.
all i can tell you is i search constantly for sound nuggets and song pictures that will elevate a song and its overall picture....either within or outside pg products.
eg the silly goose sound on this song.

as to the vocal "asides", in the end i have to follow
my own inner muse//heart and be truthfull to myself in a song i do.
sorry you didnt like them.
Posted By: rayc Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/31/22 02:14 AM
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
J&B, Torrey, and Peter.
i have a question ...why is it sooo important to know this ??

Knowing some small detail means I can comment directly to a "thing". If you recorded your own guitar and it was drenched in delay I might suggest that it sounded great as a result or reminded me of something similar or that, when you get a chance, you might reduce the level/the blend/etc. I could say I loved the way you made it your won with X and that Y worked well with the BIAB Z.I like to know, I like to learn, I like to know stuff, I like to have more info to help me appreciate the time n effort, creativity, skill and blend with technology.
Clearly this isn't to your liking so I will abstain.

Why is it sooo important to add so much pre song context and so many caveats in your posts? I've come to accept that it's what you do. I start reading it and sometimes finish when the standard caveats start and sometimes I read through to the end.
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/31/22 10:37 AM
Re: Details on my songs.
Once my doctors say its safe to travel (due to my medical situation )..
I will be able to travel to my song back up site where i can access all my stored song production details which i dont have here.
. ..and thus all biab song details etc.

i have mentioned my medical situation in every intro to each song i have posted on the showcase….and why i cant provide song details..a reason the song intro is long.
In addition the intro to each song is long because ive tried to include a backstory to each song as far as i remember to make up for the fact for i’m unable to access
biab/song details at this time.

honestly mate i'm not trying to obfuscate...i'm just working through dealing with a medical situation (so far so good)...which i dont want to bore people with.

Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/31/22 11:45 AM
That was an enjoyable listen Mr. Muso. Wishing you the best as you continue to mend.

Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 01/31/22 09:29 PM
thanks for listening...and your comments.
it means a lot to me coming from someone as experienced
as yourself.

best/every happiness.
Posted By: Angelomusic Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/07/22 11:17 PM
Music is very therapeutic, and I hope that you'll be fine eventually. It does not really matter to me whether or not you play all or none of the guitars : you are in both cases expressing your creative side into a piece of music and I congratulate you for that. At first I was not sure I would listen until the end (since I'm not too much of a rock person) but I ended up enjoying listening to it until the end!
Good job!
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/08/22 09:18 PM
thanks for the listen and your kind comments.
(so far fingers crossed all is good on the medical front.
and i'm back to doing songs, and will load a new song shortly)

thanks once again.
Posted By: MarioD Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/08/22 09:27 PM
A fantastic headphone experience!

There is definitely a Doors influence in this one.

Outstanding groove and vocal.

This may sound silly but I loved it!
Posted By: Gary Weder Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/08/22 10:16 PM
'Evening Guv.

" i told it i would turn it into a "rat rod"
as if by magic no more car started"
magic beats science every time!!

Excellent vocal treatment to match the vibe of the song. Lead guitar works well. I like the fun you have in all your songs and I bet that you are always the "life of any party" that you attend. Well Done.
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/10/22 03:45 PM
Mario and Gary Weder.

thank you both for your very nice comments.
much appreciated.

let me apologise for not thanking you both earlier.
ive been dealing with on and off medical stuff here. i get in a crazy mood to do a crazy
song like goose.

more songs to come over coming year.
both crazy and not.

Posted By: RnAM Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/11/22 10:53 AM
Very good song!
We agree with Janice and Bud that it has a Doors vibe.
That's because of your voice we think.

Rob and Anne-Marie
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/11/22 11:59 AM
What a great ride, oldmuso. Excellent vocal, and a good write. A fun song for sure --as all of yours are. Yes, I hear Doors --only better.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/12/22 02:27 AM
Fun song, neat vocals.

I can hear a little bit of CCR in there somewhere.
Posted By: Birchwood Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/12/22 09:49 AM
Hi OM,

"i did this song when i was in a very very daft mood one day".
This is the proof that bad days and some -shallow- depressions can be of great use getting yourself very good songs!
And did anyone use the similarity with the Doors? I'm joking because most of the posters here mentioned it. And I do too, because it's true (rhymes...).

And there is nothing wrong with doubling vocals, but I try to differ them a bit. But now I am experimenting with the main vocals in the middle and 2 doubles at each side. At first seight it looks as if it creates more space (will be continued...).

But I have a little 'something': I think the funky guitar is too modest here, while the vocals are too upfront. All just a bit, of course, but maybe it can help your mix?

Posted By: Scott C Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/12/22 09:04 PM
Excellent intro. I too got a Doors vibe. Very cool tune. Creative lyrics. Well done
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/12/22 09:10 PM
Mr. Mojo Risin'

"Gonna [*****] my Toyota" Hahahaaaa!

Cool song.
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: NEW SONG IDEA>>>FUNKY GOOSE. - 02/13/22 09:11 PM
since my last post i would like to thank everyone for listening to the goose song.

i think its now time to let this daft song sink into the pages of the user so i would ask for no more comments/posts on the goose song...
for several reasons...

one, being bcos it allows more space for other songsmiths
to post songs on the main showcase page.
two, goose has had a good run, and i would like to post a new song to replace it later this week.
three i'm going thru some on again off again medical stuff i wont bore my fellow users with...
thus please understand if i cant reply in a timely fashion to thank folk for listening and commenting.
the docs have got me on a new regimen.

thanks to i'm gonna listen to some user showcase songs.

ps..frankly i was gobsmacked to be awarded a 2022 ultrapak prize. considering many might say my songs are

happiness to all.

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