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Posted By: Brad Williams You'll Never Leave - 03/29/22 03:38 PM
Most of us occasionally stumble into mountains in life that are difficult to climb, and I've certainly had my share. When my oldest son was killed I found a mountain that I just couldn't climb no matter how hard or how many times I tried. I was having a "footprints in the sand" experience when I was reminded that God is so big that often you can "feel" lost and alone when the entire time he's watching over you and keeping you in the palm of his hand. With that in mind, I picked up a guitar and worked through this song.

You'll Never Leave

Sometimes I get so lonely, lost and all alone
like the world’s turned on me with a force I’ve never known.
So, I lift my face to the sky. I seek you out in prayer
when sometimes it just seems like there’s nobody there, but

You’ll never leave me. You’ll always be by my side,
ready to lead me if I’d open my eyes.
When I’m worn and when I’m weak, or when I’m too blind to see,
it’s so good to know I’m not alone, ‘cause you’ll never leave.

I’ve tried to climb that mountain so many times,
but each time I’ve found then it’s a mountain I can’t climb.
And I’m so afraid of falling down when all I really need to know
is you’d tear that mountain down, if I’d only let go and

You’ll never leave me. You’ll always be by my side,
ready to lead me if I’d open my eyes.
When I’m worn and when I’m weak, or when I’m too blind to see,
it’s so good to know I’m not alone, ‘cause you’ll never leave.

When I’m in a dry and barren land I’m right in the palm of your hand
with your eyes fixed on me.
You’ll never leave when all my strength’s come to an end,
and I’m desperate for a friend I just turn to you again ‘cause

You’ll never leave me. You’ll always be by my side,
ready to lead me if I’d open my eyes.
When I’m worn and when I’m weak, or when I’m too blind to see,
it’s so good to know I’m not alone, ‘cause you’ll never leave.
You’ll never leave.

I wrote the name of the Biab tracks and musicians on notes in the computer, but when the hard drive crashed I lost them. Most of this is Biab though. I did most of the bass guitar and a little of the drums, but supplemented them both with Biab tracks. The strumming and fingerpicking guitars are entirely Biab, as is the pedal steel guitar played by Steve Hinson, I've forgotten the other musicians names unfortunately.

Comments welcome,

Posted By: floyd jane Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/29/22 05:39 PM

Sorry for your loss. There is no greater loss than that of a child.

A heartfelt write.

The vocals and harmonies are nice. I think they are a bit too-up-front - or, perhaps "on top of the mix" might be a better description.

A few "suggestions" - opinions, of course, so take it with a grain-of-salt...
The pedal steel is pretty busy and becomes "overused" (partly because of that "busy-ness"). You could try alternating a fiddle once in a while. Or try a different steel. The newer steel RTs are typically more "background" steel (less busy). The earlier BIAB steel had a tendency toward a lot of playing. Also, the steel is the most dominant instrument in your mix. It could be softer.
Your drums are pretty low volume. They have a volume similar to the way drums were mixed in the very early 70's. Since then, drums have gotten progressively louder. To the point that today, they are typically the dominant sound in a mix. And we have become accustom to hearing them like that.
The acoustic guitar gets lost shortly after the opening. The BIAB acoustics are generally heavily mid-range-y. To get them to cut through the mix, you can EQ them to bump up the high end some and eliminate the low end altogether (cut everything below 200, bump up everything above 2K - for starters).
All suggestions/opinions, as I said...

Keep 'em coming!

Posted By: Brad Williams Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/29/22 05:44 PM
Thank you Floyd. I really need this kind of help. I'm very new to mixing, production and the like. I'm sure it will take me a while to start getting it right. I don't understand a lot of it and this kind of help is greatly appreciated.
Posted By: bloc-head Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/29/22 06:55 PM
I just listened to, and enjoyed your song... I was just about to comment on the mix, but Floyd beat me to it, and I agree with his critique 100%...
I would also suggest using a Hi-Pass filter on the AC guitar...
Mute the Pedal Steel whenever you're singing, and un-mute it between vocal phrases... (thin out the licks)
Also check your vocal timing on the very last tag line..
This is a beautiful song from the heart.
Posted By: MarioD Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/29/22 08:44 PM
Brad, first sorry for your loss

Second I agree with everything that Floyd said

But your lyrics are very powerful and so true

With a little polish this will be a diamond of a song
Posted By: Al-David Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/30/22 12:33 AM
Hi Brad ...

Glad to "meet" you. First, so sorry for your son's passing. We've buried three of our children - so we can fully empathize. It's a tough mountain. Our oldest son died in 2015 of kidney cancer. The other two died in vehicle accidents. Our faith was an important part of our journey - still is. We all grieve differently and have to do what works us individually.

Super lyrics. I think Floyd hit it one the head with his mixing comments. Can't add anything to that. I enjoyed your song in its on special way. Take care ...

Posted By: dcuny Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/30/22 01:00 AM
Hi, Brad.

Sorry for your loss.

Excellent write. Nicely sung as well.

I agree with everything floyd jane wrote about the mix.

Good song! laugh
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/30/22 10:58 AM
So sad and strong at the same time. I can't imagine the pain of losing your son, Brad, but you found the right footprints to follow. Damn, I'm crying at your understanding. What a wonderful song. I had to listen a second time to hear all of what Floyd was saying, and, YES, I'd love to hear those changes to your mix. Still, you can't ruin such a lovely song, so this mix surely conveys the feeling.
Posted By: RnAM Re: You'll Never Leave - 03/30/22 04:38 PM

My mother always said:
"Losing a child is the worst thing that can ever happen to you. We don't have the tools to cope with it."

This is a beautiful tribute to your son an to faith.

Posted By: Scott C Re: You'll Never Leave - 04/02/22 02:14 PM
Loved the intro. Sorry for your loss. Super vocal and backtrack. Steel was very cool. Well done.
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