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ARTIST : moi..ALF-L..(a lad from london (c) 2022)
1. due to the variety of playback systems out there. watch your levels till comfortable with song...its a crazy rocker.
apologies if the listener hates the song .
use earbuds if possible.
feel free to comment/critique whether the song flys or not.
particularly i'm looking for heavy critique as to whether its a good song idea...this is a "ruff demo".
the reason i'm looking for critiques is over the years ive found that some songs i created and slaved over and liked
others didnt.
and other songs i created that i thought were just ok , and didnt crank me up as much, others really liked.
Sigh, tis the life of being a songwriter. lol.

2. i like to sing in and experiment with many different vocal styles. this is one of them.
fwiw ive sung in everything from opera through church/folk/ballads/blues/rock/hard rock/metal and goodness what i just love doing vocals. its my "thing" as it were.
and i enjoy the vocal challenges that different music styles present. unfortunately i'm loseing some of the upper vocal ranges i used to take for granted as i age....sigh.
3. Backstory.
(its also for pg catherine cos we had a nice discussion a few weeks ago. also for those pg staff who have put up with my suggestions over the years...happiness to all of you.)
the backstory to this song is , it details a small slice of cockney life when i was a young lad growing up in the east end cockney area of london uk and before i went off to university.

the scenario is a true story. my objective was to start with a lonely cello and then slam into a crazy cockney punk song.
hopefully to surprise the listener. lmao.
note , cockneys are some of the nicest people youll meet.
i saw so many good cockney deeds in east london growing up its amazeing.
this is the first song ive been working on useing latest version 2022 biab/realband.
the song includes bells cos a true cockney is one born within the sound of bow bells.
4. like all my songs , i used the biab/rb/reaper combo to create this one.
(ive done about 90 original songs useing this combo over many years.)
i should say , as an aside , i spend huge numbers of hours trying to find in biab/rb the correct RT's , use in original songs. as well going through the thousand and thousand of styles as i'm always searching for "golden nuggets" and "sound character/pictures " i can use in a song.

its the only way to do things imho...otherwise one might miss something that could really add to a song. sometimes after going through 6 thousand plus styles and huge numbers of RT's. if i just dont find what i'm looking for. thus i shelve the song till i do.

often i will have to do lots of manipulation of midi's and RT's. but thats fun for me.
"attend to the song details, hooks and picture" is how i was taught by some very nice audio engineers amongst other big studios. they were exceedingly nice to me, and i always take their advise to heart, even though i know i will never reach their standard of audio engineering.

have at apologies if you dont like it.

om (proud to be a cockney.)

Super intro!

Bells in a punk song? But you made it work.

Super grove, great vocal

Great lyrics, I had to look up Rosie Lee

Great song!
That was a hoot... Fun song..
Driving rhythm sounds great...
Well done OM...
The 1st appearance of the bells is interesting but the levels vary greatly ...either some automation or compression would help with that.

The vocal gets very loud in some spots not quite clipping though.
The last two rounds of Rosie oh Rosie sound dull...they seem not to be the double tracked bright versions...perhaps a start to a fade out interrupted by the narration... but they sound out of place to me because of that loss of dynamics.

The cello part doesn't really add much to the song - it is a contrast to what comes after but as the life support system for a two liner it doesn't add much. It would've played/paid the joke dividends if the cello made some useful appearances in the rest of the song though as the joke comes across as a set up for just that.

I hadn't come across "punker" as a label before.

New song soooooo you'd be able to provide readers with the RealTracks used I expect.
It's hard to find "punk" guitars in BIAB that aren't US 2nd/3rd wave high gain and others might benefit from your hours of hunting.

Me n m'China going down the frog for a Rosie n pig to escape the tin lids. Australia has modified some in a parochial version.
Fun song.

No useful crits, I enjoyed this listen! laugh
Lots of fun and really well done!

Good one OM, enjoyed!
the scenario is a true story. my objective was to start with a lonely cello and then slam into a crazy cockney punk song.
hopefully to surprise the listener. lmao.
note , cockneys are some of the nicest people youll meet.
i saw so many good cockney deeds in east london growing up its amazeing.

Well, it seems you delivered exactly what you set out to do. Don't apologise if anyone doesn't like it. It has your name on it, so be proud instead.
Boy this really jumped in after the intro. The bells were cool. Guitars were excellent. I knew it was going to get wild when I saw the wav form on Soundcloud. Loved the cockney accent. Sid and the boys...

Sounds good. Some creative twists in production! Seems you had fun making it. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you all for the comments and listens.
I get these daft moods where i dont want to do something serious,...
But instead something nuts.… in contrast to my previous serious song bout memphis i put in the showcase.
This is just version 1 of the song, and i would like to know if i should take this rough demo further. Or just let it sit in the archive. Cos i have loads of other songs to do now i’m deep into pg 2022.
I dont see a ton of stuff needed to it, just some minor finessing etc.
The reason for bells is true cockneys are born within the sound of bow bells.
Its a nod to my heritage.

I DID try cello in the body of the song , but its very fast and i didnt find i liked the results. I wanted it raw and fast, and any cello just didnt fit.
Frankly i’m happy with the arrangement myself..i DID put in the intro that the song
Might not be to some peoples taste // ad libs etc. as i knew some might not like that aspect. But to quote M.Python “it is wot it is”... and i had loads of fun….an important aspect given these covid times.

Once again thanks for listening

Happiness to all.


A fun rocker. Interesting additions to the genre...

Sounds like the credit roll for a Peaky Blinders episode!

Nicely done all the way around.

Any RT's or RD's? Interested in the new stuff since us Mac folks don't have them yet.

FJ and Janice and Bud.

very nice of you to listen and comment.
much appreciated given how talented you all are.
thank you.

it was fun to do. just a rough crazy demo.
heres some song details.
..agent style which i believe is new for 2022.
..i changed the agent rd if i remember to a blues rock rd.
..the bells are from a free synth vsti plug in courtesy of uk computer music mag <<highly recommended.
the mag also has mac versions. 80 plus plug ins.
(see cm mag plug ins list on you tube)

tbh the song was lots of work.

happiness to all

Hello justanoldmuso,

Fun song!
Driving rhythm sounds great.
The introduction of cello and cockney narration is very nice.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
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