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Posted By: Brad Williams Playing Mountain Music - 12/10/22 10:59 PM
Most of my family would often congregate at my Grandma Williams' house on Easter Sundays. She died several years ago, and now many of my family members have since moved to Tennessee. It was a combo of those two thoughts that brought this song together.

I posted my first attempt at a Bluegrass recording about 4 months ago and have tried to incorporate the suggestions I got to this one. I've struggled quite a while with It now and I'm still not satisfied. I haven't invested in a new vocal recorder yet, but I think there's still something else off in the sound. If you give this one a listen I'd be interested, as always, in your ideas and comments.

In case I don't post anything before Christmas, I hope all of you have a wonderful one.
Playing Mountain Music

Sitting on the front porch with a guitar in my hand.
And cousin Jimmy’s got his banjo, playing like no one can.
Uncle Phil’s got his fiddle, and that makes our band complete.
Playing Mountain Music in the hills of Tennessee.

We’re playing mountain music, we’ll play it loud and long.
Playing mountain music music, singing good ol’ mountain songs.
Ain’t nothing quite as fun as playing ‘Fox on the Run’,
and playing mountain music right up ‘til the dawn.

The yougins’ are all runnin’ playing hide and seek.
Little sister’s got a boyfriend and he kissed her on the cheek.
Ah, the poor boy, he don’t know it, but she’s leading him on.
Me and Jimmy grab a guitar and we play another song.

We’re playing mountain music, we’ll play it loud and long.
Playing mountain music music, singing good ol’ mountain songs.
Ain’t nothing quite as fun as playing ‘Fox on the Run’,
and playing mountain music right up ‘til the dawn.

Grandma’s in the kitchen making lemonade,
and Grandpa’s in the front yard, just lazin’ in the shade.
And now Mama’s got Daddy dancing out in the yard,
doing do-si-do, and one more go, and swinging on his arm.

We’re playing mountain music, we’ll play it loud and long.
Playing mountain music music, singing good ol’ mountain songs.
Ain’t nothing quite as fun as playing ‘Fox on the Run’,
and playing mountain music right up ‘til the dawn.

When the sun goes down we’ll gather round and play some gospel songs.
Get the family all together, and we’ll all sing along.
And then Daddy reads the bible just before we go to bed
with that mountain music still, just ringing in our heads.

We’re playing mountain music, we’ll play it loud and long.
Playing mountain music, singing good ol’ mountain songs.
Ain’t nothing quite as fun as playing ‘Fox on the Run’,
and playing mountain music right up ‘til the dawn.
No there ain’t nothing quite as fun as playing ‘Fox on the Run”
and playing mountain music right up ‘till the dawn.
Playing mountain music right up ‘till the dawn.

The Band:

Drums: Dow Tomlin, _DOCBG_F.STY
Rthym guitar: Unk. PG Artist, _BG_BNJR.STY
Rythm mandolin: Unk. PG Artist, _BG_BNJR.STY
Rythm fiddle: Andy Leftwich, _DOCBG_F.STY
Lead guitar: Unk. PG Artist, _GMB_GSO.STY
Lead mandolin: Andy Leftwich, _MAN_165A.STY
Lead fiddle: Rob Hajacos, _FDCWR90.STY
Banjo: Scott Vestal, _BG_BNJR.STY
Posted By: tommyad Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/10/22 11:22 PM
That's really good! Kept me in it all the way. Great job on the editing. i liked that staggered harmony referencing the original Fox OTR. Maybe a little more bass. Well sung and a terrific write. We need more BG! Tom
Posted By: TuneMonger Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 04:02 AM
You've got a real gift for making lots of words flow comfortably. I'm a big fan of bluegrass, my roommate in college played in a working bluegrass band and I learned all the staples like Fox on the Run. I think this is a terrific song and it brought back some happy memories for me. Volume was a little low for my old ears, but I just turned the knob up, sat back, and enjoyed it. Really fine work here!
Posted By: Rob4580 Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 07:40 AM
"Little sister’s got a boyfriend and he kissed her on the cheek" Great song great lyrics great performance.
My type of music.Rob4580
Posted By: PROJECT M Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 07:45 AM
Hi Brad
Cool song
Your vocals fit perfectly again
And also the background track sounds great
Really a great job
Wish you also merry christmas and a healthy new year
Andi ;-)
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 08:11 AM
Hi Brad,

Excellent write, man, you have some serious skills in that department.

I don't know much about bluegrass, but this sounds pretty good to me.

All the best to you and yours for Christmas.

Love that red tele in your profile pic BTW!
Posted By: RnAM Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 10:28 AM
Wonderful music and great vocals.
We really enjoyed this one!
Kept us tapping our feet.
Makes one feel like dancing smile

Rob and Anne-Marie
Posted By: Alexander Paul Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 10:33 AM
Both the melody and lyrics are really catchy!
Posted By: vicarn Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 01:48 PM
Hi Brad.
I think the song, lyric and melody is good.
There seems to be a lack of bass and warmth in the mix though.

Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 02:49 PM
Even though the banjo is the second most annoying instrument on this planet in my opinion, I really enjoyed your song.
A lot I must say.
You have THE perfect voice for this kind of music.
Posted By: Brad Williams Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 05:10 PM
Thanks for the comment Tom. I'll bring that bass up and see how it works out.

Glad you liked it TM. My brother is playing bluegrass almost exclusively now. I've never played it much, but I sure appreciate the sound. I haven't figured out the volume stuff well at all yet. Once I get better at mixes I'll start mastering the songs and see if that helps.

Thanks Rob. As I recall, you're one of the ones that gave some suggestions on my last one.

Glad you gave it a listen Andi. My wife and daughter are in your country now visiting some of the Christmas markets. They're sending me some pictures, and it's sure colder there than here in California! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas too.

Hi Dave. Thanks for stopping by. That photo was taken several years ago and some show in Reno. I sure wish I had that guitar now, it was fun to play. I usually either play a hollow body Gretch, a tele style Spirit, or an old box Takamine now.

Thanks for the listen Alexander!

I'll play with that bass some and see if I can get a better sound out of Vic. Thanks for the comment.

I appreciate you stopping in and giving the song a listen B.D., especially since it's so far out of your preferred genre. I've always liked the banjo myself, but was too lazy to learn the cord positions to get one of my own. I was considering buying a 6 string banjo when my wife bought me Biab. Now I no longer need one - fits my laziness just right!
Posted By: Derochette Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 05:24 PM
Hi Brad,
Composition very rich in musical instrumentation. It's the style of country that I like. Well done.
And Happy Christmas to you and your family

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash
Posted By: rayc Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 06:33 PM
Nicely done.
The vocal seems on top of the mix and sonically different. You've what seems to be a high passed band mix and a fuller vocal on top that sounds like you're leaning into the mic.
As it stands it's still really good.
Posted By: Deej56 Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 07:04 PM

You’ve written a terrific bluegrass tune here. It’s catchy, well-written throughout. As an aside, when I see “Fox on the Run” I think of that old rock tune from Sweet—not sure I’ve heard heard the bluegrass tune you are referencing.). I think rayc has given you some good feedback on the vocal—nothing more to add in that regard. Nicely done!

Posted By: firesong Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/11/22 08:39 PM
Hey Brad...this is one of your you really put that band together well...especially the fiddle fits the song and played with the melody so well...I close my eyes and can see a family sitting on the back porch picking out songs together on those mountain family has sung "Fox on the Run" at some of our "Cousin-fests" in Kentucky this resonates with usual you've written a mouthful of great story-telling lyrics is a masterful make it sound conversational and didn't force any syllables or rhymes...just a superb BG song...loved it! car radio stays tuned into Bluegrass Connection on Sirius Radio all the time!

Technical question: When you say "new vocal recorder" what do you mean? Do you record into a DAW on your computer or outside hardware?
Posted By: Brad Williams Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/13/22 09:12 PM
Thanks for stopping by JaniJackFlash ... and merry Christmas to you too!

Thanks for the tip Ray. That seems to be a consistent goof of mine. I'll keep experimenting and hopefully get it figured out.

Merry Christmas Deej. Funny, to me Fox on the Run is an old Bluegrass standard and I've never heard of the one by Sweet. Thanks for the loan of your ears.

Thanks for giving it a listen Dan. I've never been much of a vocalist, but in addition to that I consistently struggle with getting a proper sound out of a vocal (production wise). In my previous post I got some suggestions on trying some VST's like Nectar or Ozone 9. Dave Cuny and I chatted a bit and he explained some basics to me - which I'm still learning. Currently I am using an 11 Rack effects processor as an audio box to insert my vocals into my Protools DAW. Currently, I've been unable to figure out how to get the 11 Rack to allow me to send the signal into my DAW completely dry, and then add the effects as needed. I suspect that is the root of my problem, but still trying to figure it all out. - I hope that makes sense to you, it's still not that clear to me!
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/13/22 10:00 PM
Neat write and vocal performance! Listens very well. Vocals are clear and easy to understand.
I think you are almost there with the mixing part of things. You are lucky that you don't have addiction like me to over process things smile I would try to experimenting with just a hint of reverb and compressor at the Mix bus, to give more glue to vocals + arrangement. Thank you for sharing.

Posted By: dcuny Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/13/22 10:57 PM
Hi, Brad.

Fun country!

While it could be more polished, I don't see the current version doing any harm to the song at all.

In fact, a touch of roughness fits the song well. laugh
Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/15/22 11:32 AM
I really enjoyed the lyrics. Good storytelling. Good driving energy in the accompaniment.
Posted By: Brad Williams Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/16/22 03:09 AM
Hi Misha, thanks for listening. I'll try some more reverb - right now it's all experimenting with me, but thanks for the encouragement.

Merry Christmas David. Hope you made it through the recent storm okay. I sure appreciate your listening and comments. I'm still working on your prior suggestions and instruction - thanks.

Hey thanks Scott. I really enjoy bluegrass music, but for some reason it's always been a bit of a stumbling block for me.
Posted By: Scott C Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/17/22 11:50 PM
Very cool lyric Brad. Loved this song. Super vocal and backtrack. Well done
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/23/22 06:44 PM
Janice said that parts of the story reminded her of her childhood with cousins coming over and playing music while all the kids played chase or hide and seek. smile

Good job working in the rhythm and solo instruments through out the tune.

As a bluegrass upright bass player for decades I (Bud) gotta say ... "that thing has to THUMP!"
Think of the bass as a kick drum and the mandolin chop as a snare. More bass ... don't be shy.

Enjoyed it and happy holidays to you and yours.

Posted By: David Snyder Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/23/22 07:30 PM

I really like this a lot. This may be one of my very favorite things from you.

The lyrics are fantastic and the sound is really good.

In this type of music the vibe and feel are far more important than precise sonic perfection and in some cases too much polish makes it artificial.

This sounds earthy and real to me.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Playing Mountain Music - 12/23/22 09:32 PM
Brad, you did an excellent job on this.

Great bluegrass and a tribute to all of those "porch musicians", many whom can play better than those on the radio today.

Great vocal and mix.

Super lyrics.

FWIW - To nitpick I would only have the harmonies during the chorus. I think that would emphasize the chorus more. But that is only my opinion. However they do not really distract from the song now.

An excellent song.
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