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I have couple of software titles that are not VSTs, so it gets very tricky trying to route them to DAW.
LoopMidi and couple of others software solutions do work to extent, but there are several issues that come up. If sequences are pre-programmed then it kind of works but... if you are using a second screen to have both software GUI triggering "live". That is where things get messy. Mouse gets "stolen", I/O drag and other issues.

So... I was looking for simplest & reliable wired solution to connect 2 computers. I don't want to consider network cable solution, wireless or going with audio interface routing. The simpler, the better. Looking at a few options I found this piece of hardware:

Video is in Spanish, but you can turn on English subtitles:

I have three questions for somebody who used something similar.
1) Are these reliable?
2)Are there anything else of small form factor that does similar, perhaps newer (this unit is ~9 years old)
3)As I understood a direct connection (like USB A -> USB A) is not possible between computers for MIDI usage.

Seems, by the review, that it's pretty cool. Not a lot out there on this topic and my Spanish is maxed out at three words.
If you don't want to use ReaStream

I don't know if 2 of these would work connecting midi In to midi Out ?
you would need a female to female 5 pin din to connect male midi Out to male midi In.

Attached picture USB-Midi.png
Attached picture 5-Pin-Din-Feamale.png
Attached picture Midi-5-Pin.png
Musocity, how is this common adapter will connect two Computers together through USB ports? I am not trying to connect a device to computer. I am trying to connect two computers together through USB ports, eliminating Audio interface and wireless MIDI (BLE or network) out of equation.
USB ports for MIDI
Maybe I have the wrong idea ? I thought you wanted to send midi to another PC via USB ?
This would be the same as sending midi from one keyboard to another.
Maybe you are trying to do something else ?
Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Musocity, how is this common adapter will connect two Computers together through USB ports? I am not trying to connect a device to computer. I am trying to connect two computers together through USB ports, eliminating Audio interface and wireless MIDI (BLE or network) out of equation.

Misha, this might help:
Thanks. While these look similar, I doubt they have MIDI hardware protocol. Probably there are "ways" to make them work, but the small piece of hardware I found made specifically for MIDI. From what I understand, it even allows for wired bi-directional MIDI connection between iOS and Windows devices.

I am actually very surprised manufacturers slept on this. While folks use network and BT connections, my take, wired is more reliable.
I think you need to give an actual example of what you want to do exactly.
I gave an example how to connect 2 PC's together sending midi from one midi port on one PC to another midi port on another PC using a wired usb cable.
While folks use network and BT connections, my take, wired is more reliable.
I agree wired connectivity is more reliable than wireless. But the best wired computer connection for communication is the ethernet port.

MIDI can be broken down into two components, protocol and transport. Protocol is the MIDI language while transport is the highway used to move language.

The issue is transport related. There is no single transport standard for two connected PCs to communicate with each other over a USB connection. There are several proprietary methods. The issue is one computer has to manage the communication but, by default, both computers want to manage the communication. No one can agree on a transport specification where one computer understands it is the communication manager and the other computer agrees to be managed.

The MIDI Association has several committees working on creating standards for MIDI over wi-fi, bluetooth, USB and ethernet. Because midi is a serial communication and there must be a communication manager it is difficult to get all manufacturers to agree. They each have method and "their way" is the best way.

On a side note, computer operating systems have had a standardized way for bi-lateral communication over an ethernet port since back in the DOS days.

I think you need to give an actual example of what you want to do exactly.
I agree with Musocity. What are you wanting to do with midi over USB?
Arranger sequencer program(s) on computer "A" with clock "in" from computer "B". Sending MIdi data live from computer "A" to "B",⁸ directly to Daw track.

If you read initial request, I mentioned that loopbe,midiloop works for pre-programmed sequences. But it created several problems, such as "stealing" mouse when switching between programs, I/O latency and couple of others.

By having a tablet PC or a laptop act as independent performer, with sharing midi stream only, I am hoping to eliminate most issues when a non VST program is ran parallel with DAW on a single computer.
The small device I found seems to do exactly what I want, but,
It is made by 1 person company...years ago. I was wondering if anything else similar to that exists.

I tried messing around with network and Bluetooth solutions for similar tasks in the past, but I didn't like it.
So the DAW will receive the incoming midi stream and apply the data to a VST?

Which device controls the other? Will the DAW send midi transport commands (MCC) such as start, stop, rewind, to the external device or will the external device control the DAW transport?

There are some programs that allow remote control of a DAW from a smartphone or Ios tablet.
So hows the method I showed not work to send midi from one PC to another ?
If I can send midi from one keyboard to another with a "wired" connection would it not work from one PC to another ?

I have a Behringer mixer that records 16 tracks audio but has no midi record so I had to add a 10" tablet PC with the same USB midi connection to record the keyboard.
"So the DAW will receive the incoming midi stream and apply the data to a VST?"
Jim, I don't follow...

Daw will record incomming Midi to track, like it would do with hardware arranger.

Daw will likely be the one to control MMC. I am not too concerned of "remote" functions.

With hardware arrangers, it is a matter of a simple connection. I want to use a second laptop as an independent hardware arranger with USB to USB simple connection to second computer as the device I posted in initial post.

If/ When replying, kindly look at the device in initial post, you will have a better understanding what I am after.
Musocity, you didn't read post well. I don't want to go "through interface" route.

The device you linked to in your first post will work since there are four midi In & OUT connection ports and it is acting as a hub. The hub is responsible for managing the midi communication. However it's overkill as you should need only two midi connection ports. Since most DAWs can be configured to use multiple midi ports you likely do not need a midi hub.

Musocity's cabling should work and is likely cheaper.
I know it will work smile
It is not overkill, since it is the most basic one I found to connect two computers by USB>USB for MIDI work bypassing interface.
I have seen larger USB MIDI routers, they are the complex ones smile But I have not seen anything close to simplicity, features, size and price to the one I posted. My concerns are: it's a one man company, device is ~9 years old and it is not available in US (I guess they will ship)

If you have a better USB to USB MIDI solution, please share, as this is the only one I was able to find.... and the reason for this post.
Yours is the only one I've seen that advertises PC to PC midi over USB. I had not seen it before you created your post.
Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Musocity, you didn't read post well. I don't want to go "through interface" route.

"or going with audio interface routing"
"runs on any operating system without installing drivers, plug and play"
It is the same thing that I posted, it's the same deal it just don't have the cables, I can take the pcb out of them, solder it together and put female usb sockets on it and it will do the same thing.
Same deal

Attached picture USB-Midi-To-Midi2.png
Musocity, I see the point you are trying to make. It might or might not work, it would require 4 items (2 cables / 2 adapters). In theory it should, but it is a one strange way... Also, not sure if that kind of (dual hub) connection will go well with iOS, as it is very selective. The piece I found was tested with ipad>PC.

I do appreciate thoughts, but it seems an uncommon scenario / and very uncommon all in one device.
"wired solution to connect 2 computers"
"The piece I found was tested with ipad>PC."
I had mine hooked up to an android tablet also.
It's only a simple thing that you want to do, users do it all the time with keyboards.
Most USB Audio Devices have midi In midi Out you connect them with midi cables.
I think you are best to go with the Spanish USB > MIDI <> MIDI > USB as your mind seems to be set on that.
Spanish guy module just seems the simplest and smallest of them all. The price is almost the same for setup you offered and his.
But I do appreciate your input as it seems also doable as alternative.
Well I just bought 2 on eBay to make one up by soldering the midi In/Outs together so I will be able to do the same if needed.
It came to US$11.39 free postage.
Musocity, price is right!

I found a pre-owned Sevilla box in US and bought it. One of the things I want to try it with is Yamaha Mobile sequencer on ipad + PC computer. I have all the styles that came out for it, many not available anywhere else, except for that iOS app and original hardware they were taken from.

I guess within next couple of years we will see better wireless solutions. Bluetooth 5+ seems promising. I plan to keep the computer I have for another 3-4 years, so when time comes for upgrading, this will be one of items I will be looking at. There actually several BT devices available now for MIDI routing, but in my opinion the "better" ones just starting coming out (like CME).
Any results worth mentioning Misha?
Well, the used Sevilla unit I got was defective, I emailed maker in Spain and he replaced it for me for very reasonable price, which original seller covered. It was quite a turnaround smile

In any case, just got the replacement yesterday. Planning to test it in the next few days, as time permits. Will post results.
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