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Posted By: HearToLearn What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 12:34 PM
I can't believe this has never occurred to me before. I consider myself a decent lyricist, decent arranger, and fairly strong producer BUT I rarely post songs. I do write them and put them together but really don't post. I have 2 reasons.

1-I can't sing so usually have to find a singer
2-Even at that I can't mix to save my life!

I can hear that things aren't right. I know what parts should stand out where...I just don't know how to make them stand out. I completely understand that eq is needed to make that happen. It's not just a volume thing. I believe it's more my effects tend to muddy everything up.

So where I'm going with this is, that has been a major hurdle for me. My wife had breast cancer over the last 3 years, we have 6 kids, and I work a full time+ job. Thankfully I work for me, so I can work with my schedule a little bit. I just really don't feel I have the time to be trial and error everything to learn mixing.

At different points I thought about asking if anyone here REALLY enjoys mixing that would consider working on that; but just didn't feel right. Especially if I wouldn't like the result. I would feel AWFUL.

Then it hit me. I see people giving hints and suggestions all the time about "maybe cut the mids at..." or "you could tighten up that bass by...".

Is my solution to simple post my less than stellar mixes and get feedback on how to improve? Maybe leaning on the experience is a quicker and less painful way to learn this? Kind of like coaches!

So before I go that route, I just thought I would post this and get some feedback. I appreciate any replies. smile

(done with speech to text so may not be the best)
Posted By: Bass Thumper Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 01:03 PM
Sorry to hear that your wife has medical issues. Here's hoping for a full cure.

As for not posting, I recall a phrase I and others would use quite often in my engineering career.

Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough.

What this meant to us is that imperfect designers were designing to imperfect requirements using imperfect procedures and imperfect materials. And these products would be purchased and used by imperfect customers. This was not an excuse to do the absolute minimum but it did recognize that perfection is not achievable.

I'd guess that all of us would like to compose, perform and post the perfect song but for me anyway, I realize that will never happen; and I have peace with that fact.

Just do your best and ask for constructive comments. And if the comments that come in make sense to you, update your work accordingly and learn from the experience.

For me it's not only about "reaching a destination"; it's also about enjoying the journey of learning, creating and sharing.
Posted By: Planobilly Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 02:44 PM
As someone who has had throat cancer a couple of years back, I have posted some pretty god-awful vocals. I am not very good at mixing, but I do the best I can. Best wishes to your wife.

Based on what we post on this forum, we are not generally looking to get nominated for a and let the chips fall where they may. If you ask for help, there are people here willing to help.

I would gladly help you with your songs to the extent I can.

Send me a PM, and we can arrange to communicate by phone, Zoom, or email.

Posted By: dcuny Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 03:15 PM
I enjoy mixing... You can drop me a line. As Billy will confirm, the problem is getting me to shut up. laugh

If you don't like the result, that's fine. After all, it's your song.

I'd be happy to take you through my mixing process as well.

And I agree fully with Bass Thumper. Perfect is the enemy of good.
Posted By: MarioD Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 03:45 PM
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Is my solution to simple post my less than stellar mixes and get feedback on how to improve? Maybe leaning on the experience is a quicker and less painful way to learn this? Kind of like coaches!


First sorry to hear about your wife. I pray for her full recovery.

Second, the above approach is what I took and in fact is still taking. This is a very friendly site so you will never get a "that sucks" reply. However if you ask for constructive criticism you will/may get many opinions. Been there - done that and gotten many suggestions that have helped me mix.

One last thing, your so called lousy mix or vocal may not be all that bad. Many times I will post some song that I think needs help only to find out people like it as it is. That is true for both here and on Soundcloud.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 11:00 PM
I wish your wife well and a full recovery.

Thanks for creating this post. I doubt if you are alone in thinking your mixes are not good. I know I share your concern. smile

"They" (whoever they are) say the best way to learn mixing is to practice, practice, practice. Then there is life and life has a way of reducing the time available to practice. My thoughts:

Band-in-a-Box styles provide a good starting point for mixes. The instruments usually blend well. The Xtra and XPro style packs have especially good mixes. Take what the program gives you and run with it!

+++ Mix Challenge +++ is a FREE website set up to practice mixing. You are mixing tracks and songs you didn't create so you're not locked into what's in your head. You post your mix and you'll receive constructive feedback from other mixers.

+++ EZ Mix2 +++ is a template based software program that helps you obtain a more professional sound.

Finally, if the music you create has similarities, create DAW templates with instruments, plugins and settings that sound good to you. That way you have a consistent starting point and a baseline you can return to while experimenting.
Posted By: Byron Dickens Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 11:30 PM
Forget that Peter McIan book. It's garbage. Besides being filled with cookie cutter recipes that may or may not work for your project, is full of all kinds of bad advice. For example, his go-to for every instrument is to boost 100 Hz. If you do that, your mix is going to end up being a muddy mess. I guarantee that's not what was done on the Men at Work album that he produced.

I burned my copy of it.

This is the book you want:

Or this one, if not the whole series:

As far as "I can't sing:"

A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.
Posted By: Byron Dickens Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/17/23 11:37 PM
Well, the post I was referring to in my first paragraph about the books his vanished.
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 08:31 AM
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.

That should probably be written in neon lights somewhere.
Posted By: chulaivet1966 Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 09:34 AM
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
1) I consider myself a decent lyricist, decent arranger, and fairly strong producer But I rarely post songs. I do write them and put them together but really don't post. 2) I have 2 reasons.

1-I can't sing so usually have to find a singer
2-Even at that I can't mix to save my life!

So where I'm going with this is, that has been a major hurdle for me. My wife had breast cancer over the last 3 years, we have 6 kids, and I work a full time+ job. Thankfully I work for me, so I can work with my schedule a little bit. I just really don't feel I have the time to be trial and error everything to learn mixing.
So before I go that route, I just thought I would post this and get some feedback. I appreciate any replies. smile

Mornin' HTL....

1) I feel the same about myself....although, there may be no agreement by any listeners. smile

2) Singing the my biggest confidence hurdle too and I experience angst with each new song I finish as to whether it's worthy of my peers ears.

On mixing....
This is such a subjective process and one could say there's no right/wrong.
One could mix/remix a song forever but that doesn't mean any particular mix was better.....they're just different.
I don't agonize over getting the so-called perfect mix to accommodate every system anymore.
I think many put far to much emphasis on this aspect.

Countless systems along with every set of ears perceiving what they hear differently
I think it becomes unnecessarily retentive.
If a song sounds good on my system and Kens' (my guitarist/collaborator) system that's the determining criteria.
Unless, of course, there's a blatant oversight on our part then I'd acknowledge it and do my homework to fix it and thank them for catching it. smile

I probably didn't help much but I get what you're saying.
But....if I can assist at all in this context feel free to PM me.

But....that's just me.

Back to it....

(best wishes for your wife's recovery. My wife had breast cancer too years ago so I know what you and your wife are going through)
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 10:18 AM
Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Sorry to hear that your wife has medical issues. Here's hoping for a full cure.

Thank you. She is actually doing very well now, thankfully.

As for not posting, I recall a phrase I and others would use quite often in my engineering career.

Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough.

What this meant to us is that imperfect designers were designing to imperfect requirements using imperfect procedures and imperfect materials. And these products would be purchased and used by imperfect customers. This was not an excuse to do the absolute minimum but it did recognize that perfection is not achievable.

That's some very good perspective. I have never heard of it put that way, so really great to think of.

I'd guess that all of us would like to compose, perform and post the perfect song but for me anyway, I realize that will never happen; and I have peace with that fact.

Just do your best and ask for constructive comments. And if the comments that come in make sense to you, update your work accordingly and learn from the experience.

That's pretty much the path I'm trying out. smile I haven't before and couldn't tell you why. Post. Get feedback. Adjust and learn. Post again.

For me it's not only about "reaching a destination"; it's also about enjoying the journey of learning, creating and sharing.

I typically do that in most areas of my life. Mixing was something I just never enjoyed. I get it can be very creative but the majority of it to me was just very technical. I now realize, even with some pretty basic knowledge I would be much happier with the sound of my songs.

I appreciate the response very much!
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 10:22 AM
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
As someone who has had throat cancer a couple of years back, I have posted some pretty god-awful vocals. I am not very good at mixing, but I do the best I can. Best wishes to your wife.

I never knew that. I am sorry to hear you've had to deal with that. It's a terrible disease. Thankfully my wife is doing really well now.

Based on what we post on this forum, we are not generally looking to get nominated for a and let the chips fall where they may. If you ask for help, there are people here willing to help.

I would gladly help you with your songs to the extent I can.

Send me a PM, and we can arrange to communicate by phone, Zoom, or email.


Thank you Billy. I may have to lean on you at different points! (as in often)
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 10:46 AM
Originally Posted By: dcuny
I enjoy mixing... You can drop me a line. As Billy will confirm, the problem is getting me to shut up. laugh

If you don't like the result, that's fine. After all, it's your song.

I'd be happy to take you through my mixing process as well.

I love you mixes and what your doing with Synth V. I very much think your songs using that are better than any of the others I've heard from both their site and people on youtube when I searched.

You definitly have the clarity and separation I am looking to get close to.

And I agree fully with Bass Thumper. Perfect is the enemy of good.

I totally agree with that, but what no one mentions is bad is also the enemy of good. laugh

I don't need perfection. Just little better than where I am. I want to believe they are semi-easy fixes that would make a big difference for me. I am by no means a perfectionist...thnakfully. laugh
Posted By: dcuny Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 02:30 PM
I've got some general rules about mixing. And then I'll bring in my son, who's got actual training in audio engineering to have a final listen. I may not agree with his decisions, but it's really helpful to have another set of ears.

First and foremost, know what you want the listener to be focusing on at any point in the mix. Most of the time, it's vocals. Assume they can only really hear one thing at any point. Know what that is, and make sure the mix supports that.

If anything is interfering with that focus, figure out how to get it out of the way. The simplest thing to do is remove it from that part of the mix.

Each instrument should be in a specific frequency range. Use EQ to keep them in their lanes. As a rule, it's better to cut a frequency than to boost it.

Just about all instruments should have high pass filters to keep the "mud" in the low register from building up, and to keep the low end open for the bass and drum.

You can have some pretty severe EQ cuts on instruments, because other instruments in the mix are going to be playing in those missing frequencies. Pay attention to how something sounds in the mix, not soloed.

Sometimes I only want an instrument to be noticed at a specific point, like a drum fill. So I'll bump the drums only at that point.

You can also use something like Trackspacer to automatically carve out space in the spectrum. But this should be in addition to everything else. Use the high and low cut to have it only focus on the frequencies that need clarity, and don't turn it up so high that you get pumping (where you can hear the volume of the other instrument being turned down).

Reverb on a track can make a mix muddy. A good alternative to reverb is delay. Another option is to duck the reverb with the vocal (for example, with Trackspacer), so the reverb doesn't get in the way, but the lovely tails are there at the end of the vocal.

Although you can use the stereo image to create separation, but it's best if the mix works in mono too.
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 03:28 PM
I will answer everyone who took the time to comment. I really feel like I'm on to something possible now because of the replies I got.

In the meantime, I thought it's probably best if I post a VERY imperfect version of the song I will give it it's own thread.

I'm truly excited. Thank you for that!
Posted By: Planobilly Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/18/23 04:02 PM
To add to what David said...

A high-pass filter is a combination device of capacitors, inductances, and resistors that allow signal components above a specific frequency to pass, while significantly suppressing signal components below that frequency. The high-pass filter only attenuates the frequency components below a given frequency and allows the frequency components above the cutoff frequency to pass. It is sometimes called a low-cut filter.

In less technical terms, a high-pass filter keeps the higher-pitch sounds and removes the lower-pitch sounds.

We do not generally associate the sound of an instrument with a specific frequency.

Knowing the frequency range of the instruments in your song helps you know the effect of removing specific frequencies.

We can start with the bass. Here is a general guideline to understand the effect of specific bass guitar frequencies. You can solo a bass track and experiment with cutting these specific frequencies to hear for yourself what the words used to describe the frequency ranges mean.

Just so you know, the frequency of the low E string on a bass guitar to around 40Hz, and up a couple of octaves is around 200Hz. How we get to 4 kHz is due to harmonics.

Boomy (40 Hz – 90 Hz)
Fat (75 Hz – 150 Hz)
Thin (40 Hz – 180 Hz)
Power (40 Hz – 150 Hz)
Impact (40 Hz – 150 Hz)
Clarity (190 Hz – 800 Hz)
Presence (800 Hz – 6.5 kHz)
Attack (120 Hz – 4.1 kHz)

In a live on-stage situation, the bass player would use the controls and specific effects boxes to help properly put the bass in the mix.
The person running sound would also communicate with the bass player in rehearsal to help the bass player set up things correctly, plus adjust things in real time on the board.

As you can see, a lot is going on with just this one instrument before the necessary mixing between the bass and the kick drum.

To add insult to injury, we have all these arcane terms like "duck the reverb."

David understands all these technical considerations, which is evident in the songs he posts on the user showcase. He is an excellent go-to guy for mixing help.

Don't be afraid to take his advice, reject it, or tell him what "you" want to hear. It is your song. Much of this mixing business is pretty subjective.

Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/19/23 11:13 PM
Originally Posted By: MarioD

First sorry to hear about your wife. I pray for her full recovery.[/quote

Thanks Mario! She is doing well finally.

Second, the above approach is what I took and in fact is still taking. This is a very friendly site so you will never get a "that sucks" reply. However if you ask for constructive criticism you will/may get many opinions. Been there - done that and gotten many suggestions that have helped me mix.

that is the route I'm taking. It sounds like I'm following in some footsteps. I guess I was just a little late to catch on! It's not the first time. grin

[quote]One last thing, your so called lousy mix or vocal may not be all that bad. Many times I will post some song that I think needs help only to find out people like it as it is. That is true for both here and on Soundcloud.

After reading this I did that very thing. Already getting some great advice! it's so cool to have access to the talent and skills we have here!
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/19/23 11:29 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
I wish your wife well and a full recovery.

Thanks for creating this post. I doubt if you are alone in thinking your mixes are not good. I know I share your concern. smile

I guess I hadn't really considered that. Probably because I listen to the END result in the showcase. Very few times do we get a glimpse into any struggles, including the mental ones, that people have.

"They" (whoever they are) say the best way to learn mixing is to practice, practice, practice. Then there is life and life has a way of reducing the time available to practice. My thoughts:

Band-in-a-Box styles provide a good starting point for mixes. The instruments usually blend well. The Xtra and XPro style packs have especially good mixes. Take what the program gives you and run with it!

I've been just starting to delve in the style packs. I know in building models they have something called kit bashing. It's where they takes parts from a bunch of different kits to make something new and unique. That's what I like doing with BIAB. I love hearing one element here, and another there and putting it together in my head. Then grab the midi style, some real tracks, add in some 3rd party sounds and viola. cool. Now how to mix the damn thing! And it's end of the road cry Now I see a bike lane on the side of the road though!

+++ Mix Challenge +++ is a FREE website set up to practice mixing. You are mixing tracks and songs you didn't create so you're not locked into what's in your head. You post your mix and you'll receive constructive feedback from other mixers.

I've heard of this but didn't know that's what that was. I like that idea. What a great way to learn!

+++ EZ Mix2 +++ is a template based software program that helps you obtain a more professional sound.

I actually have the basic version of this. There are a fair number of add-ons. Pretty smart on their part. My very fist mix with it I was VERY impressed. I was just messing around to try it and got a really good mix. I felt pretty good about that. Shut it down. Have no idea what I did; but now that I'm trying they are NOT good. Crazy. Perhaps I just need to do the opposite of what I think I should do? Like George Costanza in Seinfeld. Not sure if you would get that reference?

Finally, if the music you create has similarities, create DAW templates with instruments, plugins and settings that sound good to you. That way you have a consistent starting point and a baseline you can return to while experimenting.

Exactly what I'm hoping for. If I could get a rough starting point, and a few ideas of how I got there, I think it would go a long way for me. Like I said, I'm not looking for perfect by a long shot. Thanks for all of the input! VERY helpful!
Posted By: olemon Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/20/23 11:02 AM
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn

I can hear that things aren't right.

So where I'm going with this is, that has been a major hurdle for me. My wife had breast cancer over the last 3 years, we have 6 kids, and I work a full time+ job. Thankfully I work for me, so I can work with my schedule a little bit. I just really don't feel I have the time to be trial and error everything to learn mixing.

Prayers for your Wife, your children, and you.

I noted your post about mixing the other day. I've recently gone through a similar...assessment. I want to release my songs on Spotify and Songtradr - do what others here, like Janice and Bud have done - so I dropped some bucks on a couple online mixing and mastering courses. I paid a mix engineer a small fee to critique my last mix/song, which I had posted in the Showcase, forum members had commented too. I made some adjustments and sent that mix to a couple of online mastering engineers. One of them wanted to re-mix the song and the other broke it out into stems, so essentially a re-mix also. Honestly, all of that was uncomfortable, not to mention somewhat costly. I did learn. Whether I'm better for it remains to be heard:)

Like you, I know what sound I'm after, I'm just not very skilled at finding it. And it takes me a long time to even get in the ballpark. I work full-time too, and so yeah, finding time and being in the groove is a challenge.

Forum members will help you, but you may want to consider hiring people too. I went to Sound Better to contact a mix engineer. He definitely made the tracks sound better, but the process was difficult for me. I want to do it myself. Stubborn I guess, and I like producing my songs.

Have you ever tried downloading free tracks to practice mixing on? I've done that a few times. You can post your mixes and get feedback. Here's a good site run by Mike Senior Cambridge Music .

Thanks for your post. You're not alone.

Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/20/23 04:34 PM
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Is my solution to simple post my less than stellar mixes and get feedback on how to improve? Maybe leaning on the experience is a quicker and less painful way to learn this? Kind of like coaches!

You learn to mix something by mixing something. It's that simple.

And by far the fastest way [1] to improve is to post your mixes on the Showcase forum (or other mixing forums) and ask for help/advice, because the responses are specific to your song, your genre, your problems, that helps more than general advice.

You may not agree with all the comments (after all, there's always personal taste involved), but even comments you disagree with make you think about what you're doing and why you're doing it this way or that, and that's an important learning process too.

[1] except having a decent mixer sit next to you

Posted By: edshaw Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/20/23 07:45 PM
I'd like to hear a summary of your mixing process.
Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/22/23 12:20 AM
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
Well, the post I was referring to in my first paragraph about the books his vanished.

No. I removed it just after posting. After reviewing my recommendation of a way to simplify the mixing process, I was thinking it was a bit too strong for general acceptance from this thread. Sure enough, it was.

However, other than the nonsense to burn Peter McIan's books, Mr. Dickens remarks are substantially correct. The multi track recording and mixing principles in these books aren't outdated or obsolete regardless that the books were published in 1993 and 1996 respectively. Both are still in print today and can be purchased new according to the Amazon web page.

Cookie cutter recipes in those books are starting points, not Grammy award winning templates. I agree that it's unlikely a 100 Hz boost on every instrument was not standard procedure on Mr. McIan's two albums he produced for Men at Work, or for the recordings of his two original songs recorded by Barbara Streisand and Pat Benatar. More likely it was an issue of a design deficiency in the hardware circuitry from that time period. I haven't looked to see why, it's irrelevant to the point. What was stated that's relevant, is that those cookie cutter recipes may or may not work in the beginning. That is exactly the point of the initial post. There's at least a 50% chance the mix will sound good but it's also a simple and easy fix if the mix needs tweaking. Physically turn knobs with a limited amount of quality EQ and effects, not deal with thousands of choices found in software. Software is available if it's needed.

Rather than "practice, practice, practice" or delve hours, days and weeks into college level textbooks that have been recommended, simplify and use a hardware device where mixing revolves mostly around 3 eq knobs and a fader. If that 100hz boost isn't sounding right, turn that knob down until the mud goes away. Mixers or stand alone digital multi track recorders and also the newer hybrid hard disk recorder/mixer combos are readily available and can be very affordable purchased used.

There was also a link in that deleted post to an article listing 10 mainstream, songs or albums released in the early 90's that were commercial hits by Bruce Springsteen, Seal, and Lou Reed, among others. What's notable is that all were recorded on Tascam Cassette Portastudio's.

Yes, there are sections in these books that the reader can disregard about hardware wow and flutter, maybe a 100hz boost in EQ, but all of the recording and mixing principles, recipes and techniques are still relevant today and would simplify the mixing process for any user.

Attached picture home recording.jpg
Attached picture portable studio.jpg
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/22/23 12:04 PM
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
Forget that Peter McIan book. It's garbage. Besides being filled with cookie cutter recipes that may or may not work for your project, is full of all kinds of bad advice. For example, his go-to for every instrument is to boost 100 Hz. If you do that, your mix is going to end up being a muddy mess. I guarantee that's not what was done on the Men at Work album that he produced.

I burned my copy of it.

This is the book you want:

Or this one, if not the whole series:

Ok, I was confused a little at first but now I understand given a bit more context. confused grin Thanks for the resources!

As far as "I can't sing:"

Ah yes, Kenny T. I've actually watched a good number of his videos. Dude can sing for sure. The only things for me that were negatives were, he seems to have 1 volume, and his tongue looks very strained fairly often. I know he has explained this as being some advanced technique, but I have never seen another singer do that. Even the people he's emulating. He certainly does a damn good Lou Gram though. NOT easy to do by any means.

On a side note, did you know he's Sammy Hagar's cousin? I know he mentions it every so often. Apparently they had a falling out at some point and Sammy has distanced himself from Ken. They genes are there though! lol

A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.

I so agree to this philosophy. I've heard it said the fastest way to improve is fail more and faster. I'm not a perfectionist by any means. I do like to progress and do find frustration in not knowing what to do, trying something, getting a poor result, and not knowing what to change. It's like asking someone for directions to get to Disney and they ask "ok, where are you now?" And you don't know that either! eek This will be an adventure I and very much appreciate the advice and encouragement! Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/22/23 12:13 PM
Originally Posted By: Gordon Scott
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.

That should probably be written in neon lights somewhere.


I'm just glad I'm just trying to apply to mixing and not something like cliff diving!
Posted By: sslechta Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/22/23 12:23 PM
Regarding technologies out there..... Auto-tune, Melodyne, etc can go a long way to cleaning up timing and pitch issues. This video was VERY interesting to me. This guy went out of his way to sing badly and was still able to get it to sound good. Maybe there's hope for my vocals yet!!

Posted By: DrDan Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/22/23 01:29 PM
Enjoyed that video. Melodyne is an amazing tool.
Posted By: dcuny Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/23/23 04:24 PM
Originally Posted By: edshaw
I'd like to hear a summary of your mixing process.

Hi Ed.

I'm not very good with short responses, hopefully something here will be useful. wink

I'll start with BiaB tracks and vocals. These will all go into Reaper. I'll normalize all the tracks. I'll often have "alternate" tracks, so I'll mute those.

The first thing I'll usually do is normalize the vocals so they are at a constant level throughout the song. I'll slice the vocal up at the word or syllable level, normalize that portion, and adjust it down if necessary.

You can do that with a compressor or compressors in series, and there's a feature in Melodyne to do that. But I prefer the level of control that I get doing it manually.

I'll also pay special attention to the plosives, balancing them out of they are too loud or too quiet. If there's any that are particularly bad, I'll see if I can steal a good one from somewhere else.

I do the same with fricative such as /s/, which I find easier and more precise than using a de-esser.

Once that's done, I'll get a quick balance of the instruments. I'll pay the most attention to the vocals, bass and drums, since these are the instruments that tend to stay at a pretty constant level in my mixes.

I'll often throw a mastering tool on the Master buss at this point, since it gives a better idea of what the final sound will be like. Ozone Elements is good for getting a loud mix, but I also like the Lurssen Mastering Console a lot.

I'll then have a listen to decide what's missing. Perhaps there's a section that could change to a simpler guitar strum, or some strings. I'll go back to BiaB and see if I can find something.

I'll also listen for where things need more change. The simplest way to do that is to remove some instruments.

If there's something in the same space as a lead, such as a strummed acoustic with a vocal, I'll often throw TrackSpacer on to make sure that instrument stays out of the way. If there are clarity issues, such as the drum masking plosives, I may go back to the vocal and boost those masked consonants.

Having the tracks sound "flat" is always a problem, so I try to figure out how to place them in space. I've got a number of tools such as Sunset Sound Studio Reverb and Fame Studio Reverb that place sounds into "real" rooms.

Recently I've been using Panagement. Although I have the paid version, the free version has everything I need. It can be used to place a sound into a virtual space, and I really like the way it makes things sound.

I don't like to fiddle with FX forever, so ReaEQ (Reaper's EQ) and EZMix get added to the signal chains frequently. I like the Greg Wells VoiceCentric plugin on vocals. My "go to" reverbs are Raum and LX480 essentials. If I'm lazy, I'll just add them to the end of the chain, but I'll usually have a dedicated FX buss for vocals.

I'll go through each track and manually adjust the gain envelopes. Each instrument will have an ebb and flow as it comes in, plays its part, and exits. I'll add peaks where I want to highlight something like a drum or guitar fill, but otherwise keep them in the background.

Once that's working, I render, listen, lather, rinse and repeat. I've got a room simulation software for my headphones called Realphones and some decent monitors. Burning the mix to CD and listening in the car is always a depressing experience. The mix always seems to sound brighter and punchier in the DAW then the final render.

Each song is a learning experience - especially when I come back with fresh ears! I'll occasionally come back and re-mix some of the songs, especially if it's got a synthetic vocal that I wasn't happy with.

Did that answer the question?
Posted By: Planobilly Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/23/23 05:20 PM
I think David's mixing process is pretty logical. It obviously works based on the results I hear in his songs.

There are two things that generally happen, both mixing and fixing.

How that comes about depends on how the source track is arrived at. Did it come out of BIAB or from some other software package? Was it played live, a live vocal?

At that point, before mixing can start, I need to decide what I will fix or redo.

GIGO, garbage in, garbage out! No software, including Melodyne, can fix a bad vocal. Do I play the guitar part again or try to punch it in? Am I capable of ever playing it properly? Am I willing to live with my less-than-stellar musical abilities? How much cringe factor am I willing to deal with?

What is my fundamental reason for involving myself in all these issues? Am I primarily interested in playing/singing music or electronically manipulating music? There are a lot of fun things to do here on this forum. BIAB creates an environment that allows "non-musicians" to create music. It's Pretty cool stuff when you think about it.

You are not going to learn how to mix by reading a book. The only way to learn how to mix is by mixing and having some guidance and competent feedback.

David is a very technically oriented person and likes all this mixing business. I, on the other hand, only mix stuff because I am forced


Posted By: rayc Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/23/23 09:18 PM
I regularly post incomplete stuff to the Showcase to get feedback & suggestions. I have reasonable gear and less than stellar ears so I need other folk to listen.
I also belong to a recording forum that has a specific section for posting mixes to get feedback, comments, suggestions etc.
It's really useful and I try almost all suggestions from both places...not all stay but they are usually tried.
To lessen the finickertiness of the digital domain & it's tendency to promote endless tweaking/unfinished mixes I recommend
fran ashcroft the analogue approach to digital recording and mixing
I've had a great relationship with the author as my Mastering Engineer for over a decade and have slowly moved closer to his way of mix thinking.
Walking away from a mix, taking a break for an half hour or day, knowing when I'm just treading water or going around in circles and stopping are more important to a mix as EQ & panning.
Placing "mastering" tools on the stereo bus while mixing can be dangerous. Yes, I may want to get a glimpse at how the reverb will respond to a limiter and I'll do that but I won't leave it there.
Mastering isn't fixing just as mixing isn't recording. Mastering is, really, about preparing a track for duplication in a given format. For many of us that's getting a great mix and then getting a good -14 or so LUFS based rendering of that mix. Most of the other things thought of as mastering are mix fixes that should've been done in advance of the mastering.
I get other ears for my mix and then send the mix to great ears for mastering...sometimes it needs a fix and is sent back, other times it needs an EQ tweak across the mix that the ME can do easily enough. Occasionally it just needed limiting/compression adjustment to get it a little louder.
The more ears the better, the better the ears & communication the better still.
My favourite home recorded album is the 1st by the Mull Historical Society. He did a great job recording and mixing but used someone else to master and the result are stellar...
I know Bud Merritt masters really well, I know perhaps four people with the ears for that task.
Posted By: Byron Dickens Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 05/24/23 10:41 AM
Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle

However, other than the nonsense to burn Peter McIan's books, Mr. Dickens remarks are substantially correct. The multi track recording and mixing principles in these books aren't outdated or obsolete regardless that the books were published in 1993 and 1996 respectively. Both are still in print today and can be purchased new according to the Amazon web page.

Among all the other bad advice, most egregiously the guy recommends using egg cartons for "soundproofing." Besides conflating soundproofing with acoustic treatment, not only do egg cartons not work, they are a fire hazard.

Frankly, it is a far better idea to burn the book than burn your house down.

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle

Cookie cutter recipes in those books are starting points, not Grammy award winning templates. I agree that it's unlikely a 100 Hz boost on every instrument was not standard procedure on Mr. McIan's two albums he produced for Men at Work, or for the recordings of his two original songs recorded by Barbara Streisand and Pat Benatar. More likely it was an issue of a design deficiency in the hardware circuitry from that time period.


Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle

it's also a simple and easy fix if the mix needs tweaking. Physically turn knobs with a limited amount of quality EQ and effects, not deal with thousands of choices found in software.

Strawman argument. EQs all pretty much do the same thing. The only real differences are in the details. If you know how to use one, you know how to use them all.

Also, the stock plugins that come with your DAW of choice are perfectly serviceable and capable of producing pro level results. In fact, you have right there at your disposal better than Norman Smith and Geoff Emerick had to work with and they seemed to do OK.

No need to burden yourself self with "thousands of choices" if you don't want to.

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle

Mixers or stand alone digital multi track recorders and also the newer hybrid hard disk recorder/mixer combos are readily available and can be very affordable purchased used.

DAWs are also readily available and often affordable.

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle

There was also a link in that deleted post to an article listing 10 mainstream, songs or albums released in the early 90's that were commercial hits by Bruce Springsteen, Seal, and Lou Reed, among others. What's notable is that all were recorded on Tascam Cassette Portastudio's.

What is also notable is that those songs were recorded by the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Seal, Lou Reed, etc.

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
Yes, there are sections in these books that the reader can disregard about hardware wow and flutter, maybe a 100hz boost in EQ, but all of the recording and mixing principles, recipes and techniques are still relevant today and would simplify the mixing process for any user.

All of the recording and mixing principles can be learned from better sources.
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/07/23 10:36 AM
So, I've been taking a lot of the suggestions here and just going for it. Making the mistakes. Using some of this and some of that. Do they call this mixing because it's like a recipe? You have to know the ingredients. You have to know the amounts. Yet, there is still plenty of little tweaks that happen in the process?

Again thanks for the encouragement, resources, and permission to suck! lol
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/08/23 10:51 PM

Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to hearing something in the near future. Keep at it!
Posted By: David Snyder Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/11/23 10:08 AM

Here is my two cent offering, because I think the issues you are describing trace back to many factors, not just mixing per se.

Because I have had the opportunity to work and mingle with a lot of songwriters and musicians all over the spectrum, I can say that a successful sound seems to come from the following components.

1.) You are doing something that you absolutely flat-out love to do not something that you are trying to do or forcing yourself to do.

2.) Your love for what you do is displayed primarily by the amount of time that you spend practicing it.

3.) If you want to play the guitar well, for example, you basically have to play it all day long, or as many hours as you can spare if you have a job as most of us do.

4.) Ditto for songwriting.

5.) Ditto for learning how to record a song.

6.) Ditto for learning how to produce a song.

7.) Ditto for learning how to mix a song.

8.) In addition to all the dittos you try and keep a song as simple as you can possibly make it and only add in what is absolutely necessary.

9.) Your "starting place" board has eight tracks. You only go to nine tracks or more if you really have to.

10.) You spend most of your time trying to get a great sound out of the bass and the drums and the vocals. Everything else in the mix lives to add spice and flavor to those tracks and does nothing to overwhelm them.

And finally...

11.) You feel an incredible amount of joy when you are doing all of the things above and it's a sense of pure fun that you could not possibly derive from doing any other thing...Well except for one.

In your daily life, do any of those 11 things apply to you??

Posted By: Brad Williams Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/11/23 02:00 PM
Hi Chad,

I'm glad so many people have replied already, and I'm about to ditto a couple of points. First of all I think posting what you've got and getting comments, on this forum at least, is a great way to learn. I certainly agree with what David Snyder said above, and also recommend you take David Cuny up on his offers. I too am not a singer, and I had no experience in producing and mastering before coming here - both of which are painfully obvious. I know I've still got a lot of learning to do, but I also know I've learned a lot already from comments made on my prior postings. I pick up a little as I go and apply it to my next ones - and the learning process is fun, even if it is frustrating at times.

I also understand about the time issue. I've had a lot of life happening lately too, and in fact, I haven't had any time for recording/posting/learning since January. I've not even been able to listen to others stuff in a long while. As an example of David Cunys' ability and patients, he helped me with that last song I posted in January. I was experimenting with something completely out of my usual genre, and once again it did not come out well. David asked me to send him my original tracks, which I did. He then remixed and did some adding and subtracting and came up with a much better version, all without me doing any other recording. He also talked me through some of the process and helped explain some things and give suggestions. Fortunately for me, we don't live too far from each other and plan to actually get together in person when my life eventually slows down a bit. Anyway, if you want to hear an example of a not-so-good song and then David's work to make it better, the song I did is at, and David's remix is at .

When I do get some time to listen, I'm looking forward to hearing more of your stuff.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/11/23 03:53 PM
They say ( I don't actually know who "they" are ) that if you practice something for simply 20 minutes a day, every day, at the end of a year you will be better than 95% of the rest of the people regarding whatever "that" is.

However, to put that into perspective, that means that there are 16 million people in the USA who are still better than you at whatever "that" happens to be. To get better than the vast majority you have to spend more time doing whatever "that" is and the further up you want to go the more time you have to spend doing it because it's not a linear scale.

Also note that simply practicing isn't the answer. Practicing correctly and with mentoring and direction is what makes the difference for most folks.

As with any skill in life......You don't know what you don't know until you know it.
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/12/23 07:19 PM
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Regarding technologies out there..... Auto-tune, Melodyne, etc can go a long way to cleaning up timing and pitch issues. This video was VERY interesting to me. This guy went out of his way to sing badly and was still able to get it to sound good. Maybe there's hope for my vocals yet!!

Yeah, I saw this video a little while back and have to agree. I'm glad you have hope! I'm not sure I'm there just yet. Man, I cannot sing. The ONLY thing I have going for me is rhythm. Wrong notes can be fixed to an extent; but my tone is not good! Not good at all.

I can mimic to an extent certain singers pretty well, but not in the styles I'm writing.

Are you as excited as I am to see where some of these AI and Synth voices are going? I'm ecstatic!
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/12/23 07:22 PM
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
I think David's mixing process is pretty logical. It obviously works based on the results I hear in his songs.

There are two things that generally happen, both mixing and fixing.

How that comes about depends on how the source track is arrived at. Did it come out of BIAB or from some other software package? Was it played live, a live vocal?

At that point, before mixing can start, I need to decide what I will fix or redo.

GIGO, garbage in, garbage out! No software, including Melodyne, can fix a bad vocal. Do I play the guitar part again or try to punch it in? Am I capable of ever playing it properly? Am I willing to live with my less-than-stellar musical abilities? How much cringe factor am I willing to deal with?

What is my fundamental reason for involving myself in all these issues? Am I primarily interested in playing/singing music or electronically manipulating music? There are a lot of fun things to do here on this forum. BIAB creates an environment that allows "non-musicians" to create music. It's Pretty cool stuff when you think about it.

You are not going to learn how to mix by reading a book. The only way to learn how to mix is by mixing and having some guidance and competent feedback.

David is a very technically oriented person and likes all this mixing business. I, on the other hand, only mix stuff because I am forced



You sir, just described me to a T as far as mixing. At this point, I would get to the level of a decent mix that doesn't distract from the song! Kind of funny; but also very true!
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/12/23 07:29 PM
Originally Posted By: rayc
I regularly post incomplete stuff to the Showcase to get feedback & suggestions. I have reasonable gear and less than stellar ears so I need other folk to listen.
I also belong to a recording forum that has a specific section for posting mixes to get feedback, comments, suggestions etc.
It's really useful and I try almost all suggestions from both places...not all stay but they are usually tried.
To lessen the finickertiness of the digital domain & it's tendency to promote endless tweaking/unfinished mixes I recommend
fran ashcroft the analogue approach to digital recording and mixing
I've had a great relationship with the author as my Mastering Engineer for over a decade and have slowly moved closer to his way of mix thinking.
Walking away from a mix, taking a break for an half hour or day, knowing when I'm just treading water or going around in circles and stopping are more important to a mix as EQ & panning.
Placing "mastering" tools on the stereo bus while mixing can be dangerous. Yes, I may want to get a glimpse at how the reverb will respond to a limiter and I'll do that but I won't leave it there.
Mastering isn't fixing just as mixing isn't recording. Mastering is, really, about preparing a track for duplication in a given format. For many of us that's getting a great mix and then getting a good -14 or so LUFS based rendering of that mix. Most of the other things thought of as mastering are mix fixes that should've been done in advance of the mastering.
I get other ears for my mix and then send the mix to great ears for mastering...sometimes it needs a fix and is sent back, other times it needs an EQ tweak across the mix that the ME can do easily enough. Occasionally it just needed limiting/compression adjustment to get it a little louder.
The more ears the better, the better the ears & communication the better still.
My favourite home recorded album is the 1st by the Mull Historical Society. He did a great job recording and mixing but used someone else to master and the result are stellar...
I know Bud Merritt masters really well, I know perhaps four people with the ears for that task.

Wow! Some great information and hope in your response for me! I've always liked your mixes and know you put effort into them. It shows!

You mentioning about mastering tools while mixing being dangerous is one place I believe I've really gone wrong. I don't know what something is going to sound like so I slap those tools on and mix. I have NOT had good results with that approach! Go figure. Thank you for bringing this up.

I have referred to your response several times while trying various options. Thanks again for taking the time to post your response Ray. I found it and continue to find it very useful!
Posted By: HearToLearn Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/12/23 07:32 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to hearing something in the near future. Keep at it!

Thanks Jim! I appreciate the encouragement. I'm trying to keep notes because I can do a little here and a little there. But when I come back to it, I have to remember what I was doing. All in good learning.

I hope all is well with you!
Posted By: MarioD Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/12/23 08:14 PM
What stops you from posting songs is confidence! Been there - done that!

But this is the most friendly site on the web. Ask for constructive criticism and you will get it. Again been there and still doing it.

The people on this site have helped me tremendously and I'm sure they will help you also.

So just post your songs.
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/13/23 01:09 AM
Originally Posted By: Gordon Scott
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.

That should probably be written in neon lights somewhere.

Agree 100% for a couple of reasons.

First, you don’t always know when you suck—with experience, we get better at realizing it but no one is foolproof.

Second, how can you get better if you don’t take chances? You don’t.
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/14/23 12:52 AM
According to the Index, I was the last poster in this thread but I do not see it nor did I right after I wrote the post. Did anyone?
Posted By: MarioD Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/14/23 08:41 AM
No, I saw your name also but nothing was there. I have had a few of messages go to "message purgatory" myself over the years.
Posted By: DrDan Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/14/23 11:28 AM
Ya, I also saw this anomoly. I have noticed similar issues with others over the past weeks.
Posted By: Byron Dickens Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/14/23 01:43 PM
Originally Posted By: Mike Halloran
Originally Posted By: Gordon Scott
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens
A final piece of advice if you want to get good at anything, you need to give yourself permission to suck. No one starts out great at anything.

That should probably be written in neon lights somewhere.

Agree 100% for a couple of reasons.

First, you don’t always know when you suck—with experience, we get better at realizing it but no one is foolproof.

Second, how can you get better if you don’t take chances? You don’t.

There's also the distinct possibility that you don't suck nearly as bad as you think...
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/14/23 02:19 PM
Originally Posted By: Mike Halloran
Second, how can you get better if you don’t take chances? You don’t.

I think that is so important in so many aspects of life. If one doesn't take some chances/risks then one will likely remain one of the many, the groundswell, the ordinary.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: What Stops Me From Posting Songs? - 07/15/23 10:37 AM
Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens

There's also the distinct possibility that you don't suck nearly as bad as you think...

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