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This was a great class. Really important basics are taught in this class. I wish that PG and other music tech companies could bundle up the videos as reference material.

But no need, you can take the class - download the videos for an incredible desk reference on the basics of recording, mixer usage, signal gain structure, etc.

It's free.

If you are a newbie, it's value is hard to measure. Seriously good content.

I wish it had been available when I started into this hobby 30 or so years ago.

I've been doing home recording for 20+ years, with MIDI sequencing before that for a good 8-10 years; and I learned a few really important topics in this 6 week course.

1. Where you should put a reverb or delay insert. It's very obvious to me now, but since the DAW I use does not have a mixer paradigm for signal flow, I've made the mistake of putting sends for these effects pre-fader a few times in the past.

2. Comb filtering - see the other thread I started in this forum for the results of my assignment that I did on this topic. (Video quality leaves some to be desired and I accidentally had the 'mirror' tick box checked on YouCam as I was doing my recording, so the comb filter results that you see on the FFT analysis on the computer screen is backwards from what you would expect to see). Anyways, I convinced myself that particularly for monitoring, I should be concerned about where my monitors are located (meter bridge is not a good idea!).
I signed up for this class twice already! The first time I did the songwriting class instead, the 2nd time I just couldn't get rolling. Maybe the third time is the charm! Thanks for the notification!
Dear Forumites,
Hi, I'm enrolled and up to my neck in this online course right now. We're in the 3d week and I've already learned so much. I highly recommend it to anyone new to music production.
Sorry, I haven't been on the forum much lately. Work has been tough lately and spring chores around the house have kept me really swamped.
Talk to you all soon.
I have singed up to this course a good few times now and done the quizzes and last time final exam without doing any assignments.

You still get a certificate of accomplishment even without assignments as long as you get at least 90% in each quiz and final exam, which I got last time, as I only found out about this grading policy.

Actually I am signed up now for the current one and only doing the quizzes and will do final exam again, as I find its a great way to refresh your knowledge without having to wade through the whole think again.

Has to be the best course I have even done, worth paying for.

I've been taking the quizzes repeatedly until I get them 100% correct then collecting all the questions and correct answers as notes and study material for the final exam. If you'd like I could email them to you during the last week.
It ain't cheatin'; it's studying efficiently!
Space dog,

Thanks but I'm actually doing the quizes and will do final exam too as I find it a great way to keep in memory what is in lectures. I have looked at the lectures so many times now, and have gained a statement of accomplishment without doing any assignments last time course ran, (don't have time to do assignments) I am just trying to keep fresh in my mind what I have learnt, hence the reason for doing quizes every week without looking at lectures again or doing assignments.

Like you I have the quizes all in a pdf from last time. There was a very helpful student on course last time who made notes of all the lectures available in a pdf to students.

If you like and I can find them I will email them to you. Just send email in pm.

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