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Posted By: csassakb Problem saving ea track individually as WAV - 05/30/14 02:42 AM

I have a BOSS RC 300 looper. I have had no trouble recording a tune in BIAB (I have the 2014), then saving it as a WAV file and storing it in my RC 300 via USB

Here is my problem. When I create a tune in BIAB and then try to save each individual track by dragging it to the top left where you have that square that says "drop" each track gets saved separately, but when I go to save each track individually into my RC 300 looper, nothing happens.

The only way it works is when I save the entire song into one WAV file and then store it in my looper pedal

click on the WAV icon and select the options to create a wave for each track as opposed to one wave as a mixdown. Be sure to note where it's being saved to.

I rarely "drag" any files anywhere in my computer with music. I prefer to save them and then load them as needed.

I like to create a folder in my work projects folder for each song. As I create the waves in BB and more files later in Real Band I keep them all stored in that song project folder along with the SEQ and MGU files BB & RB create. That keeps everything in one place.
The manual says (under transferring wave files from computer to RC-300)
Do not place more than one WAV file in any folder. If a folder
already contains a WAV file, do not overwrite it. Write your WAV
files into empty folders.

Seems like a pretty restricting rule for the RC-300, when used as described in OP.
BiaB can't make it change folders for each wave. I think the unit is meant for 'one at a time' transfers.

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