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Posted By: pedwards2932 Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 11:22 AM
What are you using to balance the levels on backing tracks for consistency. I'd like to set the level once at mixer during sound check and not have to mess with it during performance. I use Ozone in the final mixdown. I just wondered if there was any type of program that would balance the outputs in a bulk manner?
Posted By: 90 dB Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 11:52 AM
Originally Posted By: pedwards2932
What are you using to balance the levels on backing tracks for consistency. I'd like to set the level once at mixer during sound check and not have to mess with it during performance. I use Ozone in the final mixdown. I just wondered if there was any type of program that would balance the outputs in a bulk manner?

As a starting point, I use Wavelab to set all peaks at -4dB. However, that doesn't account for the differing dynamics between songs. For that, you have to use your ears.


Posted By: pedwards2932 Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 02:11 PM
I think I can do that in Ozone as well if I use the same preset.....since it is the last thing in the chain should get it close. What I have done in the past is use headphones and set a volume level then play each one and see if I feel like I need to turn up or down and make notes on which ones to adjust. I didn't know if there was anything out there that would automate the process. Thanks
Posted By: rharv Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 02:44 PM
Nothing works as good as your own ears.
Many reasons for this, one is because you wouldn't actually WANT a ballad to be the exact same volume as a power piece.
It's all part of the show. Part of a good show is taking an audience up/down .. otherwise there is no 'up'.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 03:31 PM
Ditto... that's why they put volume knobs on amps.

If you shoot for a consistent average level, you shouldn't have to grab the volume knob.

Notice as you listen to the radio, the songs from the hard hitting rockers to the soft ballads are all fairly consistent. It's rare that you really need to turn up or down.

I simply record with the meters barely touching the red in my DAW.... from the tracks to the sub buss to the master buss.... keep them clean and green. I export to a wave and run it through a wave editor to normalize the file to around, but less than 100%. That's where all my songs are setting. I find that is generally, sufficiently loud. People can always crank the volume knob a bit more if they want. As I play the music back on my MP3 player, I do not have to adjust the volume between the softer tunes and the rockers.

So..... it must be working OK.
Posted By: pedwards2932 Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/21/15 05:03 PM
Sounds like doing it the same way as I have been is probably correct. I have been doing quick mixes straight from Real Band and they are fine for practice but for performance I will take more time with the final mix and then do comparisons with other backing tracks......just hoping there was a magic tool out there.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 10:29 AM
Originally Posted By: pedwards2932
....just hoping there was a magic tool out there.

There is. Your well trained ears.

EDIT: Go here and get this e-book>>>>

use the password happilysubscribed or register and get your own PW.... this might help point you in the right direction.
Posted By: pedwards2932 Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 12:30 PM
My ears are getting old and need some reassurance smile
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 12:54 PM
As far as what you hear on commercial radio, each station applies their own compression. They will squeeze the life out of any song that isn't as loud as their loudest, so you don't have to adjust the volume on your radio. You will lose dynamic range, and there is nothing you can do about it, so there is no need to mix for radio airplay.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 01:00 PM
Originally Posted By: pedwards2932
My ears are getting old and need some reassurance smile

That's what the user showcase forum can be used for. Simply ask for detailed crits on specific areas of the song, mix, production. We have several folks here who can and will give you more details than you probably want to hear.

I used this very method in another forum to learn the things I have learned. Let others with sharp ears, observational skills, and more experience than you, point out issues or confirm your own suspicions.

More than once I heard something in one of my mixes, thought it wasn't a big deal and didn't need fixing. And that was the very thing multiple people pointed out that needed to be addressed. Having others review your songs and production keeps you from getting sloppy and lazy.

Everyone likes the reviews that say "Hey, great job" .... but the ones I value the most are the ones that point out things that I either missed or tried to sweep under the rug. I don't grow in my skills with pats on the back.... I grow when I'm confronted by the things I didn't do to my best ability.
Posted By: pedwards2932 Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 03:31 PM
I didn't think we could do anything with cover tunes here. I've been mixing for years but as you get older your frequencies get diminished. Mainly I want to get each song to a relative level that works. I'll check out the site.....never too old to learn.
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Balancing backing track levels - 11/22/15 03:53 PM
Originally Posted By: pedwards2932
I didn't think we could do anything with cover tunes here. I've been mixing for years but as you get older your frequencies get diminished. Mainly I want to get each song to a relative level that works. I'll check out the site.....never too old to learn.

You can post cover tunes if you have paid for the licensing rights. Some folks here do that. It's recommended that you also post the license number so the mods will be OK with the cover and know it's legal.
Posted By: CocoTex Re: Balancing backing track levels - 03/14/16 09:52 PM
Thank you, Herb. I downloaded the producing doc. Good stuff for a novice like me to see.
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