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Hi all. So this might not exactly relate to techniques but is more of a general concern I have with mixing . I've basically had a 2-3 songs mixed by professionals and each and every time I wasn't totally satisfied. I'm pretty new to recording music but I've put in a lot of hours and have definitely improved over time.

My main issue is not being satisfied when it comes to hearing my mixed vocals sent back by these professionals and they never really execute my ideas how I want, as if they're going off track. I'm not trying to say these guys are doing a bad job, but I feel like it's only me who can get the perfect sound. I've never mixed before, how could I possibly get it to sound better? I've spent hundreds of dollars and I'm still not seeing results. Do you suggest I mix my own stuff or keep on getting them revised (costs more)?

Welcome to the forums.

Whether or not you use professionals, definitely practise mixing your own stuff. It's the only way to learn how to do it. And, at the end of the day, good mixing is all about practising.

Software like iZotope's Ozone can help get a final product sounding really good without having to have too much knowledge of compressors, eq, etc. I use it all the time.

If you go to the "Audios on Soundcloud" link in my signature, you can have a listen to some of my work. This is from my computer and mixed by me using tracks from BIAB. There's still room for improvement but I'm getting better with each mix I complete. I use Ozone as a plug-in in Reaper.

Noel's advice is good. My following advice will be better!

Really? By who's standard?

Just kidding Noel, I'm illustrating how subjective and evasive satisfaction can be. Your advice is good...

Hi Alan and welcome. What do others who hear your mixes say about them to you? Is anyone else faulting the mixes? What elements are not up to par?

What you are describing is something that happens daily. It is very hard to get the sound that's in your head all the way to a CD intact. Mixes can be overmixed or undermixed and you can get both opinions from listeners about the same song.

I would be interested in knowing what is lacking in the mixes you've had professionally done. It would also be helpful in knowing a bit about your tracking process. Mixing is just one stage of many processes to get a professional quality recording. There are many small things that can happen during these processes that mixing can't fix. Even professionally.

You're asking a good question worthy of discussion and I hope you will continue the thread and provide us with more details.

If your work is original and a PGMusic product was used in tracking your song, maybe you post one in the User Forum and get a few opinions from members here on the forum.

You may want to browse some of the User Forum songs. There are instances where members post tweaks and changes in mixes that they feel will improve the overall mix. It happens because we are all affected by different musical influences and our opinions are based on those influences.

The phenomenon happens at every level. Jimmy Page re-mixed some of his early recordings a few years back, taking advantage of new technologies. The Eagles did not like Glen John's mixes. It is not uncommon at all to hear an artist in an interview talk about what he/she sees as flaws in a mix and what they would do differently if a remake of a song.

It's a fascinating subject.

So, you have a pro mix your song and you don;t like how they mixed the vocals? Is that correct?

When you say they don't execute your ideas how you want.... what exactly does that mean?

Is it a problem with editing? Is it a problem with tonality? Is it a problem with the original track recordings with the quality not being quite as good as you think they are? Is it a problem with you not communicating clearly and concisely what you want? Lots of possibilities that could be tripping you up.

Getting a pro to do it is expensive. Everyone has to charge for their time. That is one of the main reasons I got my own recording rig, bought Sonar, bought Band in a Box, and took the time and put in the effort to learn some things about recording and mixing. I can do it myself, better than many of the ones out there charging for their services. With all the songs I've written, if I had to pay for recording time and mixing, I would need to be independently wealthy.

I'd recommend learning how to do it yourself better.

I'm also curious as to the tracks and songs you are not happy with. I'd love to hear them. Maybe just one that you feel represents the issue the best. Could you post one of the songs that the "pro" mixed that you're not happy with and describe in the commentary the issues you think are evident in the song?

Sometimes, it's just a perceived issue in the ears of the listener when we're hearing our own voices and think to ourselves that our voices are the issue when in fact, they are just fine.
So a Pro is doing the mixing. Who did the recording?
+ 1 for "let us hear it"!
Hi Alan. Welcome to the forum.

+1 to all of the above and also, what are you listening to the final product through?

It can make a big difference, e.g., headphones, studio monitors, hi-fi, car stereo etc.
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