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Another of those likely really simple things that I can't seem to solve ... I'm trying to record a vocal on to the audio track of a song, but when iI play it back, all the accompanying instruments are doubled on the track. How can I sing a song (recording on the audio track) while listening to the accompaniments without recording said accompaniment on to the audio track along with the vocal? I need the "vocal only" on the audio track so I can do some post processing on it. But I need to hear the accompaniment in order to sing the song correctly so I can't just mute them. What am I missing?

Using BIAB 2017, Windows 10

Listen to Band in a Box in the headphones and record yourself on an audio track.

Originally Posted By: DSM

Listen to Band in a Box in the headphones and record yourself on an audio track.


I will add do this with your external speakers off.
Be sure the only source going into the track is the mic and not also the "what you hear" setting.
As you can see, your problem has a number of possible causes. Good as those posted solutions are, they are blind guesses because you've not told us what we need to know to do anything else.

If none of those suggestions pans out, please post your complete signal path: hardware, OS, BIAB version, interface, how you're routing etc.

The good news is that the problem is user caused and easily fixed—once we know enough to identify it.
ah ... I see. Would you be needing my shoe size and immunization records also? Maybe a complete family history back to the flood?

This kind of snarky, arrogant/elitist reply is precisely the reason I (and many, many others) avoid "user forums" like the plague. One gets a lot of attitude, condescension, and sneering, but very little help.

Thanks for reminding me to stay the hell away from here.
you'll find this is the best place to get help so stick at it.

to keep things simple......

are you using headphones to listen?

yes or no?

are you plugging a mic direct into your pc and listening to the pc speakers?

yes or no?

or are you using an audio interface

yes or no?

start with the easy ones and we can help
Originally Posted By: Ed S

Another of those likely really simple things that I can't seem to solve ... I'm trying to record a vocal on to the audio track of a song, but when iI play it back, all the accompanying instruments are doubled on the track. How can I sing a song (recording on the audio track) while listening to the accompaniments without recording said accompaniment on to the audio track along with the vocal? I need the "vocal only" on the audio track so I can do some post processing on it. But I need to hear the accompaniment in order to sing the song correctly so I can't just mute them. What am I missing?

Using BIAB 2017, Windows 10

Maybe remote..but, to exhaust all possibilities:
Is your head phones feed loud enough to bleed into your vocal mic?

Just a thought...hope you figure it out.

Carry on....
If you're using headphones and the sound is bleeding from there to the mic, one trick that works well for me is to raise the vocal mic a bit higher then angle it down. That should move the directionality of the microphone such that it will pick up less of the sound from the headphones.

If you're using speakers and not headphones, you should switch to headphones. Microphones will pick up whatever is audible in the room.
Originally Posted By: Ed S
ah ... I see. Would you be needing my shoe size and immunization records also? Maybe a complete family history back to the flood?

This kind of snarky, arrogant/elitist reply is precisely the reason I (and many, many others) avoid "user forums" like the plague. One gets a lot of attitude, condescension, and sneering, but very little help.

Thanks for reminding me to stay the hell away from here.
Wow. Nothing in anyone's response was meant for any other purpose than to find out what you aren't telling us — and you haven't told us anything except that there's a problem.

This may seem strange to you but none of us read minds. Neither can we see over distance and through walls.

Tell us your setup and people can stop guessing. Sometimes, it's really that simple.
Originally Posted By: Ed S

What am I missing?

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